Main Street Roar
Weekly Parent Newsletter 9/13/2024
For The Betterment of Our Students!
Hello Main Street Family!
Thank you to all who were able to attend last night's Back to School Night. It was a pleasure meeting you. I look forward to meeting you all in the future!
Monday, our students will begin completing assessments to assist us in determining their plan of instruction. Please encourage them to take their time when completing the assessments.
Please refrain from dropping your students off before 8:30 AM. There is no one there to monitor your students.
Students are dismissed from the car line or the outer classroom door @ 3:45 PM. Please do not go to the front office to pick up your children.
We have exciting activities taking place next week for our students. Spirit Dress Down Week begins on Monday. We are also having our Texas Roadhouse fundraiser on Monday. I look forward to seeing you and your families there! Thursday the men of Omega Psi Fraternity, Inc, Epsilon Pi Chapter would like to host a "Dad walk your child to school day!" They will greet the fathers as they arrive! See the flyers below for full details.
Have a great weekend!!!
Back To School Spirit Week!
Texas Road House Fundraiser!
Car Line
You must remain in your cars when entering the car line. Please refrain from making u turns in the car line during dismissal. The safety of our children and parents is of utmost importance to us. We would like to move the cars through the line without any disruptions.
- September 16th - Texas Roadhouse Fundraiser
- September 16th -20th - Back to School Spirit Week
- September 25th - School is closed for students - Teacher Professional Development
- September 30th - PBIS House Reveal & Kick-Off Party 1PM - 3PM - House or school colors dress down day
- October 3rd - Rosh Hashana - School Closed
- October 16th - School Picture Day