The Patriot Post
December 6, 2024
In This Update
- Upcoming: No School Days
- Pre-Arranged Absences
- Stevens Point City Bus
- Tonight: Winter Wonderland Activity Night!
- Upcoming: Break B4 Break - Dress Up Days!
- Physical Education Swim Reminder
- Music Concert Dates
- Upcoming: Addressing Bullying in the Digital Age
- Yearbook
- Apparel Holiday Sale
- Winter Formal
- Updated: Real Talk - Parent Focus Groups
- Fidelis Consulting Service
- Winter Sports Sign Up & Information
Upcoming: No School Days
Friendly reminder that there is no school the following days for the Winter Break:
- Monday, December 23rd, 2024 - January, 1st 2025
Pre-Arranged Absences
Is your student going to be away from school for a vacation or a hunting/fishing trip? Any time a student will be away from school for over three days for a trip, they need to complete a Pre-Arranged Absence form beforehand.
To receive a Pre-Arranged Absence form, students must:
1) (Preferred) Bring a signed note from a parent/guardian, indicating the dates they are gone. The Main Office will staple the note to a yellow Pre-Arranged Absence form and provide it to your student.
3) Students are then expected to retrieve teacher signatures and information on homework
4) Return it to the Main Office for a copy! The absence dates will then be added to their attendance.
If you have any questions, please feel free to call the Main Office at 715-245-5422. We're happy to assist!
Stevens Point City Bus
Is your student within walking distance to school, but needs a ride on chilly days? Friendly reminder to all families that Central Transportation (City Bus) is free for all students 17 and under. Families may call 715-341-4490 if they need to figure out what route their student would take.
Dress Days will be from December 16th - 20th
Physical Education Swim Reminder
Dear PJ Jacobs Families,
This letter is to inform you about the PJ Jacobs Junior High swim unit. The goal of this unit is to provide beginner to advanced level instruction including safety skills to grades 7-9. Our 1st semester swim unit will run from Dec. 2nd - 13th. The girls will swim from 12/2 - 12/6, and the boys will swim from 12/9 - 12/13.
The swim unit will last a total of 5 class periods. Please remind your child to bring a swimsuit, towel and anything else they will need to be successful in the pool (ex: goggles, swim cap, etc.). Swimsuits/swim trunks must be school appropriate. Girls are encouraged to wear a one piece suit. If a two piece is worn then a t-shirt should be worn over. Boys can wear athletic shorts but must have a waist tie.
It is important to note that any missed swim classes MUST be made up in the swimming pool either during lunch or during an after school swim make-up day. The ONLY exception will be if a student has a signed note from a doctor excusing them from the swim unit due to a health concern. In this situation the student will need to complete an alternative assignment to receive participation points for the swim unit. Please let the PJ Jacobs PE staff know if you have any questions. We are looking forward to a few great days in the pool!
PJ Jacobs PE Staff
Mrs. Landolt- alandolt@pointschools.net
Mr. Sprague- dsprague@pointschools.net
Coach- nschuste@pointschools.net
Music Concert Dates
- 01/28/2025 - PJ Chamber Orchestra Elementary Outreach Tour
- 01/30/2025 - PJ Concert Band Elementary Outreach Tour
- 03/01/2025 - WSMA District Solo and Ensemble Festival
- 03/11/2025 - All - District Orchestra Concert
- 04/08/2025 - District Jazz Night
- 04/24/2025 - PJ Jacobs Spring Band Concert
- 05/03/2025 - WSMA State Solo and Ensemble
- 05/08/2025 - PJ Jacobs Spring Choir Concert
- 05/13/2025 - PJ Jacobs Combined 6th and 7th Grade Bands
- 05/15/2025 - PJ/Ben/SPASH Bandshell Concert
- 05/19/2025 - PJ Jacobs/Elem Strings Spring Orchestra Concert
- 05/22/2025 - PJ Award Ceremony Jazz Band Performance
Apply today: District Employment Opportunities
Call us at: (715) 496-7005 or email one of our Managers
Winter Sports Sign Up & Information
P.J. Jacobs Junior High School
Website: https://www.pointschools.net/PJJacobs
Location: 2400 Main Street, Stevens Point, WI 54481
Phone: 715-345-5422
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/PJJacobsJuniorHigh
Parent Partner Information
Yog xav tau kev pab txhais cov lus no, thov hu rau Mai Kou Yang ntawm 715-343-7139 los 715-340-0656 lossis sau email rau: myang@capmail.org
Si necesita ayuda traduciendo información que se encuentra en el correo electrónico, por favor, contacte a Jami McGriff al correo jmcgriff@pointschools.net o llame al 715-498-1976