Southwood School News
February 2025

February is Literacy Month!
At Southwood School we focus on literacy every month. However, the month of February is known as “Literacy Month”, so we want to take time during February to do some extra literacy activities to help show the joys of reading, writing and playing games that promote literacy.
We will be doing a school-wide organized activity for Valentine’s Day in which we have paired up all the classes to create, write, and swap Valentine’s Day cards!
Happy Reading!
Let's get this reading party started!
Black History Month -- February
Our parents and staff help us recognize Black History Month in 2025
Our display case next to our office window and our featured announcements in February bring our attention to the contributions of Black Canadians in our own community and in our broader Canadian experiences. Thank you to our Southwood Parents!
Valentine's Day Info
On February 14th our classes celebrate kindness and caring. Please feel free to send Valentines with your child to distribute in class. If you wish to bring treats for your child's class, please contact your child's teacher who will organize and arrange the number and amount of NUT AWARE treats for the class. Our priority is to celebrate in moderation and in a healthy manner.
Winter Fun Days
As many of you know, Southwood students enjoy a Winter Fun Day each year in February by going tobogganing. Grade 2, 3, and 4 students will be bussed to Abe’s Hill while Kindergarten and grade 1’s will toboggan on the nature hill in our playground during their scheduled phys.ed. time. This year, due to the number of classes in each grade, we have made a change to our Annual Winter Fun Day tobogganing schedule. We have decided to spread it out across 3 Wednesdays to limit the number of students sledding at one time. Each grade level will be scheduled on Wednesdays as follows: (weather permitting)
Grade 2’s - Feb. 5
Grade 3’s and 3/4KB, 3/4KP - Feb. 12
Grade 4’s and 3/4D - Feb. 19
Students going to Abe’s Hill will need permission forms signed and an email will be sent out letting you know when this will be available on the parent portal. Grade 2 parents should have already received this email.
Please make sure your child dresses appropriately for the weather that day as we will be outside more than usual: winter hat, mittens, (no finger gloves), as well as face protection from windchill (no loose scarves), and ski pants. Please do not send sleds from home. Students are encouraged (however not required) to wear a properly fitted CSA approved hockey helmet or a properly fitted snow sport helmet.
The grades 2-4 students will be given hot chocolate after their scheduled time sledding, while the K and grade 1 students will enjoy a juice box.
We are looking forward to a fun and engaging day enjoying the outdoors, being physically active while building community as a school!
Please Remember the Utensils for your Child's Lunch
Utensils for Lunches
A Message from Southwood's PAC
Please join the Southwood Parent Advisory Council in thanking our teachers and staff ! We will be providing all staff with a yogurt parfait bar on February 24th. Please sign up at the following link….
PAC will also be running some fundraisers in March... Stay tuned for details...
Chocolate's For Sale
Chocolate Fundraiser - February 4th - 21st
2025 Southwood School Chocolate Sales
It's February! In the spirit of chocolate celebrations, here are the details of our 2025 Chocolate Sales Fundraiser.
February 4th until February 21st. We are raising money for several special projects…
- a shade/shelter structure for the Southwood Playground
- some additional padding in the gym.
- year end celebrations.
Parents may pick up cases after 12:00 noon on the 4th. We not send cases home with students. It will be $90.00 per case ($3.00 per bar) We would prefer pre-payment when possible but you may sign up and simply pay when you have sold the chocolates.
Payments of cash or cheque will be accepted at the office.
Cheques should be made payable to: Southwood School.
Payment is preferred at chocolate pick up, especially for multiple cases.
We will be giving out prizes again this year:
-1 case sold - your child's name will go into a draw for daily prizes
-3 cases sold - your child can pick from a choice of prizes in the $25.00 range
-6 cases sold - your child can pick from a choice of prizes in the $50.00 range
- a special prize for the highest seller (must sell 6 or more cases).
Please complete our questionnaire below to indicate how many cases you would like to purchase, and what flavors please. We have 2 types of cases: Chocolate Almonds and Variety Pack.
Thank you!
Southwood School
Kindergarten Registration - 2025 - 2026 School Year
Kindergarten registration for the 2025-2026 school year has opened. The registration process will take place online at HSD.ca If you do not have access to the internet, please visit our school (after registration has opened), and we will assist you in completing the registration form on a school computer.
Parents/Guardians are encouraged to register their children as soon as possible. Registering early assists our school in preparation and planning for the upcoming school year. Early registration also provides parents/guardians with the opportunity to participate in upcoming 2025-2026 orientation activities.
Children must be five years of age on or before December 31, 2025 to be eligible for 2025/26 registration, and are required to attend the school within the catchment area in which they reside.
Please use the link below to register or visit the Southwood website and click on the link there... you will then be asked to complete the registration for you child online. Once this is complete, your child's information will be collected at the school and you will be contacted in spring with details about Kindergarten orientation.
See Saw for Learning
Seesaw App
Nutrition Bits and Bites
Valentine's Day Crafts for Kids
Upcoming Events
February 3 - I Love to Read Month Assemblies - K to Gr 2 @ 9:15 and Gr 3 & 4 @10:00. Parents are Welcome!
February 5, 12, 19 - Winter Fun Days - Special outdoor events for students
February 17 - Louis Riel Day - No school
February 26 - Pink Shirt Day/Kindness Assemblies K to Gr 2 @ 9:05 and Gr 3 & 4 @ 3:00. Parents are Welcome!
February 27 & 28 - Teacher Professional Development Days - No school for students
March 7 -- Admin Day - NO Classes
March 9 - Daylight Savings Time begins
March 10 - Assemblies K to Gr 2 @ 9:05 and Gr 3 & 4 @ 3:00. Parents are Welcome!
March 25 - Term 2 Reports Available on Parent Portal
March 27 - Student Learning Expo 4:30-7:30pm
March 29 - April 6 - Spring Break - No Classes
Southwood School
Email: southwood@hsd.ca
Website: southwood.hsd.ca
Location: 155 Barkman Avenue, Steinbach, MB, Canada
Phone: 204-326-3518
Twitter: @SouthwoodHSD