WMS Friday Forecast
January 15, 2021 - Week 19
Dear Middle School Parents/Guardians:
Beginning on January 25, and all following Mondays for the remainder of this school year, middle school students will have an early release that ends their school day at 2:42 PM. Our middle school teachers will have the opportunity to work together in their Professional Learning Communities (PLC) when we implement early release days at both Thompson and Wredling Middle Schools. Both the elementary and high school teachers are afforded weekly collaboration time in their hybrid learning schedules and it was not embedded in the middle school schedule.
We recognize and appreciate the need to maximize instructional time for middle school students. During the Monday afternoon PLC time, teachers will be actively collaborating to answer these key questions:
What are the essential learning target(s) in this unit and how will we adjust plans to make them the priority?
- What common assessments can we create and implement to gauge student progress and give us data across the entire grade level?
- From common assessment results (and i-Ready scores), what reteaching, support and
interventions can be put in place for students who are struggling? - From common assessment results (and i-Ready scores) what enrichment and extension
activities can be used to help students who already know the standard grow?
When teachers have time to ask and answer these questions, the quality of instruction and student learning improves. The teachers’ ability to implement instructional technology tools that may be new to them improves as well.
The early release day schedule will include slightly shortened periods with dismissal at 2:42 p.m. Buses will be ready at that time to take students home.
2021 early release Monday schedule:
● January 25
● February 1, 8, 22
● March 1, 8, 15, 22
● April 5, 12, 19, 26
● May 3, 10, 17, 24
Middle School Early Release Bell Schedule
We are excited for this opportunity as our teachers work to improve their instruction and raise
student achievement! And as always, thank you for your continued support as we partner with you during your middle schooler's educational experience.
Tim Loversky
Principal, Wredling Middle School
Believe it or not, high school is fast approaching for your 8th grader. In anticipation of next year, counselors and administrative staff from St. Charles East and St. Charles North high schools will be meeting with your child next week (on their asynchronous learning days only) to help them register for Freshman courses. During the week of January 18th, 2021, students will be assigned a time to meet with their counselor where they will make their final course selections. Please click on the links below to access the registration meeting information and forms for the high school your child will be attending next year.
High School Course Registration/Schedule Links:
Dr. Patrick McGuire
Assistant Principal
Wredling Middle School
SEL Survey
St. Charles Community Unit School District 303 strives to provide all students with the best opportunity to succeed academically, socially, and behaviorally in school. As part of this commitment, District 303 is enhancing our Multi-Tiered Systems of Supports (MTSS) across the district for the 2020-2021 school year.
This year, students in grades 2-5 and students in 6-12 will be completing a universal screening tool to assess their academic, social, and emotional learning skills. The use of universal screening allows us to refine and strengthen our efforts to help all students achieve success by taking positive and preventative measures as early as possible. This also provides us with the opportunity to assist students who may need additional support with academic, social, and emotional learning.
One of the universal screening tools used by the District is the ECRA SEL Survey, which focuses on the following areas:
Responsible Decision Making
The ECRA SEL Survey will be completed three times this school year. The first one was completed in the fall. Students will complete the mid year check between January 18 and January 29. The third check will be April 26 through May 7. If a screening shows that a student will benefit from additional skill development, parents will be contacted and will work in collaboration with school staff to problem-solve and determine next steps.
Additional information about this screener and other assessments in District 303 may be found on our website at https://district.d303.org/departments/assessment. Thank you for your support and assistance in ensuring each of our students has the opportunity to achieve academic and social-emotional success.
We are excited to share that our D303 Middle School Counselors have been working to create opportunities to share a new web based platform that is a comprehensive website where you and your child can begin to have discussions and make plans about colleges and careers. Naviance Student, which is connected to Naviance, is a service that will provide experiences where students can explore and identify key elements that pertain to colleges and careers.
Deadline Extended to Order WMS Yearbooks!
Buying a yearbook is optional and not all students choose to own one. The price of a yearbook is $25. We are extending the due date for ordering books to Friday, January 22, 2021. This will be the last date that you can order this year's edition. Login to Pushcoin and then click on "webstore". Scroll down to the Wredling webstore. The WMS yearbook is at the very bottom.
Not sure if you already ordered one??? You can check in your PushCoin account. Once logged in, go to "Transactions" and adjust the start date to April 1, 2020. Look through your transactions for "WMS Yearbook 2020-2021."
WE STILL NEED YOUR PICTURE SUBMISSIONS FOR THIS YEAR'S YEARBOOK. Your participation is crucial to completing our yearbook!
Current theme: "Winter Fun" and/or "Family Celebrations"
- Pictures can be shared through the Google drive or email at Timothy.Massie@d303.org OR
- CLICK THE IMAGE BELOW (computer or smartphone) and use access code - redhawks)
Families who wish to submit a Middle School Transfer request may do so beginning February 1, 2021. Families must complete a separate form for each student they want to be transferred. Requests are granted based on space available. This means that siblings are not guaranteed placement. A written decision will be communicated to families before spring break.
Once the request is approved, a student may remain at that middle school throughout his or her middle school career, as long as the student resides in District 303.
Families of students granted permission to attend a school outside of their assigned attendance area are responsible for their own transportation.
Students will return to their assigned attendance area high school regardless of the middle school attended.
The Middle School Transfer request window will close at 4:00pm on February 26, 2021.
If you have questions, please contact Tammy Marsan at: 331-228-2397.
Dear Parents:
Saints Helping Hawks runs every Tuesday and Wednesday (currently virtually) from 4:00-4:45. Students can attend Tuesday, Wednesday, or both days! Volunteer high school tutors from East HS join our Google Meet. We match WMS students to high school students (based on subject area strengths) and the tutoring begins!
