Sunnyvale ISD Counselor's Corner
A Monthly Newsletter About Social-Emotional Wellness & More
SISD Counseling Department Mission Statement:
Elementary Counseling Resources
Mrs. Hill- Elementary School Counselor
Email: leeann.hill@sunnyvaleisd.com
Website: https://www.sunnyvaleisd.com/Domain/87
Phone: (972) 226-7601
Happy May Little Raider Families,
We did it! 2023-2024 was an amazing school year! Our students have grown so much…both academically and socially this school year.
The last two months of school we have rewarded students who have modeled our Be A Raider character focus. These students were invited to reward parties with Mrs. Dlabaj, Ms. Koerner and myself. It was so fun celebrating with these students weekly. One of the rewards was the students had a snack break in the “top secret”, V.I.P. only, Teacher’s Lounge.
Raiders Representatives:
Last week, we said farewell to our 2023-24 Raider Reps at the Little Raider Rally and our Raider Rep Wrap Party. We also welcomed our newest Raider Reps. These students were chosen by their 1st grade teachers to represent next year’s 2nd grade students in leading our campus.
This year’s Raider Reps served refreshments to the staff during Teacher Appreciation. We are so thankful for them and their parents for donating flavors for the water we served.
Kindness Connection:
In February, during Kindness month, classes were paired to perform kind acts across the campus. They were given the challenge to complete these before the end of the school year. Here are a few of the connections that took place:
Mrs. Gillespie’s 1st grade class made friendship bracelets for Mrs. Davis’ 2nd grade class.
Mrs. Davis’ 2nd grade class invited Mrs. Silva’s Kindergarten class to recess.
Mrs. Whitehead’s kindergarten class threw a donut dancing party for Ms. Wright’s Pre-K class.
Mrs. Bambico’s Kindergarten class invited Ms. Gonzales’ Pre-K class to a recess and popsicle party.
Guidance/Small Groups:
I wrapped up lessons in the month of April. Pre-K and Kindergarten students visited the Raiders Relax Room. First grade visited the Raiders Relax Room and discussed getting “Suited Up for Second Grade”. They shared self-regulation tools they learned and lessons they heard from me. We also discussed how they will be our role models at SES starting in August. In second grade, we made Vision Boards to prepare them for the transition to the Intermediate. Students were encouraged to find images and words that represented their futures.
Tools for the Summer:
I hope y’all have a fantastic summer. Please feel free to email me at leeann.hill@sunnyvaleisd.com if a life event occurs during the summer that may affect your child at the beginning of the school year. It always helps for us to have a heads up if they begin to struggle. We always want the students to know that we are safe people during hardships.
I would also like to leave you all with some tools that I discussed with the students throughout the year. Almost every Monday, on the announcements, I taught a new self regulation strategy. You can view these on our YouTube channel: Announcements 4/29/24.
In addition to these strategies feel free to discuss the following with your students. They should be able to walk you through what most of these items are:
Thank you for sharing your little Raiders with me!
Ms. LeeAnn Hill
SES Counselor
Intermediate Counseling Resources
Mrs. Stancliffe- Intermediate School Counselor
Email: Renee.Stancliffe@SunnyvaleISD.com
Website: https://www.sunnyvaleisd.com/Domain/755
Phone: (972) 203-8406
Dear SIS Families,
Here we are at the end of another school year. It has been a joy and a privilege to be with your children over this last year. This year we have learned coping skills to manage emotions, conflict resolution skills to maintain friendships, and strategies to make SIS a kinder place. Many of my most cherished memories this school year were spent with the Kindness Club. These students spent their time completing service projects to make our community and the world a better place. Check out the photos of some of the Kindness Club members who packed food at Feed My Starving Children earlier this month. This food was sent to hungry children around the world, and the SIS Kindness Club packed enough food to feed twenty children for an entire year!
Speaking of hunger, did you know that 1 in 5 Texas children struggle with hunger? When the school year ends, these children lose access to the consistent meals that are served each day at school. Fortunately, Texas bridges this gap through the Summer Meals Program. This program provides free breakfast and lunch to any child under the age of 18. If your family is in need of assistance, meals will be offered at the Riverstone Trails Apartments (201 Planters Road). You can also contact the USDA National Hunger Hotline, operated by Hunger Free America. The hotline can be reached Monday through Friday between 7 a.m. to 10 p.m. ET. at 1-866-3-HUNGRY (1-866-348-6479).
