Kinsner News
Family Calendar
Monday, September 16th - Monday, September 30th
Monday, September 16th - Kinsner Newsletter Released
Tuesday, September 17th - Constitution Day
Wednesday, September 18th - PTA Meeting @ 10 AM in Teacher's Lounge (all are welcome!)
Monday, September 23rd - Friday, September 27th - Scholastic Book Fair!
Wednesday, September 25th - Scholastic Book Fair Family Night 5:00 PM
Thursday, September 26th - Homecoming Parade
Monday, September 30th - Kinsner Newsletter Released
Building Updates
Mobile Unit: The half mobile unit that is sitting vacant in the front lot will be removed and replaced by the contracted company. Should be out of here very soon! The district is working with the contracted company and the city on a plan. I do not have a formal timeline at the moment. We will continue to use the Media Center and other locations to support Gifted, Band & Orchestra.
Second PE Teacher: Jennifer Beard will act as our long-term substitute for Physical Education. Emily Weir is our other PE teacher.
Car Line: We will be moving into the final stages of the change. I will now be working with the district to secure proper signage for the car line.
Start with Hello Spirit Week
Monday, September 16th - Wear GREEN “Kick off Start with Hello Week”
Tuesday, September 17th - Wear RED OR PINK for “Compassion and Care Day”
Wednesday, September 18th - Wear ORANGE to stand united against bullying
Thursday, September 19th - Wear Clothes with Words on Them to start talking!
Friday, September 20th - Wear Strongsville or Kinsner Gear “We are Family Day”
A Note About Grades for Music, Art and PE
When looking at grades for these courses, please know that they are standards based and NOT traditional percentages/letter grades like you may be used to in the
past few years.
- M= Standard Met
- P= Progressing to Standard
- N= Standard Not Yet Met
In order for our system to turn the student’s performance into standards- based grading, we have to put it in as a percentage. Each grade level and department has standards that students are working toward and this is what is being evaluated.
Although you may see a percentage, please ignore the percentage and look at the progression toward the STANDARD (M, N, P). Grades are not utilized in the sense that a traditional grading system uses them. You will see somewhere between a 50% and a 100%, but again, focus on the M, N, or P, as that is the official mark; the percentage is just a placeholder.
Lost & Found
Please claim by Wednesday, September 18th
Strongsville Lacrosse
Two Youth Lacrosse Opportunities
** Rec Center Youth Lacrosse Clinic - click HERE for additional information and register at: (Click on "2024 Fall" then "Sports-Youth" and then "Youth Lacrosse Clinic")
** Sunday Youth Lacrosse Clinics - FREE sessions every Sunday throughout the fall! Whether you’re an experienced player looking to sharpen your skills in the offseason or someone new wanting to try out this exciting sport, this clinic is perfect for you. Open to Grades 3-8 / Sundays (September 8 - October 20) / Girls 9am-10:30am; Boys 10:45am-12:15pm / at Strongsville Middle School Field / Questions: email:
For Existing Players: Keep a stick in your hands and stay in top form! Our clinics provide an awesome opportunity to work on your game in a fun and relaxed environment. It’s a great way to maintain your skills and stay active, all for free!
For New Players: Curious about lacrosse? Bring a friend and come see what it’s all about! Our clinic offers a low-stakes, friendly atmosphere for trying out the sport. If you need equipment, don’t worry—we’ve got you covered.
DARE: 5th-8th Grade Halloween Dances
Girls on the Run
IOWA & CogAT Gifted Testing
Walk to School Day
Wednesday, October 9th
UH encourages your students to get on your feet and walk to school the morning of Wednesday, October 9th. Students will be greeted by safety experts of the UH Rainbow Injury Prevention Center and your local police department. Parents and students can participate in fun activities and receive giveaways.
Mustangs Travel Basketball
Scholastic Book Fair
Monday, September 23rd-27th
Kinsner Elementary’s annual Book Fair is upon us and we can’t wait to see you there! Student’s shop during their class's scheduled time September 23rd through September 27th. Each teacher will have an assigned date and time for the book fair, and will communicate that information to you this week!
We invite all our families and the local community to join us on Wednesday, September 25th from 5-8 p.m. for Family Night! Browse the Book Fair AND grab dinner! The Bus Stop Food Truck and Kona Ice will be available for purchase. Stay in the know about all things Book Fair like your student’s class scheduled time, set up and manage your eWallet, plus sign up to volunteer and help and so much more by visiting our Book Fair website.
All purchases through our Book Fair benefit Kinsner Elementary so we thank you for your support and HAPPY READING!
*Please note all Book Fair purchases are subject to tax.
Mustang Spirit Wear
Due September 20th
Kinsner Mustang Spiritwear Store Now Open!
Now - September 20th
Here is your chance to purchase Kinsner Mustang gear and Grade Level Kinsner Shirts. Kinsner gear makes great gifts.
Place your orders at
Grade Level Kinsner Shirts
Only $8
New this year, students, staff and family members are encouraged to order Grade Level Kinsner Shirts that can be used for Field Day, the Fun Run, Fields Trips and more. Each grade has a specific color assigned to it, so this is a practical way to show your Kinsner spirit. Students who do not purchase shirts can simply wear the matching color for Field Day and other events, as usual. Teachers may wish to purchase their matching grade level color or a Kinsner Staff gray shirt. Place your orders at
Class Party Snacks
Class Party Snacks
Fall Party: October 31st
Donate to the Class Party Snack fund here:
Thank you for your support!
Kalahari Night
Kinsner Kalahari Night: Sunday, November 3rd
Reminder - Don't forget to book your reservations by October 3rd!
Book online for only $139 today.
Mustang Market
Students in K-5 can earn tickets for showing PRIDE behavior. PRIDE stands for Prepared, Respectful, Inclusive, Determined and Engaged! Once they get 10 tickets they can "shop" at the Mustang Market. Shopping times are mid-day and daily. Please see the menu of items available on the PDF below. If they want to save up, they could purchase Squishmellows or even the opportunity to pie Mr. Marconi in front of their classmates! Prizes and experiences will rotate in October. There will be an opportunity for student's to provide input on what prizes or experiences they would like to see at the Market!
Homecoming Parade
Thursday, September 26th
Homecoming Parade Opportunity!
Are you interested in walking with your Kinsner student in the Homecoming Parade on September 26th? We will be randomly choosing one student from each grade at Kinsner to walk next to our Kinsner float in the parade. The following google form has additional details and must be filled out to be part of our random drawing:
Emergency Forms
Please remember to update your student's emergency forms. Students cannot attend field trips if these are not completed. These are located in your Powerschool parent portal under the information update 24-25 section of the menu. If you need any assistance, please contact Mrs. Marconi at 440-268-5400. Thank you for prompt attention to this matter.
Mustang Express: Royal Tea
Right at School
Are you looking for before and after care services? Contact Right at School for our in school service options.