May 2024 EMSD Newsletter

May Snapshot
- A New Path Forward
- New Electives at Glenview for the 2024-25 School Year
- Thank You to our Retirees
- Online Registration for the 2024-25 School Year is Open!
- Kindergarten Round Up Dates and 2024-25 Supply Lists
- New Communication App For 2024-2025
- EMSD History: Establishing Teacher Salaries and Music
- Student Robotics Showcase
- Parent University - Returning in the Fall of 2024
- School Breakfast and Lunch Menus
- Bus Drivers Needed for the 2024-25 School Year
- May Calendar of Events
A New Path Forward
On Monday, April 22, the Board of Education approved new strategic goals for the East Moline School District. A group of stakeholders came together last fall to begin the work of looking at our previous strategic plans, successes, unfinished work, and data to re-imagine a new path forward for our school district. Previously, we had a living plan before the pandemic changed much of the world we knew to exist. The EMSD Team has done an excellent job working toward those goals but the time has come to turn the page and begin the work of re-imagining the levers that will enable our students, employees and the entire EMSD community to not only move forward, but thrive.
Our planning team has identified those levers. The goals presented directly address the needs we have across the district. Our needs are many, but we must keep the important thing -- the most important thing — that is supporting our students and our employees. The new strategic goals will help move the East Moline School District forward in a way that will serve our students, employees and the community well in the years to come. The Board of Education approved the recommendation from the planning team and have authorized the superintendent to build an action plan to address the goals as presented. That action plan will be presented to the Board of Education at the August meeting. Our new long-term goals are presented below.
New Classes at Glenview for the 2024-25 School Year
At the Board of Education meeting in April, a team from Glenview Middle School presented new course offerings for the 2024-25 school year. The goal is to expand class offerings so all children have an opportunity to take classes that spark their interest. We've invested heavily in Project Lead the Way, a hands-on learning program which pushes our students to work together as they solve complex problems. We are expanding those efforts and adding even more classes in the areas of Earth systems, the medical field, space missions, and technology.
Digital Literacy additions offer students the opportunity to hone their technical and digital skills through researching, writing, producing, and editing digital content that will be shared within the school and with the community. If you recall, last month we featured DocTalk, a podcast which was written, edited and engineered by Glenview Students. We are expanding those opportunities and students will use their research, writing and editing skills to produce timely and interesting digital content.
We have the best middle school and Mariachi Band anywhere, so we are happy to share we are expanding course offerings in Band by offering Mariachi during the school day, a Jazz Band class, and even the Marching Arts (Color Guard). Also, we will now offer Choir in grades 5-8 and a few new opportunities in Physical Education such as "Walking PE," Dance/STEP, and in the future - weight training. We are very excited about the new opportunities for our students!
Thank You, Retirees!
Online Registration is Open for the 2024-25 School Year
Online registration for the 2024-25 school year is now open! Registration is completed through your Skyward Family Access account. If you need help logging in or completing the registration process, please contact the school office for assistance. If you have never registered online or have a new email address, please contact the school office for support.
Two proofs of residency are required to submit the application. This year, you can add these residency forms right to the application. Registration will not be able to be submitted until these forms are added. You can see a screen shot below of what you will see when you are submitting the proofs of residency.
Click HERE to get started.
Kindgarten Round-Up Starts This Week!
New Communication App for 2024-2025
Over the past few years, EMSD37 has used ClassTag/School Status Connect as the communication platform between teachers and families. The District will be moving away from this platform and to a new system called Rooms in 2024-2025. This platform will continue to offer a streamlined way to communicate back and forth with your student's teacher and offer language translations. Access to the platform will open in the fall and will be done through the EMSD37 App (See the image to the right for reference). The app always allows access to the district website as well. Download the app now via the Apple App Store or the Google Play Store to be ready for launch.
EMSD History Part 8: Foundations of Educational Standards
In 1910, the East Moline school board established a salary schedule for teachers, starting at $40 per month for the first year and increasing to $58 by the seventh year, with an additional $2 for those teaching first and eighth grades. Qualifications required a high school diploma plus two years of college or three years of classroom experience.
Funding for school expenses such as textbooks, supplies, and building maintenance remained inadequate. To supplement funding for school necessities and improvements, school events that involved teachers, parents, and students were organized. These included socials and musical programs that raised money for items like books and American flags for the schools.
In 1908, East Moline schools introduced music to their curriculum, which had previously focused on only core subjects. Teachers facilitated singing in class, and Earl L. Baker was hired to enhance the music program despite initial board skepticism. He was paid $4 a week, with the stipulation that he could be dismissed if his work was unsatisfactory. Baker's efforts were successful, leading to frequent and high-quality student performances, and he also helped other teachers improve their music instruction.
Although Baker's salary was insufficient for living expenses, he founded his own music school and led choirs in the community. His salary was increased the following year, with a clause for reduction if he secured additional employment. Under Baker's guidance, students excelled in music, achieving high marks and progressing to more complex singing. Baker left after two years, and in 1910 Millie Beck took over as music supervisor until her death in 1945. Beck was instrumental in organizing musical events in the Quad Cities and later featured students on radio broadcasts.
Millie Beck, who oversaw the music program in the elementary schools, also served as a music teacher at United Township High School during its formative years. She took pleasure in training students for various performances and delighted in showcasing cantatas and diverse musical events to the local community.
Student Robotics Showcase
Parent University Will Return in the Fall!
Another year of Parent University offerings will be back for the 2024-2025 school year through the Glenbard Parent Series. EMSD #37 will also be offering East Moline specific sessions next year in conjunction with those offerings. Below are images of possible texts to read over the summer to keep your learning going!
School breakfast and lunch menus
Come work with the EMSD #37 Team!
Bus Drivers Needed for the 2024-25 School Year
✔️ Paid Training
✔️ Part time - $17.50/hour
✔️ Holidays and Summers Off
✔️ $1500 Hiring Bonus
Contact Natalie or Ray to learn more at 309-792-2572
May Calendar of Events
May 1 - Kindergarten Round-Up (Hillcrest, 5 pm)
May 2 - Kindergarten Round-Up (Bowlesburg, 5 pm and Ridgewood, 6 pm)
May 7 - Kindergarten Round-Up (Wells, 5 pm)
May 10 - Early Dismissal (Staff Inservice in the afternoon)
May 23 - 8th Grade Promotion Ceremony at UTHS, 7 pm
May 27 - No School (Memorial Day)
May 29 - Last Day of School
August 7 - First Day of School! (School calendar linked here)