Bethel Flame
September 2024

A Message from the Principal
First, let me say thank you to all of the volunteers and supporters who were part of our 1st Place Pumpkin Festival Float experience. We appreciate all who showed up to help build the float and the amount of parade walkers and float riders was truly outstanding. Special thanks and congratulations go out to Brynlee Logue who designed the float and Joe Greenwood who was the driving force in the building of it.
Second, we are very thankful for Chef Kevin McCann. Chef McCann is graciously sharing his talents and expertise with us to provide quality hot lunches for our students at family-friendly prices. If you ever stop by in the mornings, you will see Chef hard at work preparing the lunches for the day. On a related note, we have a great group of volunteers who come in to serve lunch every day, but we could always use more. If this is something you can see yourself doing, please contact the school office.
There is a lot going on in October. Our teaching staff is excited about worshiping, learning and connecting with our fellow brothers and sisters in Lutheran teaching on the 11th of October (no school that day). It is always a great experience to gather together at our district conferences. Of special note, two of our own, Mrs. Kaufmann–5th grade and Mrs. Brock–special services and dyslexia tutor, are presenting at the conference.
Another exciting event is that on Wednesday, October 16th the Kramers will be performing at our chapel service. The Kramers is a gospel singing group made up of Scott and Rachel Kramer, their daughter Maria Wolfe and her husband Ben. We have had a close relationship with this family for over 20 years, and in that time, they have grown in national recognition, being nominated for “2020 New Artist of The Year” as part of The Singing News Fan Awards. As things have continued to progress for The Kramers, they teamed up with StowTown Records and multi-award winning producer, Wayne Haun for their latest album release entitled, “Sing Me There”; a sophomore album release with StowTown Records. It is an honor, that after all these years and all of the success that they are experiencing, they still grace us through our chapel service. Again, they will be here on the 16th of October at 8:30am for our chapel. Please know that you are welcome to come – and bring a friend!
Parent teacher conferences are coming right up on October 24 and 25. So, the week of October 7, you will be receiving links via email for each teacher so that you can schedule conferences for your child(ren).
That same week, on the 21st our Butterbraid sales begin! These are delicious pastries, cookie dough and pizzas that our Junior High students sell to help offset the costs of their overnight field trips. The items will be delivered the week of November 14th so they will be here in time for Thanksgiving.
Red Ribbon Week
Drive-Thru Prayer Day
During the month of October, we are focusing on prayer at Bethel Church. One of the new and exciting ideas we are adding is to offer a day of "drive-thru" prayer. On October 16 from 3:00-5:30 PM, we will be set up in the Church parking lot and available for anyone in the Church, school OR community to stop by and be prayed with by a member of our prayer team. Our plan is to do this on other days in the future, but for now, please stop by after work or school on the 16th and join us in a word of prayer. If you have any questions, please contact Linda Bisping at 309-264-5326 or lindabisping@comcast.net.
2024-2025 Combined Sponsorship Opportunities
Email our PTL at ptl@bethellutheranschool.org with questions.
The Snack Shack is Open!
The Snack Shack is open every school morning from 8:15 to 8:25 in the commons, with snack prices ranging from $.25 to $1.00. Seventh graders will be selling snacks each morning to raise money for overnight field trips in 7th and 8th grades. Students are welcome to purchase a snack to help us raise funds for our trips! THANK YOU!
Preschool Fun
During October, our preschoolers will be focusing on nutrition and good health, along with fire safety. The preschool October Bible verse is Matthew 6:11 "Give us our daily bread." All are welcome to join us at our next preschool Chapel services for Thanksgiving, at 9:15 AM in the Church sanctuary on Monday, October 28 and Tuesday, October 29.
For our 4- and 5-year-old preschool class students, the second semester Lunch Bunch and afternoon enrichment classes are now open for registration! If you are interested in signing up your child to join us, please check the email sent on 9/30 or let Mrs. Weber know. A list of the afternoon enrichment classes and more information about these afternoon programs can be found HERE.
High School Happenings
Be sure to visit the link for our Bethel High School monthly calendar. It will be updated regularly with all of our high school activities, and the link will be included in our "Quick Links" newsletter section all year long.
Upcoming Events & Calendar Dates
Mondays Joyful Noise Choir in the music room (6th grade through high school) - 3:00 to 3:30 PM
Thursdays Praise Kids Choir in the music room (2nd through 5th grades) - 3:00 to 3:30 PM
Monday, October 7 PTL meeting in high school room - 6:30 PM *please note PTL meeting schedule change to first Monday of each month
Friday, October 11 End of 1st quarter
Friday, October 11 No school - CID conference
Monday, October 14 Volleyball 8th grade night
Wednesday, October 16 1st quarter report cards go home
Wednesday, October 16 Green and white day for state cross country meet
Monday, October 21 Butterbraid sales begin
Monday, October 21-Wednesday, October 23 Bethel Red Ribbon Week
Thursday, October 24 & Friday, October 25 No school for grade school and high school - Bethel parent teacher conferences; preschool is IN SESSION
Wednesday, October 30 Green and white day for state volleyball matches
Sports Calendar/Upcoming Athletic Events
Make plans to check out an upcoming Bethel game or race! All family and friends are invited to cheer on our Bethel Flames. Volleyball and cross country seasons are in full swing, with basketball and cheerleading starting soon. Family athletic passes are still available for $50, and include admission for all family members living in your household for all Bethel home sporting events for the year.
Click the button below for our current sports events calendar, and check back often for updates!
October Chapel Offerings and Memory Verses
Chapel offerings for the month of October will go to The Kramers. The Kramers will be performing at our chapel service on Wednesday, October 16. Please make plans to join us at 8:35 to enjoy their wonderful music with us!
Week of October 7 (preschool unit verse) - Matthew 6:11: Give us this day our daily bread.
Week of October 14 - Review week (4, 5, 6, 7)
Week of October 21 - Romans 6:23: For the wages of sin is death, but the free gift of God is eternal life in Christ Jesus our Lord.
Week of October 28 - 1st Commandment: You shall have no other gods. What does this mean? We should fear, love and trust in God above all things.
Week of November 4 - Psalm 121:8: The Lord will keep your going out and your coming in from this time forth and forevermore.