The Panther Post
July/August 2024
Welcome Back!
Dear Dunham Students and Families,
We’re so excited to welcome you back to school for another amazing year! We hope your summer was full of fun adventures and family time.
As we dive into this new school year, we want to talk about something super important: attendance. You might not think much about it, but every single day your child is at school is like a piece of a big, beautiful puzzle of their education. When they’re here, they get to learn, grow, and make new friends—all of which help them build a strong and bright future. During the 2023-2024 school year 33.8% of our Dunham students were considered truant. Students are expected to be absent no more than 10% of the year, or 18 days.
This year we have some new and amazing events and awards for students who have excellent attendance and arrive at school on time. We will be unveiling all of this at our first assembly on Friday, August 2, 2024, in the cafeteria. Families are encouraged to attend.
We know that sometimes things come up, and life can get busy. But we’re here to help and support you in any way we can to make sure your child is here and ready to shine. Together, we can make sure every school day is a great one!
If you ever have questions or need anything at all, don’t hesitate to give us a shout. Let’s make this year full of learning, laughter, and lots of wonderful memories.
Thanks for being such a great part of our school community. We can’t wait to see all the amazing things your child will do this year!
With warmest wishes,
Kathy Chandler
First Day Procedures
School begins at 7:40 am sharp! Make sure your child is on time. We do not have supervision before 7:20. Please do not send your child to school earlier than 7:20.
Breakfast--Breakfast begins at 7:15 am. Students who are eating breakfast will be allowed into the building beginning at 7:15 am. If your child will be eating breakfast at school, please drop them off early enough so they can arrive to their classrooms on time. Students who are not in their seats by 7:50 am will be marked tardy even if they were in the cafeteria eating breakfast.
Kindergarten--Students and parents will go to the kindergarten playground. Mrs. Emmett will open the door at 7:40 am to meet her new kindergartners and parents. We ask that parents leave promptly after their child enters that classroom so we can lock the gate. Staff will be available to assist students who might be crying or upset. A child's first day of kindergarten is a stressful time for parents. We are also available to support parents who might be crying or upset as well!
1st Grade through 5th Grade--Students may enter the building through the east doors. Due to safety and security protocols, we do not allow parents to enter the building or school grounds. Staff will be available to help new students find where they are supposed to go.
Student Drop off, Pick Up, and Parking Lots
Parking lot procedures will remain the same this year.
Student Drop-Off--Use the east parking lot for student drop-off and pick-up. Parents simply need to pull up to the curb and a staff member will help them get out of the car. Parents must remain in their cars.
Student Pick--Use the east parking lot. Classes will be gathered in their assigned spot. Parents pull up to the curb where their child is waiting and a staff member will help them get into the car. Parents must remain in their cars.
West Parking Lot--Due to safety concerns, parents are not permitted to drop their students off in the middle of the west parking lot. If a parent chooses to use the west parking lot, they are required to park and walk their student to the front door. Use of the west parking lot is highly discourarage due to the risk of accident or injury because parents are pulling into parking spots or backing out and are often distracted.
August Character Strong Focus
What do you need to do to reach your long-term goal?
Awards Criteria
There is nothing that we love more than celebrating our amazing students. Students are able to earn the following awards this year.
- Student of the Month (PreK-5th)--Teachers and other staff select students who are role models that embody the month's character trait.. The character trait focus changes every month.
- Honor Roll (K-5)--Students who earn all 3s (Meets Standards/At Grade Level Expectations) and 4s (Exceeds Standards/Above Grade Level Expectations) on their quarterly report card earn a spot on the honor roll.
- ELA and Math Benchmark Growth Awards (2-5)--Students who improve at least one proficiency level on the benchmark tests earn this award. Proficiency levels progress from Minimally Proficient to Partially Proficient to Proficient and to Highly Proficient. Benchmark tests are given three times a year.
- ELA and Math Benchmark Proficiency Awards (2-5)--Students who score Proficient or Highly Proficient on their benchmark tests earn this award. Benchmark tests are given three times a year.
- DIBELS Growth (K-3)--DIBELS assesses a student's literacy skills. Students who improve at least one proficiency level earn this award. DIBELS proficiency levels progress from Well Below Benchmark to Below Benchmark to At Benchmark to Above Benchmark. DIBELS is given three times a year.
- DIBELS Proficiency Awards (K-3)-- DIBELS assesses a student's literacy skills. Students who score At Benchmark or Above Benchmark on DIBELS earn this award. Benchmark tests are given three times a year.
Tax Credit Donations
- Did you know that Arizona families can donate to their local schools and receive a tax credit? The deadline to claim the deduction on your 2024 taxes is April 15, 2024. Those who are married and file jointly can receive credit for up to $400, while those who file individually can receive credit for up to $200. Donation money can be used for things such as equipment, fine arts, extracurricular activities, and field trips. Donations can be made at the link below.
Wish List
- Weekly Prizes--Small prizes to be used for our weekly PBIS drawing for students who earn Panther Paws. We will accept anything! Past donations have included party favors, markers, stickers, coupons for free items/food at local businesses, and dollar store items.
- Microwave--We had two microwaves in the Teachers' Lounge, but one sadly melted. Two microwaves help to ensure that everyone has time to heat their lunches during their break.
Dunham Shout Outs
- Thank you to Amber Clevenger, the mom of a preschooler, for suggesting and running our first ever clothing exchange.
- Thank you to every parent of a summer school student for making sure they were at school and on time in June!
Coming Events
7/31--1:00 to 3:00--Meet Your Teacher and Clothing Exchange
8/1--7:40 to 1:55--First Day of School
8/2--1:00--Beginning of the Year Assembly
8/14--5:00 pm to 7:00 pm--Open House
8/21--No School--TUSD Staff Professional Learning Day
8/30--1:00--August Assembly
9/1--Atten-DANCE Party to celebrate August attendance--Theme TBA
Join Our Facebook Page
The latest and greatest information can always be found on our Dunham Facebook page. Emergency information would also be posted on this site.
Important Links
Dunham Elementary School
Mission Statement
Our mission is to be an all inclusive community engaged in a positive and enriched learning environment where we focus on student success.
Vision Statement
All students will be prepared for life-long learning and future endeavors.
Location: 9850 East 29th Street, Tucson, AZ, USA
Phone: 520-731-4200
Office Hours: 7:00 am to 3:00 pm
Dunham's Facebook