I hope each of you has a restful summer, and I look forward to seeing your student next school year!
Middle School Counseling Resources
Mrs. Medina- Middle School Counselor
Dear Raider Families-
As we approach the end of another academic year, I hope this newsletter finds you all in good health and high spirits. May is a month of transition and reflection, where we celebrate accomplishments and prepare for new beginnings.
I want to express my sincere gratitude to our students and parents for your support and cooperation. I am incredibly proud of all that we have accomplished together. I wish you all a safe and enjoyable summer break!
Mrs. Medina
High School Counseling Resources
Mrs. Batten and Mrs. Engrav- High School Counselors
jaymie.batten@sunnyvaleisd.com (L-Z)
Website: https://www.sunnyvaleisd.com/Page/2095
Phone: (972) 203-4600
Raider Families,
We cannot believe it's that time of year to wind up end of year activities with another graduation class. We encourage you to soak up all of the memories as we celebrate the Class of 2024.
Teacher Appreciation Week was a hit, as always. We so love spoiling our amazing educators and reminding them how awesome they are. As the end of the year comes, we encourage parents and students to extend one more note or email of appreciation to a teacher who has impacted them this school year.
We are also so proud of our PALS and other student volunteers that continue to invest their time on other campus events. This volunteer work reminds us all that we really are four campuses, one school. There is nothing cooler than the compliments we get on student behavior and work ethic after these important events.
This year's Raider Games were fun as usual! We had a great time with an intense volleyball tournament that morning and an epic basketball tournament that afternoon. Prom was also an incredible evening of beautiful dresses and dancing. It's so fun seeing our kids (and even a few teachers) still acting like kids every once in a while.
We recently welcomed the 8th graders on campus for a new event, Shadow Days. Students went on tours, were introduced to SHS Admin, played games, heard about Student Life and heard from current high schoolers about their experiences and wisdom. We are excited to welcome a new class of freshmen this Fall!
As always, we want to support you and your Raider however we can. We hope you have a summer of rest and relaxation and will see you in August!
Coordinator of Counseling Services
Mrs. James, LPC-A
Email: melissa.james@sunnyvaleisd.com
Website: https://www.sunnyvaleisd.com/Page/2096
Phone: (972) 203-4600
Hello Raider Families,
It is hard to believe another school year has come and gone. I hope everyone is able to take some time to relax and refresh this summer. Please reach out to me this summer if your family has any needs. I have included some summer group opportunities for parents and students.
Have a wonderful summer!
Mrs. James
Crisis Lines and Community Counseling Resources
Lifelines of support
National Suicide Prevention Lifeline: 24-hour crisis hotline at 988 or 1-800-273-8255. Confidential online chat is available at suicidepreventionlifeline.org
Crisis Text Line: 24-hour support by texting HOME to 741741. More information at crisistextline.org
North Texas Behavioral Health Authority: 24-hour crisis hotline at 1-866-260-8000 or go to ntbha.org
Suicide and Crisis Center of North Texas: Speak to a trained counselor on the 24-hour hotline at 214-828-1000 or 800-273-8255 or go to sccenter.org
Here For Texas Mental Health Navigation Line: Grant Halliburton Foundation initiative that connects North Texans with mental-health resources customized to each caller at 972-525-8181 or go to HereForTexas.com
Dallas Metrocare Services: For help, call 1-877-283-2121 or go to metrocareservices.org
If you are in crisis or have suicidal thoughts, please call
our suicide crisis hotline at 214-828-1000. You can also
text "CONNECT" to 741741 anytime to reach trained,
caring volunteers at the National Crisis Text Line.
Here for Texas
Find a mental health provider and get resources: http://www.herefortexas.com/search-local-professionals.html?clear=all
Mental Health Navigation Line: 972-525-8181
Child Mind Institute
"When a child is struggling, the whole family is affected. At the Child Mind Institute we want to help you make good decisions for your kids and navigate the challenges of parenting. We explore the concerns and challenges we hear about most from parents and provide expert guidance on how to respond in the most effective way. And if you have a child who needs support, we offer resources that can help you get the best care for that child and the best outcome for your family."