Linn Lion's Roar
December 2024
- Dec. 13: 4th Grade Wax Museum @1:30-3:10pm
- Dec. 13-Dec. 19: December Spirit Week!; see flyer below
- Dec. 18: PRIDE Awards @2:30pm in the gym
- Dec. 19: Student of the Month Breakfast @7:30am in the cafeteria
- Dec. 19: Family Holiday Lunch; see flyer below for details
- Dec. 20-Jan 6: Winter Break-No School!
Christmas Break Countdown
Linn's Holiday Lunch
Grade Level News
Kindergarten: Mrs. Hernandez and Mrs. Moore
Kindergarten is working hard on segmenting sounds (breaking the sounds in words apart) and then blending sounds together to read words. We are also working hard on our sight words. Please keep practicing reading the books we send home with your child. In math we have been working on measurement. We will continue with numbers to 10 by comparing sets of objects and numbers and stating if they are more than, less than, or the same as.
Please make sure your child is bringing a big coat to school everyday.
We still go outside for recess, and the temperature is often very cold in the morning. If they would like to also bring a sweater or light jacket to wear in the classroom they can, but they must have a coat to wear outside.
Math Home Support
1st Grade: Mrs. Fry and Ms. Hernandez
Greetings 1st grade families,
For Reading, students are learning all about choices and making decisions. Students will be learning more about narrative writing and they will be able to learn how to write a short story about a choice they made about saving or spending money. The students are also learning how to retell events by sequence order and by using temporal words and key details in their writing.
For math, we are continuing learning about place value in addition and subtraction up to 20. The students will be able to use their ten frames to take away from a teen number. Students are also learning how to use the strategy of Read, Write, Draw and then write a number sentence to complete their problem. In math, please continue counting with your child up to 150-200. It is very important that your child can identify their numbers and know what number comes next.
During Social Studies, students are learning about Goods and Services. They will be able to identify what goods and wants are. They will also learn how to make choices based on what are things that they need. The students have also been learning about ways to earn and also on what things they are able to spend their money on.
Thank you for all of your help! Please continue working on sights words and read to your child 15-20 minutes a day. We appreciate all of your help, as we are helping your child grow each day!
Mrs. Fry
Ms. Hernandez
Math Home Support
2nd Grade: Miss Rosales, Ms. Salmans, and Ms. Solis
Math Home Support
3rd Grade: Ms. Hernandez and Mrs. Laskowsky
Dear 3rd Grade family and friends,
The end of the year is getting closer! We are getting ready to take our winter FastBridge reading and math screeners. If your student has been attentive to the instructions in class, putting forth an honest effort, following directions, and reading nightly for a minimum of 20 minutes, he/she should see a positive increase in their score. We are so excited to see the progress made and celebrate!
Remember! Students need to keep reading and practicing math facts EVERY SINGLE NIGHT! Do not stop over break! Continue to support your student in completing their homework and provide them with opportunities to read aloud and show off their math fact fluency. We have reached practicing our multiplication tables to 12!
Enjoy a wonderful Winter Break spending time with family and friends. Don’t forget to make some special memories with your time together. We look forward to spending 2024 with YOU and working on all our individual goals!
The 3rd Grade Team
Ms. Hernandez
Mrs. Laskowsky
Math Home Support
4th Grade: Mrs. Castro, Mrs. McLean, and Mrs. Rolle
Greetings 4th Grade Families!
Here's a quick overview of all the learning that is happening in fourth grade as we approach the end of this quarter.
ELA- We have started Unit 2 Module B and we will be learning about Native American Tribes and opinion writing. Students will learn about the culture of different tribes.
Math- We continue to work on Module 3 and focusing on - double-digit multiplication and division.
Social Studies/Science- We have moved on to Social Studies and have started working on our Wax Museum project. Letters will be sent home to give you all the details about this important project.
At home, please make sure you are reading with your student each night to increase fluency skills and practice those multiplication facts, as our math unit will focus on multiplication and division.
Thank you for all your support and of course, please reach out if you have any questions!
-4th Grade Team
Math Home Support
5th Grade: Mrs. Adame, Ms. Harlan, Miss Sughroue
Math Home Support
Music: Mr. Adams and Mrs. Shuler
- 5th grade just finished the program and will begin working on reviewing rhythms using ta (quarter note), ti ti (eighth notes) and ta rest (Quarter rest).
- 2nd grade is practicing singing and playing the pitches Do, Mi, So and La.
- 1st grade is working on short and long sounds and using classroom instruments.
- Kindergarten is learning that there are different kinds of songs and what a celebration song is.
PE: Mr. Williams and Miss. Morales
In December our Kindergarten through 5th Grade students will be working in a Soccer Unit. In this unit each student will have the opportunity to work on fundamental skills individually and as teams.
Students will practice skills such as...
- Dribbling
- Passing
- Trapping
- Shooting
When working in teams students will utilize...
- Teamwork
- Strategy
These two tactics will ensure team success during activities within the unit.
Librarian's Corner: Mrs. Nolan-Santy
Counselor's Corner
This month, we are working on empathy, honesty, friendship, and gratitude. All of these are required to live a loving life towards others. We are working to ensure your students have a different view during this time when the world is busy disagreeing with each other.
As students cannot play outside when the weather turns bad, look for ways to get out their energy besides being online. Too much time online makes emotional regulation harder than ever. Please ensure you turn off all electronics at least 30 minutes before bedtime. The blue light from the electronics messes with their sleep patterns. Emotionally regulated students learn more during their time at school.
Just a reminder, we have sources for coats if you cannot afford one. Let the office know, and they will pass the information on to those who can help. Please give us a couple of days’ notice, as getting the coats to the school takes a few days.
As we enter the holiday season, continue to help your students look for ways to be kind to others. If there is a way we can help you, let us know.
Linn Elementary
Email: medrano.carla@usd443.org
Website: https://usd443.org/543274_3
Address: 1900 W. Linn St. Dodge City, KS
Phone: 620-471-2114
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/linnlions95/