August 9th
Important Upcoming Dates
Wednesday, Aug 28th - 5th and 6th Grade Band and Strings Parent Meeting @ WMS - 6:30pm
Friday, Aug 30th - No School
Monday, Sept 2nd - No School - Labor Day
Wednesday, Sept 11 - Papa John's Fundraiser Night
Friday, Sept 27th - Westbrook Family Fun Night - 6-8pm
You can link to the Westbrook Calendar Here: https://calendar.google.com/calendar/u/0?cid=d2VzdHNpZGU2Ni5uZXRfY2FicjVyaWhsMzB2OWQ0aXVmamwzN2Y3bnNAZ3JvdXAuY2FsZW5kYXIuZ29vZ2xlLmNvbQ
New Parent Breakfast
Any new parents to Westbrook are invited to come to the New Parent Breakfast at 8:30am on Monday, Aug 12th in the Westbrook Cafeteria. This event is hosted by the Westbrook Community Club, there will be donuts and juice. You will get to hear about the Community Club and meet Community Club members as well as the Principal, Mr. Stevens
Free or Reduced Meals Application
If you think you may qualify or are interested in applying for Free or Reduced Price meal benefits, please fill out this application:
Although Westbrook students receive free breakfast/lunch, students who qualify for free or reduced meals may also qualify to receive discounted fees for other district expenses such as bussing, band instruments, internet, activity fees, ACT/SAT testing fees, athletics/sports, class supplies, clubs, field trips, graduation fees, laptop maintenance, prom/social events, scholarships, uniforms, summer camps, and summer school. All children in the district benefit in areas beyond the lunch program when qualified applications exceed a certain percentage of the district’s enrollment.
Are You Interested in Volunteering at Westbrook?
Westbrook is seeking parent volunteers to help out during the school day. We feel it is important that parents are involved with our building and want to find ways to get parents inside of Westbrook more frequently.
Here are some options of ways that parents can assist during the school day:
Reading to a classroom for 15-20 minutes after lunch
Supporting in the cafeteria during breakfast (8:05-8:30) or lunch (11:00am - 1:00pm)
Supporting during recess (11:20am - 1:15pm)
Office Tasks such as laminating items, cutting paper, filing, etc.
Helping support a before/after school club (Art Club, Music Club, D&D, Girls on the Run)
If you want to assist in any of these areas, please reach out to Mr. Stevens at stevens.brian@westside66.net or call at 402-390-6488.
All parent volunteers will need to go through a background check and meet with Mr. Stevens to discuss guidelines and expectations before volunteering can begin.
The Literacy Lowdown
Sing songs, read rhyming books, and say silly tongue twisters. These help kids become sensitive to the sounds in words.
BIST Bytes
This week our staff talked about using common language with students. We are trying to use the ICE acronym: "I see...Can you....Even though...."
For example:
I see you are running.
Can you walk
Even though you are excited?
This language helps students realize they are not in trouble and helps avoid confrontation.
Safety Procedures at Westbrook
Westside Community Schools uses a Standard Response Protocol (SRP) created by the I Love You Guys Foundation. Below is some basic information about what our students do during safety drills and situations. You can learn more at the website iloveyouguys.org.
Choir Club
If your student is interested in joining the school's Choir Club, contact Mrs. Morris or have them pick up a form from her.
Student Drop-off and Pick-up procedures (for students who will be dropped up/picked up in Westbrook Parking Lots)
In both parking lots, please follow the following traffic pattern:
There are two lanes of traffic: curb (right) lane and left lane.
Use the curb (right) lane to stop and drop-off/pick-up students. We encourage you to have your student sit on the right side of the vehicle to make for safe enter and exit of the vehicle.
The left lane is for through traffic only. No stopping allowed in the left lane. (See images below)
Stay in your vehicle if you are in the drop-off/pickup lane.Teachers will assist your student into the vehicle. If you would like to get out of your vehicle to get your student in or out of the car, please park in a parking stall or in the neighborhood.
NEW THIS YEAR: Your family will be given a Pick-Up Sign to post on your dashboard at pick-up. This will allow our staff to know who you are picking up and get your student to your vehicle quickly. Do not exit your vehicle in the pick up line.
Wednesday Early Dismissals
Please note that every Wednesday, students dismiss at 3pm. (Dismissal is 3:30 all other days of the week) Please put a reminder in your calendar or phone, especially those first couple weeks of school!