Principal Welch's Weekly Update
October 21st, 2024
Wednesday, October 23rd, 2024
TUSD Professional Development Day for Teachers
Quarter 1: Students of the Quarter
Congratulations to the following students who were nominated by their teachers as our First Quarter Outstanding Students! Thank you for your hard work, perseverance and for representing the Ranger community with pride. Keep up the great work. We are proud of you!!!!
Abel Munoz McDaniels
Agustin Lopez Cabrera
Angelica Mungaray
Anthony Gibson
Ayub Ali
Cephas Abakta
Cirri Ellis
Cristel Evangeline Fandino
Gabriel Burks
Hala Al Barghash
Ifrah Abdi
Jalexy Yepiz
Jenipher Safari
Jeremiah Spyers
Juan Valencia
Killian Vo
Klohe Sharp
Linnae Takigawa
Maya Stoxen
Muhammad Naveed Nikaiya Banks
Owen Thompson
Perla Mercado Garibay
Renee Cajigas
Romina Chaidez
Sahara McNair
Santiago Patterson
Stella Ravonu
Tory Whitaker
Please keep in mind, there are a few other students who were nominated but who have requested not to have their names mentioned in medias releases. However, we want to make sure to congratulate them, as well. If your child was nominated and his/her name is missing from this list but you would’ve liked to see it here, please contact our front office to change your media release status.
Parent Engagement Survey
The Family Engagement Survey for SY2024-25 is now ready for TUSD families. The purpose of this survey is to gather feedback from our families regarding their engagement and satisfaction within our school communities. By obtaining our families’ input, we can identify areas of strength and target areas for improvement.
The survey is also already posted on your site's website. The survey will remain open through Friday, November 22nd, allowing families ample time to provide their feedback. As soon as the survey closes, I will begin the process of disaggregating the results to know what areas our school can improve upon and what areas our families feel are going well.
Family Engagement Survey
Winter Sports Season Approaching
Girls and Boys Soccer, Girls and Boys Basketball, and Girls and Boys Wrestling seasons start on November 4th. If your child is interested in participating in any of these sports and has not yet been cleared to participate in athletics at RUHS, please have him/her visit our athletics center to get all of the information next week, so they do not miss out on any portion of the tryouts. The athletics center is located in the basement of the North Gym. April Bull Calf can assist your child with the process. Please note, all students must have a physical in order to be cleared to participate, so if your child does not have a current physical, please make an appointment to get that taken care of as soon as possible.
Go to the attached link for more information about winter sports clearance.
Staff Recognitions
Andrew McDonough: Mr. Donough is one of exceptional education co-teachers as well as our student council coordinator. There is a lot of work that goes into creating student activities that make the experience fun for students as they create lasting high school memories. Homecoming is a very busy time for our student council as there are a lot of behind-the-scenes details that go into putting together the student activities, pep assembly, and dance. Thank you to Mr. McDonough for all of his hard work guiding our students as they put together a really fun week for our campus!
Melody Jones: Ms. Jones is one of our hardworking security monitors who if very detail oriented and works to help prevent difficult situations before they arise. She works with our students, serving as a resource to them. Many students feel comfortable with Melody as she fosters positive relationships with them, providing uplifting behavioral redirection and support. Thank you to Ms. Jones for keeping our students, staff and campus safe!
Planning Ahead
October 30th: Yearbook picture retakes. If your child missed picture day or would like to have a picture retake, this is our designated picture retake date.
Halloween: Students are allowed to dress-up in costumes, but masks that cover their faces and props like canes, wands, pitch forks, etc. are prohibited.
November 4th: Winter sports season begins. Be sure to be cleared if you plan on trying out for wrestling, soccer or basketball.
November 11th: No School for students or staff in observation of Veteran’s Day
November 12th: The Tuesday after Veteran’s Day will follow a sequential, periods 1-6 schedule, with school starting at 8:00 a.m.