Holton Happenings
March 7, 2025
What's Happening at Holton!
Saturday, March 8
- 8th Annual RPS Fine Arts Festival
- 10:00 AM - 4:00 PM; Huguenot High School
Monday, March 10
- Holton's Got Talent; 5:30 in the cafeteria
Sunday, March 16
- Holton Garden Beautification Day; 10:00-2:00
Sunday, March 23
- Holton Garden Beautification Day; 11:00-3:00
Tuesday, March 25
- 5th Grader take the Integrated Reading and Writing (IRW) Test
Holton Garden Work Days
RPS Fine Arts Festival
Calling all Holton Artists! On Saturday, March 8th, Richmond Public Schools will be hosting our 8th annual Fine Arts Festival from 10am until 4pm at Hugenot High School! Come by and see artwork from hundreds of K-12 students in the district, enjoy music from the all-city choir, orchestra, harp, band and marching band, and support your fellow Lions who have artwork in the show. Families of students with artwork in the art show will be notified via a flyer sent home with your child by next Wednesday, March 5th. We are so excited to show off our talents and the art we have been working on in the last few weeks since Ms. Brady's return and we hope we will see you there!
Grief Counseling Survey
We are excited to announce that Linwood Holton Elementary School has joined the Grief-Sensitive Schools Initiative and is officially a Grief-Sensitive School!
To ensure we are meeting the needs of our students and community, we would love your input. Please take a moment to complete this survey so we can best support you.
Northside YMCA Needs Our Help
Order School Pictures!
Still need to order pictures? Our NEW Code Lookup Tool is now available. Simply scan the QR code and follow the directions to access their child's picture ordering gallery. *Student last name and Student ID number will be required for data security.*
Girls in Gear
Out-of-School Day Camps
Join the PTA!
NAESP Report the Parents
Arrival and Dismissal
Linwood Holton Bell Schedule - 7:45 am - 2:45 pm
- 7:30 am -- Doors Open
- 7:45 am -- First Bell
- 8:00 am -- Tardy Bell; Students arriving after this bell must sign in late in the school office.
- 2:40 pm -- Carpool Dismissal
- 2:45 pm -- Dismissal Bell (School Buses, Walk/Bike)
- Students may NOT arrive before 7:30 am unless participating in an organized school activity.
- Car riders should remain in the car until 7:30 am when staff are present in the car loop.
- All car riders should be dropped off at the back of the building, in the designated car loop. No vehicles are to enter the front parking lot between 7:30 and 8:00 am.
- Parents and caregivers have to drop their children off at the school doors after the first day of school.
- All changes in transportation need to happen by 2:00 pm. Any request for transportation change after 2:00 pm will not be permitted. This policy is to ensure the safety of all students by minimizing confusion at the end of the day.
- All requests for transportation change need to be made through the office by sending in a note with the student, calling the main office at (804)228-5310, or emailing Mrs. Schoolfield at sschoolf@rvaschools.net or Mrs. Hull at gfreeman@rvaschools.net. Teachers cannot change a child's mode of transportation, so please do not request a change through ClassDojo or email with the teacher directly.
- There is no student pick-up from the front office after 2:00 pm. On school days, the front loop is for School Buses and Daycare vans only between 2:00 and 3:00 pm.
- The car pick-up line extends north on Monticello, the opposite direction of Laburnum. Any car driving north on Monticello from Laburnum to enter the car line will need to get in the back of the line.
- Please do not park on Monticello Street during dismissal time (2:30 pm -3:00 pm).
- Walkers will need to be signed out by an adult on their approved pickup list unless they are an independent walker. Independent walkers are students who are allowed to walk home alone. A signed note should be submitted to the office if your child is allowed to walk home alone.
Stay Connected!
- To receive REMIND updates, use your cell phone to text 81010 with the message @holtones.
- You can stay up to date by joining Linwood Holton’s PTBoard, which is co-managed by school administrators and the PTA. Scan the QR code to register, and use the code NATV6A to join Holton’s page.
- Make sure you are following @holtonlions on Instagram for lots of Lion updates!
Linwood Holton Elementary School follows the Richmond Public Schools Division Calendar for holidays, breaks, early dismissals, parent conference days, professional development, etc.
“I've always loved the first day of school better than the last day of school. Firsts are best because they are beginnings.” – Jenny Han