CFL May Family Newsletter
May 2024

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A Note from Mrs. Frees
Dear CFL Families,
As another school year is almost complete, I am amazed at how swiftly time has passed and reflect on the many remarkable achievements we've experienced together. Looking back, memories flood in: from the exciting beginning-of-year scavenger hunt to the delightful fall, winter, and spring music concerts, the joyous visit from Santa, spirited themed days, the celebrations of homecoming week, student-led conferences, and the collaborative efforts of our all-school crews, just to highlight a few. These moments, among many others, are all made possible by our cohesive community of learners, to which we all belong.
At CFL, we are incredibly fortunate to have a committed, compassionate, and diligent team of professionals including teachers, educational assistants, office staff, custodians, and other support staff both within the school and across the district. Together, we strive to ensure that each child receives the finest educational experience possible. The dedication of CFL staff consistently exceeds expectations as they provide students with a diverse range of activities to enrich their schooling journey.
I extend my heartfelt gratitude to our students for their dedication throughout the school year. It is a privilege to serve as their principal; their enthusiasm fills me with pride and joy, and their laughter brightens my days. I am genuinely thankful for the incredible community we have at CFL, and for the opportunity to be part of it.
To all parents, I express profound appreciation for entrusting us with the well-being, education, and growth of your children. Your confidence in us fuels our commitment to nurturing lifelong learners in a safe and supportive environment.
Staff Changes
We will be seeing some staff changes next year and send our best wishes to the following individuals who will be leaving. Their work at CFL has been appreciated and we wish them well in their future endeavors.
Erinn Tanner (1), Carlie Adair (PK), Kayla Sitton(PK)
Please Welcome:
Brooklyn Brassfield: 1st Grade
Caitlyn Brady: PK Lead Teacher
Everyone have a safe and happy summer break! Until next school year, here’s wishing you love, laughter and learning.
Kim Frees
Reminder that Teacher Appreciation week starts today!
- Pick a yummy fruit to give to your teacher/staff member.
Wednesday, May 1st: OUR TEACHERS/STAFF ROCK!!
- Paint a rock and give it to your teacher/staff member as a gift.
Thursday, May 2nd: SWEET and/or SALTY DAY
- Bring your teacher/staff member a sweet or salty treat!
Friday, May 3rd: THANK YOU CARD
- Show your teacher/staff member how much you care by making them a Thank You card.
Student Led Conferences~May 6th and May 13th
End of Year Student Lead Conferences are right around the corner
We are excited for our upcoming Student Lead Conferences on May 6th and May 13th. Several reminders have gone home in student backpacks. Please call the office if you have any questions.
May Intervention News
Welcome to May. It’s hard to believe the end of another year is upon us. It amazes me to think back on all that your children have learned this year, and all they have left ahead of them. This time in their lives is so important. Research shows that kids who do not read by 3rd grade will most likely struggle with it forever. With that in mind, please don’t take the summer off. Summer Slump is a real thing. Every year kids end the year knowing so much, but with a whole summer to play and rest a lot is forgotten. It is not hard to keep your child on the path to success. All it requires is 20 minutes a day. If you read with your child 20 minutes each day this summer you will be amazed how ready your child will be for the next year. As a reading teacher I urge you to take this little bit of time that will make all the difference. If you need help or suggestions as to what to read, or how to read with your child I am always here. You can stop by at conferences, or send me an email. I would love to help. As always, happy reading.
Melissa Bradley
Reading Interventionist CFL
Counselor's News
Happy May CFL Families!
For the month of May our school is learning about kindness. Your child may have come home talking about becoming a "bucket filler"; a bucket filler is someone who fills another person's "bucket" with kind words and actions during their day. Classrooms are working on filling their classroom bucket with kindness tickets to exchange for a kindness party! You can support your kiddo in earning kindness tickets for their classroom by talking with them about what a kind student looks like. If you have any questions, feel free to reach out!
ELL News
Dear Beautiful Families,
This year is quickly coming to an end! I have enjoyed every moment of our learning adventure. Your children have learned so many new skills and they have taught me so much, we will continue our learning until the very last day of school!
They will be bringing home their folder so they can continue learning and growing over the summer! The folder will have small decodable books and sight word lists full of words that they have learned over the past year.
Having your child read one of their books to you daily will enhance and continue their reading path, talking about the pictures in the story will increase their vocabulary knowledge.
Reading aloud to your child daily will help with their listening and comprehension skills.
Practicing their sight words will be a big benefit as well because next school year new words will be introduced to their foundation word bank. Have them use them in a sentence for you.