If you would like more information about this club, feel free to email one of the teachers (emails listed below) and we will get back to you! Or, you can click on this link and fill out the form and we will get more information to you.
We hope to see your child at Saints Helping Hawks!
Mrs. Breon (shannon.breon@d303.org)
Ms. Parikh (dhara.parikh@d303.org)Chromebook Device Exchange
If you need assistance with a broken device, please contact the live chat service during business hours or visit the IT Technical Resources site for information.
Remote Academy Learning Resources
Welcome to remote learning! Remember that remote students have classes every day. Below are resources for our full remote learners:
Remote Academy Calendar (and Bell Schedule)
You can check the attendance for any of your students at any time by logging into the Home Access Center and clicking on the attendance tab to view. Toggle between students using the arrow in the upper right hand corner.
If you have any questions, please don’t hesitate to call the main office at (331) 228-3100! We are here to help!
Compass Academy
Compass Academy is a new D303 program that will open in the Fall of 2021 at the Haines Center. Key features of the Academy include flexible scheduling, project-based learning, interdisciplinary courses, competency-based education, and more. Any District 303 student entering grades 9-12 is eligible to enroll at the Academy. There are no entrance criteria and all students are invited to apply. This program is designed to support all students, including those interested in early college courses and/or career pathway experiences.
The Compass Academy brochure is linked below for your review. More information can be found by viewing this presentation from a recent BOE meeting. Interested parents or students should contact Director Sharon Stanley at sharon.stanley@d303.org or via this form.
Click HERE for the Compass Academy brochure
Dear Parents and Future North Stars-
SCN is a great place, but it’s also a big place. Peer Leadership (PL) hopes to make the transition to high school more comfortable and fun, while offering opportunities for growth.
The goals of Peer Leadership are to:
Match incoming freshmen with selected upperclassmen mentors.
Foster lasting friendships and bonds between the freshmen, their mentors, and the kids in their PL Groups.
Improve freshmen self-confidence and self-advocacy.
Prepare freshmen to become participants in clubs, sports, classes, and other activities at SCN.
Prepare freshmen for future leadership roles.
PL Students meet together in groups every day. PL is formally added to student schedules and takes the place of lunch/ study hall. There are weekly themes that are educational, informative, supportive, and fun. PL also attends a day of teambuilding “Camp”, has several “all PL” activities during the year, and meets together in groups both formally and informally.
We would like to be able to offer PL to all interested incoming freshmen, but our numbers are limited. In order to start the selection process, interested students (or their parents) should fill out this Preliminary Interest Form before February 5th.
Contact Stephanie Stavropoulos @ stephanie.stavropoulos@d303.org with specific questions.
Peer Leadership... a great way to start high school!
Parents and Future Saints-
Peer Leadership is an extracurricular program that matches selected incoming freshmen with juniors and seniors who make the transition into high school fun and easy and mentor them throughout the year. Because this program meets during the school day, it has to be put into a student’s schedule when registering for next year’s classes. Although we would like to be able to offer this to all interested incoming freshmen, our numbers are limited by available classroom space and our budget. Therefore, in order to start the selection process, interested students should apply using THIS APPLICATION.
If your child is interested in the program, please fill out the application and e-mail it to Jim Reed, the Peer Leadership Coordinator (James.Reed@d303.org). Completed applications must be received no later than Tuesday, January 19th, 2021. For more information about Peer Leadership, please attend Future Saints Night in January.
We hope to hear from you!
Looking for a job?
One of the more flexible positions available is that of a D303 Substitute. You can choose to work, or not work, as your schedule permits. Take a moment and read the Substitute Handbook to see what this job entails.
If you are interested and hold a:
- Bachelor's degree in any field you would qualify to apply for a substitute license with the state which allows you to sub for teachers or teacher assistants. You would apply using THIS link.
- Associate's degree you apply for a Paraprofessional license which only allows you to sub for Teaching assistants. You would apply using THIS link.
- High School diploma you have to take an aptitude test with the KANE ROE office. Once you pass that, you apply for a Paraprofessional license which only allows you to sub for Teaching assistants. You would apply using THIS link.
Contact Julie Wenger (julie.wenger@d303.org) with any questions.
Wake Up Call
February 2, 2021
6:30-8:00 p.m.
Wake Up Call is a three-part drug and alcohol prevention presentation. The first part of the presentation focuses on current trends such as vaping, marijuana, alcohol and prescription pills. Next, attendees will virtually walk through a life-size teen bedroom with more than 20 “red flags” that can signal drug or alcohol use. The bedroom identifies spots where drugs can be hidden, household items that can be used as drug paraphernalia and ways teens try to cover up drug and alcohol use. Lastly, attendees will learn practical prevention strategies to prevent substance abuse and where to go for help if they are concerned. Please fill out this form if you are interested in attending.
Winter Reading Program
AAUW Writing Contest for 7th and 8th Grade Students
Attention 7th and 8th graders: Do you like to write? Do you have a story that you are really proud of? Or a poem that you wrote this past year? Maybe an essay or report that is awesome?
Then the 42nd Annual AAUW Creative Writing Contest could be for you! Please click on this link for more details. Entries are due by February 3, 2021.
Wredling Middle School - Home of the RedHawks
Website: wredling.d303.org
Location: 1200 Dunham Road, St. Charles, IL, USA
Phone: (331)228-3700
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/Wredling-Middle-School-537757163011275/
Twitter: @WredlingD303