October/November Parent Newsletter
Sheldon High School 2024-2025

Sheldon High School Families,
It's hard to believe we're entering the final week of 1st Quarter! It's been an outstanding start to the year so far. See the newsletter below for information regarding Parent/Teacher Conferences, Road Closures, Activity Parent Meetings and much more!
If you have any questions or concerns, please don’t hesitate to contact me at (712)324-2501 or by email at nick.miller@sheldonschools.com.
Have a great day and GO ORABS!
Mr. Miller
Sheldon High School
Parent/Teacher Conferences will take place on Monday, October 28 and Tuesday, October 29 from 4:00pm-8:00pm. Parents can visit with all classroom teachers, counselors, and administrators. High School parents are welcome to arrive at any point during the scheduled times. We encourage you to bring your student!
Sheldon High School will run a 2:20pm dismissal schedule on these days.
- The deadline to register for the December 14th ACT without a late fee is this November 8th. Students who are on free and reduced lunch are eligible for a fee waiver, they can stop by Mrs. Bosma's office for one. Students can register at act.org.
- There is a Junior Parent meeting on November 5th at 7:00 PM in the high school library, we will be going over information about college, ACT, Financial Aid, and more.
The FFA Parent/Member Meeting will be held on Monday, November 25th in the High School Auditorium starting at 7PM. FFA members and parents are strongly encouraged to attend. During the meeting, FFA will be recognizing all 2nd year members with their chapter FFA Degree, and will also be presenting 1st year members with their FFA Jackets and Greenhand Degrees. Refreshments to follow.
Please contact Mr. Fox (jacob.fox@sheldonschools.com) with any questions!
Please contact Mrs. Moyer (christina.moyer@sheldonschools.com with any questions!
The Book Fair will be set up at the Sheldon Middle School on October 28, 29 and 30, including during Parent/Teacher Conferences!
Weather Announcements If there is bad weather this winter, announcements will be made on KIWA radio, KTIV TV, and the district website. We will also notify you via text, email and/or voice if you have signed up for our messenger services.
Senior Photos Needed:
- Digital or Wallet size vertical posed photo (a digital copy is preferred)
- Baby Picture - please put your name on the back of the baby picture
Pictures due to Mr. Uhl by February 7, 2025
If you are not planning on getting seniors photos taken, please let Mr. Uhl know early in the Fall semester.
Infinite Campus
All parents and guardians have access to Campus Parent. This allows access to student grades, attendance and absences, seeing upcoming assignments and exams, as well as District Announcements and Lunch Account information. Please contact the high school office if you need help accessing Campus Parent. To download the app - search Campus Parent in the App Store or Google Play.
Google Classroom
Staff Directory
If your student has questions related to a class or activity, please first encourage them to contact that staff member in person. Students have a 30-minute Intervention period each day (except Wednesdays) to check in with teachers, complete missing work, and receive extra support. If there are additional questions, click on the image to access the Sheldon High School staff directory.
See our website (sheldonschools.com) for:
- Parent Portal/Pay Schools (where you can check your student’s grades, attendance, lunch balance & pay fees)
- Daily announcements
- Weekly Friday bulletins
- ORAB newsletters at the end of the quarter
- See Facebook, Twitter and Instagram for announcements and other event information
If you would like to receive an electronic notification when sporting events occur and/or have been changed you can sign up at https://www.gobound.com/ia/schools/sheldon
- Click the green notifications button on the left side of the screen.
- Enter appropriate information, and select the notifications you would like to receive and how you would like to receive them (email and/or text).
Sheldon Community High School
Sheldon High School
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