Gleason PAWS
Excellence Begins Here
Gleason Vision
Gleason Misson
Gleason Elementary
Email: gleason@cfisd.net
Website: https://gleason.cfisd.net
Location: 9203 Willowbridge Park Boulevard, Houston, TX, USA
Phone: 281-517-6800
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/Gleasontigers/
Twitter: @gleasontigers
November 8, 2024
Principal Message
In the month of November we focus on what we are thankful for. I am thankful for the amazing work of our staff and students. This month they did a wonderful job performing for our staff, parents, community and veterans at our Veterans Day Program. Thank you to our parents, community and veterans that were able to join us.
Math Night will be November 19, 2024 from 6:00-7:30 pm. We had such positive feedback from parents regarding our Reading Night. Don't miss out on the fun filled night planned with math activities. We look forward to seeing you all here.
We would also like to remind parents that our Thanksgiving Break will begin on November 25th. Students and staff will return on December 2nd. Have a safe and happy holiday.
Don't forget to join us for our Annual Adventure Dash on November 21st during your child's large group time. For those families that pre-registered, stickers will go home on Nov. 20th. Check your child's backpack. Parents that pre-registered will enter through the back gate. All others should sign in at the front office. If you wish to sign out your child prior to the event being over, please send a note to your child's teacher by 8:45 AM on November 21st. PK students will attend with kindergarten. All other grade levels are during their large group times. See schedule below:
5th Grade- 9:30-10:25
4th Grade- 10:25-11:20
3rd Grade- 11:25-12:20
2nd Grade- 12:50-1:45
Kindergarten and PK- 1:45-2:40
1st Grade- 2:40-3:45
2-5 Progress reports will be in HAC on November 22nd. Please be sure to see where your child is behaviorally and academically. They still have time to make progress prior to the end of the 2nd marking period. PK-1st Progress reports will be sent home in your child's folder.
Mrs. Melancon
Gleason Quick Reference Guide
Upcoming Events
11/14- Fall Picture Retakes
11/19- Math Night
11/21- Adventure Dash During Large Group
11/22- No Lunch Visitors
12/2- Student Council Toy Drive Begins
12/3- Winter Program 6:00-7:00 pm
12/5- Campus Spelling Bee
12/17-12/18- Holiday ROAR Store
12/20- End of 2nd Marking Period
12/23-1/6- Winter Break
Monthly Character Traits
(Gleason will introduce the trait the first Wednesday of each month)
November: Empathy
As part of the CFISD’s Bringing Out the Best Program (BOTB), we are focusing on Empathy for the months of November and December. The definition is understanding, being aware of and sensitive to the feelings and thoughts of others.
During these months, the easiest way to demonstrate empathy is by having discussions about how the holiday season can bring different feelings to those less fortunate. Less fortunate can mean financially, different family dynamics and/or living situations. As a family, come up with ideas on how you can show empathy. It may be by donating time (working at a food bank, spending time with residents at a nursing home or donating toys to an animal shelter), donating non-perishable food, toys or gently used clothing. Remember to have the discussions to help your child understand the importance of empathy.
Another activity you could do at home is to look through family photos, magazines or pause a TV show and look at the expressions on their faces. By looking at the expressions, try to decide how the person feels. Then as a family, discuss how you could show empathy in that situation.
Counselor's Corner
In the month of October, I was able to visit every classroom to talk to your children about the importance of keeping our feelings, thoughts and actions healthy. I shared strategies to maintain a positive mental health. I shared that it's okay to feel sad, scared, or another “negative” feeling but most of the time we should feel a “positive” feeling. Sometimes we can do something alone to make us feel better, sometimes we need friends to help us, and there are times we need a grownup. Students shared grownups that they trust. I will be visiting every class again in November. We will be continuing the topic of healthy feelings, thoughts and actions but I will be adding on how one person can be there to help someone by knowing when to stand up for someone, when to show empathy and when to report to a grown up.
Tip 1: Name it, so you can tame it.
- Conscious Discipline is used in all PK-2nd grade classrooms
- My Five Steps
- I Am: Recognize that an emotion has been triggered
- Go to a safe place.
