January 2025
Lunch with Students Information
ONLY PARENTS/LEGAL GUARDIANS are allowed to have lunch with their children. At all times visitors need to have a valid picture identification. Visitors are not permitted to enter the building without a valid picture identification. Parents are only permitted to have lunch with their student and not other students. Please don't take pictures or bring lunch to other students. Visitors must also sit in the assigned parent tables. We will have a few weeks through-out the year when lunch visitors and lunch deliveries are not allowed, due to schedule changes and testing. Please review our monthly newsletter for those dates. See lunch schedule below for your assigned day of the week and time.
Message from the Registrar
The school day begins promptly at 8:45 AM All tardies are considered unexcused after 8:45 AM unless a doctor’s note is provided.
Attendance is taken at 10:35 AM, any student not in class at this time will be marked absent. If a student returns to school after a doctor's visit, provide the doctor's excuse.
If your student is sent home from the nurse and it is advised they cannot return the following day. This is still considered an absence and you must send a note excusing the absence.
When Your Child is Absent
When your child is absent, it is not necessary at the elementary level to call the school to report the absence. Calling will not excuse your child’s absence. You can send a note with the student upon their return to school. Please include the parent/legal guardians first and last name, and phone number, the student’s first and last name, homeroom teacher and grade level, the date(s) of the absence(s) on the excuse note.
School Hours
Attendance is taken daily at 10:35 AM. Please send your child to school everyday.
Message from the Nurse
A sick child who is unable to participate in school in a meaningful way should be kept home to rest and recover until symptoms resolve. Keeping a sick child home also protects other children, school staff, and visiting community members from contracting an illness that can be spread from person to person.
Please be aware of the following guidelines for school attendance.
- Fever: A child must remain home with a fever equal to or > 100° F and may only return after he/she has been fever free for 24 hours without fever-reducing medicine such as Tylenol or Motrin.
- Diarrhea/Vomiting: A child with diarrhea and/or vomiting must stay at home and may return to school only after being symptom-free for 24 hours.
- Conjunctivitis (Pink Eye): Following a diagnosis of pink eye, a child may return to school 24 hours after the first dose of prescribed medication has been administered.
- Rashes: Common infectious diseases with rashes are most contagious in the early stages. A child with a suspicious rash must stay at home and may return to school after a health care provider has made a diagnosis and authorized the child's return to school in writing or symptoms have resolved completely.
- Head lice (pediculosis): Students who have an active case of live lice may attend school only after treatment which eliminates all live lice. Head lice do not jump or fly and are most commonly contracted by head-to-head touch. Head lice are common in school-aged children, so parents should routinely monitor children for live lice and teach the avoidance of behaviors that spread lice.
If you take your child to a healthcare provider for an evaluation of illness or injury, please be sure to request a written letter stating when your child may return to school and any accommodations required upon his/her return.
A healthy school community requires parents and schools to partner with each other. To prevent/minimize local outbreaks of contagious disease, parents must keep children who have an illness that can be spread from person to person at home, and CFISD school nurses will exclude students with symptoms of a communicable illness from school attendance.
Due to a recently issued Texas Board of Nursing (BON) opinion, prescription and over-thecounter (OTC) medications administered by registered nurses in public school clinics now
require parental consent and an order from a healthcare provider with prescriptive authority.
Cypress-Fairbanks ISD (CFISD) has always required an appropriate healthcare provider's order
for prescription medications. However, as a result of the BON opinion, the district must also
require parents and legal guardians to provide an appropriate healthcare provider’s order to
administer OTC medications.
To eliminate the requirement for parents or guardians to provide an order for five commonly
administered OTC medications, CFISD has obtained a standing physician's order that will meet
the BON requirement. School nurses may administer the following OTC medications if parents
provide the medication in an original, unopened container and sign their consent on a
medication authorization form:
• Acetaminophen (e.g. Tylenol)
• Ibuprofen (e.g. Advil, Motrin)
• Naproxen (e.g. Aleve)
• Diphenhydramine (e.g. Benadryl)
• Calcium carbonate (antacids)
All other requests from parents or guardians for the administration of an OTC medication must
also include a complete healthcare provider's order.
We understand this is a change from our previous practice, but CFISD remains committed to
supporting our students' health and learning needs while complying with the updated
requirements set forth by the BON.
Please reach out to the school nurse at your student’s school if you have any questions
Transportation Changes
*All transportation changes must be made in writing
Please send a detailed note with the student that includes the following information:
- transportation change information.
- dates of change.
- student’s full name.
- teacher’s name.
- a parent/guardian signature.
- parent/guardian phone number.
PLEASE NOTE: Phone changes will not be accepted. If you have an emergency during the school day and are not able to send the note with the student, you can email a PICTURE of the note plus a PICTURE of your valid government issued photo ID to Flor.ortiz@cfisd.net before 3:00 pm. Please call us at 281-463-5885 to confirm we received the attachments.
Also, please remember students are only allowed to ride their assigned bus to and from their assigned bus stop.
Thank you for your cooperation!
Customer Care Center
If you need technical assistance, please contact the Cy-Fair Customer Care Center at 281-897-4357.
School Cafe
- SchoolCafé is a safe and secure way for parents to make online payments to their children’s cafeteria accounts.
- School Café also allows parents, students and staff to view and interact with school cafeteria menus, view nutritional analysis, ingredient and allergen information.
- Free/Reduced Price meal applications can also be accessed and completed on School Café.
- Visit www.schoolcafe.com or the SchoolCafe app to apply.
- Call 281-897-4550 or visit the Food Production Center at 11355 Perry Road with questions and for assistance.
- Paper applications are available upon request
Location: 7315 Hudson Oaks Drive, Houston, TX, USA
Phone: 281-463-5885
Facebook: facebook.com/HolmsleyElementary
Twitter: @CFISDHolmsley