Barclay Bulletin
September 1, 2019
Welcome to a Brand New Year
Student Drop Off
Our morning routine will be a little different this year. We plan to open our doors to students beginning at 9:00 am. We have a smaller parking lot, so we will have a staff member stationed outside on the sidewalk letting you know when we will begin accepting students into the building. A staff member will be directing vehicles to pull up near our entrance doors to drop off students. Vehicles may then exit the parking lot. If you have to enter the building with a student, please park in a designated visitor spot and walk with your student across the lot. The fire lane should be kept free of stopped vehicles.
Students who are dropped off will wait in our foyer, then transition to the cafeteria beginning at 9:05 am. Students will be released to the classrooms when all of the buses have arrived.
Keep in mind, we have breakfast available to students beginning at 9:05 am.
Student Pick Up
Parents can enter the cafeteria and check in with Mrs. Lynch to receive their student ticket. Please have photo identification with you. Students will be called to the cafeteria at 3:20 pm for dismissal.
We have extra visitor parking in the Barclay lot this year, but it may not be enough for all of our end of day traffic. You may also park in the lot across Central School Drive and follow the sidewalk to our cafeteria. There will be no visitor parking in our faculty lot to the West of Barclay School as this will impact our bus release.
How to Get in Touch with our Office Staff
Mrs. Reyes
Mrs. Lynch
Mrs. Michels
If you wish to contact the office during the day to report a dismissal for a student, you may call us at 637-1840 or you may send an email to:
That e-mail will be sent to all three of our office staff, it's a great way to let us know that you are planning to pick up a student at the end of the day without having to call. Please remember that our dismissal switched to the cafeteria at 3:00 pm. Please inform the school of your plans to pick a student up by 2:30 pm.