GES Grey Wolf Gazette
January 24th, 2025
Principal's Corner
1/2 way through the school year - that seems impossible!! Looking back at past newsletters, our students have accomplished a great deal. We have also had many wonderful events and activities that help foster a positive climate. Please continue to partner with your student's teacher whether it is to offer your support or voice a concern.
Continue to send students in with hats, gloves, boots and snow pants as we have outdoor recess almost every day. Sometimes, it appears warm or bitterly cold in the morning, but by recess time, it has warmed up or gotten colder and we are going out.
If you have a Kindergarten age student, it is important that you attend the registration and screening. Please see the flyer below for more information.
PTO News
As always, if you have any issues or questions, please reach out!
Have a great weekend!
Kelly Shirk
GES PTO Box Tops Coordinator
Lunch Links
Lunch & Breakfast Menus https://www.fdmealplanner.com/
Online Payments https://linqconnect.com/main
January 27-31: Wellness/PE Week
February 4: Deliberative Session at CVHS Gym 6:00pm
February 19: PTO 6:00pm
February 24-28: Winter Recess
Classroom Happenings
First Friends 1
FF1 class welcomes a new student, Luke, to our school community. We are talking about NH woodlands animals and playing with a forest set in our sensory table. We also track the birds that come to our feeder and we have had several species of birds. It’s hard to keep our feeder full! We are still enjoying pretending in our restaurant and learning a lot about physics with the balls and ramps. New Geo boards have been a favorite material. We make lots of shapes. We painted on bubble wrap and made prints. They came out really cool looking!
The afternoon students continue with learning letter sounds in words and making the alphabet books and projects. They also are making designs with pattern blocks, and becoming masters at yoga.
Ms. Trish
First Friends 2
This week in PS2, we talked about what animals do in the winter. We discussed active animals, hibernating animals and migrating animals. We talked about all the different animals and even went around morning meeting to discuss what we would like to do if we were an animal. The answers were split, but more students would like to go somewhere warm than stay right here and play in the snow. We continue to go over problem solving, shapes and colors. We also made some animals for our hallway.
Our afternoon students learned the letter Mm and the number 4. We also worked hard on learning some letters in our last names, practiced writing our first names and rhyming.
Ms. Colleen
Kindergarten & 1st Grade
This week in kindergarten, we have continued our study of maps. We have looked at different types of maps to find where we are on the map, looking at towns, the state, the country, the world, and the solar system to see where we live. In math, we have been focused on counting and comparing quantities of items like cubes or comparing how many they see on a video or in a picture. Today, we got to experiment with capacity, using different stations of rice and water to compare containers using numerals. We also enjoyed our weekly visit with Mrs. Mayer and we all participated in a retelling of the story The Mitten by Jan Brett.
First grade has been working on subtracting a one digit number from a 2 digit, teen number. We are finding different strategies that help us to solve these subtraction problems. Some students are finding success using concrete pictures, but others are using strategies to break apart the teen numbers to make the numbers easier to subtract. We also did our math NWEA assessment this week. You should be proud of how hard your students worked to show us how much they know.
Ms. Hodgen
First grade wrapped up their benchmark testing and finished their math NWEA this week. They worked so hard, and it was great to see them feeling proud of their efforts. This week, we finished our comprehension unit on outer space. We learned about space travel, planets and our solar system. First graders love making their own rockets to practice using our vocabulary word “launch."
Kindergarten is so close to finishing our alphabet lessons. This week, we learned the letters y and x. Ask your child what makes the letter x unique (it represents 2 sounds!). Kindergarten worked to read and spell words. They are so excited about reading to each other and with me!