- I Calm: Breathe deeply and notice emotions without judgment
- I Feel: Identify and name the emotion
- I Choose: Accept the feeling and choose a calming activity
- I Solve: Solve the problem that triggered the emotion
Tip 2: Use “I Statements”
When you __________________________________________________________.
state behavior
I feel or think _______________________________________________________.
state feeling
Because ___________________________________________________________.
state need
Next time __________________________________________________________.
state preference
Tip 3: Talk when Calm
If a child or an adult is elevated, he/she is not ready to talk. Talk through feelings once the person is speaking in a calm voice.
Gleason Giving Drive
We are collecting gift card donations from Walmart, Target, Kroger and/or HEB now through December for our families in need for the holidays. If your family would like to donate a $10.00 gift card to help other Gleason families, please send them in an envelope with your child’s name on it to be turned into the Gleason counselor. Your generosity and support is greatly appreciated.
HORIZONS (Gifted & Talented)
Kindergarten Parents
Cypress-Fairbanks ISD provides an opportunity for all kindergarten students to be included for identification to receive gifted and talented services through the HORIZONS program.
Parents/guardians who do NOT wish the data to be reviewed for the purpose of identification for gifted and talented services may request to opt out of the review by acknowledging this request located in the Gifted and Talented link in the parent portal of the Home Access Center by the due date, November 30, 2023.
- The link may be accessed here: Direct link to HAC.
More Information Click Here
Kindergarten Screening for the Gifted and Talented Program
Data collection will include classroom observations and grade level performance scores that will occur during the Fall semester.
Student Score Reports and notification of qualification/placement will be available for view in the parent portal of the Home Access Center in the Spring semester.
Students whose scores qualify for identification will begin receiving services beginning March 1 of the current school year.
1st Grade - 5th Grade
Due Date to be screened for the 24-25 School Year: Students whose referral is received by the last school day in November may be included in the Mid-year testing process and students may be referred at any time.
Steps to Refer for Screening: Home Access Center (HAC)
Parents/guardians interested in requesting screening for their student to receive gifted and talented services must:
Complete the online acknowledgement to include the characteristics of a gifted child, permission to test, and permission for services located in the Gifted and Talented link in the parent portal of the Home Access Center by the due date, November 30, 2023
- The link may be accessed here: Direct link to HAC.
Testing and Screening for the Gifted and Talented Program
Testing will occur in the Spring during the district testing window at a date to be determined by the campus.
Student Score Reports and notification of qualification/placement will be available for view in the parent portal of the Home Access Center.
Students whose scores qualify for identification will begin receiving services the following school year upon confirmation of placement.
Please help guide parents when questions arise about the appropriateness of screening. Encourage parents to look at the Program Overview on CFISD's website.
A Note From The Nurse...Mrs. Nguyen
Please remember to pack a spare set of clothes (socks and underwear) in case of bathroom accidents or drink spills. PreK and K should have several sets. Borrowed clothes should be returned clean to clinic as soon as possible since we are running very low.
We are looking for gently used girls/boys shorts and new girls/boys underwear donations (size Small-Medium/6-8). Thank you so much!
Students are working hard to earn tiger bucks to spend on our R.O.A.R. Store as well as our classroom stores! Below is a copy of our classroom matrix. Talk with your child about what each letter of R.O.A.R. means and what it means to R.O.A.R. in the classroom. If you'd like to create your own matrix for use at home, use the link below:
Personalized Daily Schedule
Watch D.O.G.S. T-Shirts
For the safety of our students and staff, you are required to wear a Watch D.O.G.S shirt on the day of your visit.
Please order yours today!
You may also wear any WD shirt from previous years.
To purchase a Watch D.O.G.S. shirt go to https://dadsofgreatstudents.com.
You will not be able to volunteer as Watch D.O.G.S. without your shirt.
How Do I Sign Up?
You may sign up no more than 2 times a school year. Program begins October 1, 2024
Please sign up at least 1 week in advance!
If you need to reschedule your date, please give us at least 48-hour notice.
Sign-up link: Watch D.O.G.S. Signup
District’s Student Insurance
Below is the link to the district’s student insurance webpage.