The Social Studies Connection
More than a Newsletter for Secondary Social Studies Teachers

September 2024
Click here for last month's edition of the Social Studies Connection.
K-12 Social Studies Specialist
Office of Teaching & Learning
Southland Center - 3700 South High Street, Columbus, OH
Department Chair Meetings 2024-2025
High School Social Studies Department Chairs meet monthly for professional development and to collaboratively help shape CCS Social Studies. This year's meetings will be held on the second Wednesdays of the month, 3:30 - 5:30 p.m. at Southland Center, 3700 S. High St.
September 11, 2024
October 9, 2024
November 13, 2024
December 11, 2024
January 8, 2025
February 12, 2025
March 12, 2025
April 9, 2025
May 14, 2025
Department Chair appointments are made by the building principal, in accordance with Article 905 of the Master Agreement.
New Department Chairs for 2024-2025 should email Matt Doran to make sure they are on the distribution list for this year.
Doing Social Studies: September 18 PD Day
September 18 is the first District PD Day. This is a district-led event—teachers will attend by content area teaching assignment. The Social Studies PD Day will be held at the newly-renovated Mifflin High School, 3245 Oak Spring St, Columbus, OH 43219. The day follows regular contract hours for middle and high school, 7:15 a.m. - 2:45 p.m.
Aligned with the District's Core Instructional Framework, sessions will focus on Learning Design and Learning from Student Work. Following our CCS Social Studies Points of Emphasis for 2024-2025, the theme of the PD Day is "Doing Social Studies."
The day will begin will an open session townhall, followed by three breakout sessions throughout the day. Sessions include:
- TCI Next Level: Lesson Design and Preview Activities
- Social Studies Writing that Rocks (and Works!)
- Achieve3000 (Beginner and Intermediate/Advanced sessions)
- Using Project-Based Learning to Develop Curious Students
- Using Next Gen Personal Finance Units in High School Economics
- Creating Course Content in Canvas
- Leveraging Canvas Studio
- Creating MasteryConnect Assessments from Item Banks
- Everyday Mindfulness and Movement
- PAR Session for New Teachers
- and more!
Register through PDS by September 16—course #70850.
Be sure to click the "Next" button after registering and reviewing the confirmation screen. You are not registered until you receive the green screen, "Congratulations" box.
Attendance Notes: Teachers must sign-in in the a.m. and out in the p.m. to receive CEUs. No partial CEUs are awarded. A certificate will be distributed at sign out to provide to building administrators. Absences (full or partial) should be handled through normal procedures (building administrator/Red Rover).
CCS/OER World History Project Professional Learning Community
CCS Social Studies is partnering with Gates Ventures/OER Project to launch a Professional Learning Community cohort and curriculum pilot program. We are recruiting 30 CCS teachers of World History (Grades 7, 9, and Global Issues).
World History Project PLC teachers will participate in five professional development sessions focused on historical thinking skills for world history. Four of these sessions will held during District PD Days. The other session will be an evening webinar (November or December).
In the weeks between sessions, PLC teachers will pilot OER World History Project tools, resources, and lessons in the classroom to supplement the District-adopted programs. Sessions will include follow-up discussion and feedback on this implementation.
Read more about this project and apply here.
Applications are due by Thursday, September 12 at 11:59 p.m.
Constitution Day, September 17, 2024
September 17 is Constitution Day. This day commemorates the September 17, 1787 signing of the United States Constitution. Each educational institution that receives Federal funds for a fiscal year is required to hold an educational program about the U.S. Constitution for its students on September 17.
CCS Social Studies recommends the following resources:
Teacher Resources
- Celebrating Our Constitution Lesson (TCI)
- American Founding Text Set (CommonLit)
- Constitution Day Lessons (Center for Civic Education)
- Constitution Day Resources (Constitutional Rights Foundation)
- Constitution Day Lesson Plan (iCivics)
- Ideals in U.S. Founding Documents (Choices Program)
- National Constitution Center Programs
Interactive Student Resources
Accessing CCS Curriculum
Curriculum for the 2024-2025 school year is available through two locations. On the CCS Social Studies Curriculum page, the curriculum guides are provided in PDF format to allow for quick and convenient access on any device and easy printing options. Additionally, teachers can access the Google Docs preview versions of the curriculum guides on the "District-Approved Curriculum" course on Canvas.
TCI Implementation Resource Center
The TCI Implementation Resource Center is your one-stop shop for learning the best practices of TCI and how these practices align with CCS Curriculum.
The Implementation Resource Center provides information about:
- On-Demand PD
- TCI Digital Platform Introduction
- Theory and Research-Based Active Instruction
- TCI Lesson Elements and Cycle
- Activities/Engagement Strategies
- TCI Programs for CCS Middle School Courses
- TCI Programs for CCS High School Courses
- Digging Deeper with TCI Ten PD Videos.
This page is also accessible from the CCS Social Studies Homepage.
Achieve3000 Literacy Intervention Program
Achieve3000 is the literacy intervention program for high schools. High School teachers and students now have access to Achieve3000 via CCS Classlink Launchpad.
LevelSet is the first step Achieve3000 implementation. LevelSet is a Lexile assessment that establishes a baseline Lexile level for the comprehension of nonfiction text. It also drives the differentiation within the Achieve3000 platform. Any ELA, Social Studies, and Science teacher in grades nine through eleven may facilitate the LevelSet. However, we suggest that Social Studies teachers prepare students for the assessment by sharing the following handout and video, and implement the LevelSet in Social Studies class. This handout and video (English and Spanish) will help to prepare students prior to testing. (Note about video: The video explains that students will have login information to enter the platform, however CCS students will access Achieve3000 via ClassLink, so no login information is needed.) Also, this teacher handout guides teachers through the before, during, and after steps of the LevelSet assessment.
LevelSet is now open. The LevelSet competition will conclude on September 17. The LevelSet window, however, will remain open. This will take 1-2 class periods.
Once LevelSet is complete, you will be able to assign content-specific lessons/articles aligned with your curriculum. The goal will be for each content-area teacher to assign 1 article per week, in order to help students reach maximum gains. Alignment guides for Modern World History 9, American History 10, and American Government are available on the Social Studies Curriculum page.
For additional support, see the Achieve3000 webpage here.
National Council for the Social Studies Annual Conference, November 22-24
National Council for the Social Studies (NCSS) is excited to announce registration for the 104th NCSS Annual Conference in Boston, MA is now open!
Reconnect With Your Social Studies Colleagues in Historic Boston—November 22-24, 2024. Meet with thousands of social studies educators, administrators, and professionals from across the country to inspire your usage of best practices and rejuvenate with others in the social studies profession. You will leave the conference with strong strategies for delivering instruction that engages students, the best ways to advocate for the most pressing issues of social studies education, and a network of colleagues to support you throughout the year.
There is $200,000 available to CEA bargaining unit members each year to pursue professional development opportunities outside the school district. Forms to apply for professional leave are available in the “Forms” section of the CEA website or the CCS Intranet, along with the full leave guidelines. September 27, 2024 is the deadline to submit the form for review at the October 3 Review Committee meeting.
NCHE/NCSS Equity Summit 2024 - Free Virtual Conference
Equity Summit 2024
In Pursuit of Equity – Access for All Learners
Saturday, September 28
11 a.m. to 4 p.m. EST
Discover new and effective teaching strategies that promote equity and inclusion in history education. Learn how to engage students with diverse backgrounds and learning needs.