Colrain Central School News
Where we learn by serving...
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November 22, 2024
A Note from Ms. Looman
- There will not be a newsletter next week. I hope you all enjoy the Thanksgiving break and are able to enjoy the things and people for which you are thankful. There is a LOT of information in this newsletter, so please be sure to read through the entire document.
- Wednesday, Nov. 27th is a 12:30 dismissal. The afterschool program will close at 3:15.
- Don't forget to shop at the virtual book fair! There are a few more days left to shop!
- Picture Retake Day is Friday, Dec. 6th. If you would like your child's picture retaken please return the packet that went home this week. If you missed the original picture day or need a picture day order form please contact the office.
- Mark your calendars: Dec. 10th we will be holding a Building Readers Workshop for families and caregivers from 5:30-6:30. More information to come.
Ms Jensen-Title I Math Interventionist
Number Corner
Number Corner is an integral component of the Bridges Core curriculum. It includes 20-minute daily workouts that provide practice with a wide variety of skills.
Check out this awesome resource called Math at Home! Math at Home is a free Bridges in Mathematics website filled with fun daily math activities, family activities, and online games.
PTO News
- The next PTO events are the Children's Holiday Shopping Room, Cookie Swap, and Winter Clothing Swap. These three events will all take place on Friday, Dec. 13th after school. The PTO is looking for volunteers for all three events.
- What are these events? So glad you asked!
- The Children's Shopping Room is designed to allow students to come and do some holiday shopping for their families. Everything in the room costs just a quarter and gift wrapping is included! If you have items that are in good shape that you would like to donate, please send them into the school and we'll see that they make it to the shopping room.
- The Cookie Swap is a holiday event where families can bake cookies and send them in. They all get set up and then people can come and buy a tin and fill them with whatever cookies they'd like. Love to bake? Consider baking some cookies to donate. Love cookies but don't have time to bake? Stop by and purchase some cookies for your family or to give someone as a gift.
- Winter Clothing Swap: Do you have warm winter clothing that no longer fit you or your kids but are still in good shape? Donate them to the winter clothing swap and then stop by and select items that will fit. Save yourself some money and gear up for the winter, which will eventually get here!
- For questions or additional information, please contact: Tawnya Graves or Kim Stevens at colrainPTO@gmail.com
Virtual Book Fair
Elementary Schools Library Newsletter
Ski/Snowboard Club registration
Building Stronger Readers
5th/6th grade basket raffle
Help send our 5th and 6th graders to Outdoor Classroom (formerly Nature's Classroom) by purchasing a Basket Raffle Ticket
Basket 1: Dining In
- $25 Stop & Shop gift card
- Taco topping serving tray
- 4 taco holders
- Guacamole bowl
- Tortilla warmer
- Corer/peeler
- 2 cloth napkins
- 2 Swedish dish cloths
Basket 2: Just Add Ice Cream
- $25 Mo's Fudge Factor gift card
- 4 ice cream glasses with spoons
- Assorted ice cream toppings
Basket 3: Family Fun
- Certificate for 4 tickets for a daytime river scenic cruise on the Heritage Riverboat
- Soft cooler bag
- Outdoor adventure kit
- Pickleball set
- The game of Farkel
- Soft style football
Basket 4: Pitch a Tent
- Certificate for 2 night stay at Barton Cove
- Certificate for 2 hours of canoe, kayak, or paddleboard rental for 2 vessels at Barton Cove
- Folding seat/cooler/backpack combo
- Blanket
- Outdoor adventure kit
- Mosquito repellent candle
- Small cooking pot
- Camp light
- Cosmic campfire colors
Basket 5: Dine Around Town
- $20 gift card to West End Pub
- $25 gift card to The People's Pint
- $20 gift card to The Rendezvous
Basket 6: Unwind
- $25 gift certificate to Shelburne Falls Cork
- Robe
- Spa headband and wrist set
- Portable massager
- Candle
- Lotion
- Epsom bath salts
Basket 7: Horse Fun
- Gift certificate for one riding lesson at Dry Brook Stable
- Horse treats
- Bucket
- Dry Brook Stables hat
Basket 8: Cold Feet, Warm Belly
- $100 gift card to The Farm Table
- Certificate for 4 snowshoe rentals at Northfield Mountain
Basket 9: Dog Lover
- Certificate for 1 month of Bark Box
- Leash
- Dog food/water bowl
- Old Mother Hubbard dog treats
- Greenies pill pockets
- Shampoo
- Dog themed notecards
- Dog doo doo bags
- Dry food samples
- Can of wet food and can cover
- Bark notes leash or collar tag
Basket 10: Cup of Joe
- Shelburne Falls Coffee Roasters travel mug and 3 one pot coffees
Basket 11: BeFORE and AFTER
- 4 golf passes at Goodnow Chip & Putt
- $25 Ryan and Casey's gift certificate
- Gift certificate for large pizza at Buckland Pizza
- Callaway golf balls
- Callaway hat
- Wooden Tees
Basket 12: Car Care
- Turtle Wax
- Car Wash
- Wipe n Shine car spray
- No Touch tire care
- Air fresheners
- Sponges
- Microfiber cloth
- Chamois cloth
- Bucket
Tickets are 1 for $2, 3 for $5, 10 for $7, or 15 for $10 and can be purchased from any 5th or 6th grader or in the front office at school.
Upcoming Events
11/22: Virtual SEPAC Coffee Hour
11/25: Virtual Book Fair orders due
11/27: 12:30 dismissal for Thanksgiving break~After Care closes at 3:15.
11/28-29: No School in observance of Thanksgiving
12/6: Picture Retake Day
12/10: 5:30 Early Literacy Caregivers Workshop
12/11: 6:00 School Committee Meeting
12/13: PTO Cookie Walk, Children's Shopping Room, and Warm Clothing Swap
12/16: Fire Safety Day
12/20: 2:00 All School Assembly "Story Wizards" with Piti Theatre
12/23-1/1: Winter Break: No School
1:50 dismissals: 12/4, 12/11
12:30 dismissals: 11/27