Upper Dublin In Review
Legislative Briefs - May 2024
Upper Dublin Board of School Directors
Mr. Jeffrey Wallack, President, Mr. Mark Sirota, Vice President
Ms. Jenna Evans, Mr. John Held, Ms. Jennifer Iannitti, Ms. Alima Redding, Ms. Titia Scherpbier, Dr. Mary Beth Thomas, Mr. Stu Warshawer
Call to Order - Mr. Jeffrey Wallack, Board President, called the meeting to order at 7:01 PM.
President's Welcome - Mr. Wallack welcomed everyone to the meeting.
Years of Service and Retirement Recognition - The Board and Administration recognized employees for their years of service and dedication to the District. Employees who have served the Upper Dublin School District for 15, 20, 25, 30, and 35 years were honored. In addition, the Board recognized those employees retiring from service within the District.
Superintendent's Report - Dr. Laurie Smith, Superintendent, reported on her attendance at the 40th Annual PASA Women's Caucus in Hershey, PA, along with Ms. Martonik (House Principal, UDHS), Ms. Nuskey (House Principal, SRMS), and Ms. Kim (TFES Principal), the Years of Service recipients and Retirees, the annual UD Medals 2024 Ceremony, end of year musical concerts, activities, graduation, and the recent UD Triathlon.
Public Participation - This opportunity for public participation is for action items and presentations included on the agenda only. Public participation included the following topics:
- Tax increases;
- Act 1 Index;
- Capital Reserve Fund;
- New positions;
- Budget;
- Enrollment;
- Transportation Center costs;
- Economy; and
- Educational needs of students.
Minutes - The April 29, 2024 legislative meeting minutes were approved by the Board.
Education Committee Recommendations - The Board approved the following:
- IEP writing software agreement;
- Agreement with Professional Learning Partnerships for professional learning services;
- Professional development conferences; and
- Student activities.
Finance Committee Recommendations - The Board approved the following:
- Routine matters - Treasurer's Report, the list of bill payments, budgetary transfers, and disposal of excess, obsolete, and non-repairable equipment;
- Geotechnical study agreement for transportation facility;
- ICS Landscape Architectural Services;
- ICS Professional Services for JTES long-range planning options;
- Proposal for SRMS softball field netting;
- JTES paving bid;
- 2024-2025 Proposed Final Budget (final budget approval on June 24, 2024);
- Property Tax Rebate Program for the 2024-2025 tax year;
- HomeTown Ticketing software service agreement; and
- Food Service Department Bid Award for FWES Kitchen Equipment.
Personnel Committee Recommendations - The Board approved the following:
- Personnel Report inclusive of appointments, resignations, retirements, leaves of absence, changes of status, Extended School Year (ESY), Summer STEM, and extracurriculars; and
- Positions Created - Director of Communications, Math Interventionist, and Kindergarten Educational Assistant.
Policy Committee Recommendations - The Board approved the following second readings:
- Students Experiencing Homelessness, Foster Care, and Other Educational Instability (251);
- Drug and Substance Abuse (351);
- Records Management (800);
- Security of Computerized Personal Information/Breach Notification (830);
- Data Governance (830.1); and
- Visitors to Schools (907).
- Drug and Substance Abuse (Professional and Classified Employees) (451 & 551).
The Board affirmed the following first readings of policies:
- Assignment to Schools Within District (206);
- Student Government (228); and
- Transportation (810).
The Board affirmed the following first reading repeals of policies:
- Use of Recording Devices on School Buses (810.2).
Other Recommendations: The Board approved the following:
- Application submission to the Pennsylvania Department of Education (PDE) for a Flexible Instruction Day (FID) Plan.
Solicitor's Report - Mr. Diasio reported that the Board met in executive session prior to the May 20, 2024 legislative meeting to discuss the personnel report and the terms of the Act 93 agreement.
Public Participation - This opportunity for public participation is for any topic. The topics included:
- Hometown Ticketing agreement;
- Softball field;
- Water drainage at FWES;
- Budgeting and staffing; and
- Facilities maintenance throughout the District.
Comments from the Board and/or Superintendent - The Board and Superintendent commented on the following:
- HomeTown Ticketing agreement; and
- Facilities maintenance.
The following informational items were included on the agenda:
- Enrollment Report;
- Liaison Committee Reports;
- Monthly committee meeting approved minutes; and
- Schedule of upcoming meetings.
Adjournment - The meeting was adjourned at 7:39 PM.