Providing a pad of paper and pencil and encouraging them to write and draw about the books even if it is just copying the text in the books or their sight words. As they write they will become more and more confident & creative and start writing their own ideas and stories.
As you go about your daily tasks, talk with your children about what you are doing or what you see will strengthen their vocabulary, speaking skills and following directions.
Thank you for sharing your children with me. I have loved every moment of learning and laughing with them. I will really miss my first graders as they move on to 2nd grade. I look forward to seeing my returning students! If you have any questions or concerns please contact me.
Melanie Kerrigan CFL~ELL
What's Happening in PE at CFL
Field day is on Thursday, May 30th from 11:30-2:45. We will be outside most of the day. This event is for current CFL students, no siblings please. Here are a few things to help us make this a successful field day:
Have your child wear clothes they can move in and tennis shoes. They may also wear hats to keep the sun out of their face.
A change of clothes as they will get wet. No swimsuits.
Send a water bottle with their name on it.
Apply sunscreen before they come to school.
Music News From Mrs. Volk
Can you believe we are at the end of this school year!? It seemed like it flew by! I guess it's true when they say, "Time flies when you're having fun!"
As we wrap up our year in music we are reviewing some of the concepts that we have been working on all year like rhythm, singing and speaking voices, and compositions (where we write musical patterns).
I am blown away by the amount of musical growth this year and cannot wait to see what is in store as these students grow up, move on, and accomplish amazing things. It has been my privilege to be your students' music teacher and I look forward to many more years of music making with you!
Mrs. Volk~
Preschool News
Dear Preschool Families,
As we approach the end of another wonderful preschool year, we wanted to take a moment to express our heartfelt gratitude to each and every one of you. Thank you for entrusting us with the privilege of nurturing and educating your precious little ones. It has been an incredible journey watching your children grow, learn, and thrive in our preschool environment. We are deeply appreciative of the partnership and support you have shown throughout the year. Your involvement, encouragement, and dedication to your child's learning have been instrumental in their progress and success. Together, we have created a nurturing community where children feel loved, valued, and empowered to explore the world around them. We are truly grateful for your commitment to your child's education and look forward to continuing this journey together in the future.
As we transition into the summer months, we want to emphasize the importance of keeping your child active and engaged during this time. Summer offers a wonderful opportunity for children to explore, play, and learn in new and exciting ways. Encouraging outdoor activities such as swimming, biking, hiking, and playing at the park not only promotes physical health but also stimulates cognitive development and creativity. Additionally, consider enrolling your child in summer camps or programs that offer enriching experiences such as nature exploration, arts and crafts, or sports activities. See the following ideas below!
Numbers and Counting:
- Use everyday objects like toys, fruits, or socks to practice counting.
- Play simple counting games during daily activities, such as counting the number of stairs as you climb them or the number of cars passing by.
Letter Names and Writing:
- Create a letter recognition scavenger hunt around your home or neighborhood. Look for letters on signs, labels, and books.
- Practice tracing letters in sensory materials like sand, salt, or shaving cream.
Library Visits:
- Make regular trips to the library and let your child explore different books and activities.
Outdoor Experiences:
- Take advantage of outdoor experiences to teach concepts like colors, shapes, and nature.
- Go on nature walks and encourage your child to collect items like leaves, rocks, or flowers. Use these items for counting, sorting, and sensory activities.
- Play outdoor games that involve physical activity while also incorporating learning elements, such as hopscotch with numbered squares or a nature-themed scavenger hunt.
Summer Programs 2024
Garfield County School District #16 and the Parachute/Battlement Mesa Parks and Recreation District have partnered to provide summer programming for the Summer of 2024.
Programs have been designed for students entering 1st through 6th grade for the 2024-2025 school year (students currently enrolled in grades K-5), with one program, Theater Aspen, for students entering grades 4-8.
There are only 30 spots available for each G16 program, 20 spots available for GV Recreation Center programs, and 20 for the Theater Aspen program (Español), first to register will take the first spots.
Please fill out one registration form per child. Register now by following this link. Spaces are limited. Register before May 17, 2024.
The cost of the programs are $50 per week, per child. Pay before May 31, 2024. See chart below for more information.
Programs will be offered Monday through Friday from 9:00 am to 4:00 pm.
Garfield 16 programs will be held at BUE in June and GVMS in July. G16 Programs will provide free lunch and snack.
Grand Valley Recreation Center programs will be held at Grand Valley Recreation Center.
GV Recreation Center programs will not provide meals, please make sure to pack a lunch for your child.
Upcoming Events at CFL
Center For Family Learning
Location: 100 E 2nd St, Parachute, CO 81635, USA
Phone: 970-285-5702