Lesher Middle School
Community Communication: December 20, 2024
Principal's Message
Upcoming Events
Winter Break
December 21st - January 6th (Students return Tuesday, January 7th)
Boys Basketball District Champions!
Traffic Pattern Change for Pick-Up!
Vision & Hearing Screening Day
We are looking for a few more volunteers to help with our upcoming Vision & Hearing Screening Day. It's Friday Jan 31 from 7:45-12:00ish. If you are interested, you need to register through the PSD website at: https://www.psdschools.org/community/volunteers
Or call the Lesher Health Office if you have any questions, (970) 472-3807.
Richard Smith (Chard)
RN Consultant for Bennett, Irish, Laurel, and Lesher
(970) 556-5901
Girls Basketball Information
Lesher Girls Basketball Season is Coming!
Open Gyms: January 7 – 10, 2:45 – 4:15 p.m.
Tryouts: January 13 – 16, 2:45 – 4:45 p.m.
Athletic Registration Required Before FIRST Practice (MONDAY, Jan. 13th)
All students participating in Lesher Athletics, PRIOR TO THE FIRST PRACTICE/Tryouts must:
1) Complete the Online Athletic Registration at https://www.psdathletics.org,
2) Turn in a hard copy of the Physical from your Doctor’s office to Ms. Roth at Lesher. Physicals cannot be uploaded or completed online. A physical is good for 364 days, and
3) Pay an Athletic Fee ($140; unless free or reduced lunch eligible student- fee is waived; $70 unified basketball; or private, charter or home school student- $210)
If these are completed, Ms. Roth will be providing GOLD CARDS to students during the week of Jan. 6th to students.
Go Vikings!
Girls Basketball Camp Opportunity!
Ms. Dawkins Empower Grant Recipient!
December Students of the Month!
Little Shop of Physics! March 2nd!
January SRO Corner
Basketball Camp Opportunity!
High School Planning Information
Please visit the HS Planning Website for the High School Planning Guide.
The guide covers:
- Exploring career pathways
- Earning college credit and preparing for college in high school
- Career readiness and work experiences
- Integrated Services offerings
Creative Endeavors Art Show!
Travel Opportunities!
PSD Engagement Norms
In an effort to foster a culture of mutual respect, effective communication, and quality customer service, PSD has created a set of norms for staff, family/guardian, and community engagement. These norms aim to set a positive tone for interactions between staff and parents and community members, whether they happen in person, over the phone, or in writing.
The norms will be posted in all PSD schools and include expectations that:
- Calls or emails that are not emergencies will be acknowledged within three school days.
- Appointments between the parties involved will be established as a norm for addressing concerns or discussing important matters through direct communication.
- Appointments will take place as soon as reasonably possible. Adequate time is needed for preparation and research before an appointment.
- Communication will focus on collaboration and understanding – respectful language and non-confrontational behavior from all parties are expected.
- Boundaries between personal and professional life will be maintained, and sensitive matters will not be addressed in community settings.
It’s important for everyone in our schools and in our communities to feel welcome and engage in mutual respect to best serve students.
Morning Fresh Cash for Caps Fundraiser
If you are a Morning Fresh Dairy customer, please bring in your rinsed milk, juice, cream, or other caps to Mr. Mayer. For every cap that is returned, Lesher Middle School earns money. Please turn rinsed caps in to the box in the front office or to Mr. Mayer’s classroom (room 12). If you are interested in Morning Fresh Dairy, every new household sign up that mentions Lesher raises $25. Click here or ask Mr. Mayer (bmayer@psdschools.org) for more information.
Lesher Pre-Arranged Absence Form
If you know that your child will be missing school a full day or more please have them visit their teachers to fill out this form. When completed please return it to the main office. We will make a copy and return it to the student.
Tardy Flowchart
Lesher Bell Schedule
2024-25 District Calendar
2024-25 Application for Free and Reduced Status
Please Click Here to apply for Free and Reduced status
Lesher's Academic Honesty Policy
Bag Policy
Please Visit us on Social Media
Lesher Middle School
Website: https://les.psdschools.org/
Location: Lesher Middle School, Stover Street, Fort Collins, CO, USA
Phone: 970-472-3800
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/LesherMiddleSchool
Twitter: @Lesher_MS