Have a great weekend,
Ms. Harrington
2nd Grade
It was another great week in 2nd grade. This week, we finished up our winter benchmarks with the last two assessments. The students worked hard and diligently. In math, we started module 3. We began to learn about shapes and all their different names. We created polygons with spaghetti noodles. We learned an efficient way to count sides and angles as well. In literacy, we finished our chapter book. We made inferences throughout the book. Wondrous Rex was about a magical dog who helped his human friends persevere through writer's block. In science, we wrapped up our learning on solids, liquids and gases by creating a flipbook with what we learned. The students also filled their star jar to earn some creative time within the classroom. It was well deserved after finishing up all our winter benchmarks.
Ms. Quinn
3rd Grade
3rd grade finished up testing this week. Students did an amazing job showing what they know. We have started Module 3 in math with multiplying and dividing using 0, 6, 7, 8 and 9. Students demonstrated foundational understanding through using collections, drawings and great classroom conversations. In literacy, students explored perspective by looking at pictures that can be seen in different ways depending on the point of view. This idea will carry over into fiction and non-fiction text to help students recognize who is telling the story and what message the author is trying to convey. In social studies, the class is exploring Greenfield. We are talking about our place on the map and the important landmarks around town, along with the history of the town. Next week, we will create a map that demonstrates what we have learned. The class has worked very hard over the last two months to fill our marble bucket. They have done this by being safe, kind and responsible, both in their learning and everyday interactions at school. They chose a game day as their reward, so today, we played lots of games, such as Multiplication/division bingo, Uno, Clue, Upwards, Risk and Telestrations. This was a great way to celebrate, but to also work on perseverance, friendship, cooperation and learning.
Ms. Cook
4th Grade
Hello Families,
I hope everyone has been staying warm during this cold week. This week, the students were excited to start the lessons from the Harris Center. They will be learning about animals in New Hampshire and how to track them. Today, we went outside to look for specific footprints from animals in the back of Greenfield Elementary. In literacy, students are working on writing an informative piece about Amelia Earhart. We have also started comparing and contrasting two articles. The articles are about Lewis and Clark, and the Louisiana Purchase. They are learning a lot about history in addition to the elements of literacy. In math, we continue to learn about multiplication strategies, including using the distributive property. I hope you all enjoy a fun weekend with family and friends!
Ms. Slossar
Awesome Art at GES
A Note from our Counselor
In recent classroom counseling lessons, Kindergarten students continued their exploration of feelings: recognizing feelings by “reading” clues that indicate how someone is feeling, such as facial expression, body language, and what the person does or says.
First graders continued their exploration of empathy and how we can use kindness and compassion as forms of “empathy in action.” We talked about ways to show kindness to others, such as asking someone if they would like to join an activity, asking someone if they would like help and asking someone if they are okay, among other actions. Students also learned the sign for kindness in American Sign Language (ASL). Ask your student to show you the ASL sign for kindness.
Second grade students have been exploring ways to show kindness, such as asking someone if they want/need some help, asking someone if they are okay, and asking someone if they would like to join an activity or game. Ask your child to describe ways they can show empathy by doing something kind for someone at school or home.
Third graders explored “my kind of kindness” and the fact that different people prefer different forms of kindness in various situations. For example, after spilling a plate of pasta with sauce in the lunchroom, a student may wish to be left alone because of being embarrassed or upset, but a different student may be happy to get an offer of help from a classmate. Similarly, some students may welcome kind assistance with a challenging task, but others may prefer to figure things out on their own. Ask your student about their understanding of the differences among people with respect to the type of kind actions they prefer in various situations and at different times.
Fourth graders continue to explore different perspectives and points of view, and how our perspective and how we respond to a situation can change when we get more information. After hearing from someone about their reasons for an action, we can gain insight into their choices and develop empathy for them even when we may not share their feelings or thoughts. Ask your child if they can think about a different perspective or point of view at times when they feel disappointed or frustrated by another person’s choice or decision.
Ms. Gregg
Contact Information
Email: shilliard@conval.edu
Website: https://ges.conval.edu
Location: 860 Forest Road, Greenfield, NH, USA
Phone: (603) 547-3334