CMIT South Elementary School

Sunday, October 6, 2024
Themes of the Month
CMIT South Elementary October Themes
Character Theme: Kindness
STEM Theme: Scientific Method
Principal's Desk
Dear CMIT South Elementary Families,
As we welcome October, I'm filled with excitement for the month ahead. Parents, your support is the backbone of our success. Students, your eagerness to learn drives us forward. Teachers and Staff, your passion and creativity bring our curriculum to life. Together, we're fostering an environment where innovation thrives and every child can reach their full potential.
Let's make this October a month of growth, discovery, and achievement in our STEM-focused community!
Recent Highlights and Upcoming Events for This Week
National Custodian Day (October 2)
On October 2, we celebrated our unsung hero - Mrs. Cecilia, our amazing custodian! We truly appreciate her commitment to providing us with a clean and safe environment. Let's continue to show our appreciation for her tireless efforts. Mrs. Cecilia, you're a vital part of our school family - thank you for all you do!
READ-A-THON Donation Fundraiser (October 4 - 21)
We're thrilled to announce our READ-A-THON Donation Fundraiser, which kicked off on Friday, October 4, 2024! This exciting event encourages our students to dive into books while working together to unlock special rewards. The fundraiser ends on October 21, 2024.
Goal: Help us raise money for our book vending machine and audio equipment for assemblies and performances.
How to Participate: Click on this link and type in your student's name!
Parent-Teacher Conferences (October 7)
Remember, October 7, 2024 is Parent-Teacher Conference Day. There's no school for students on this day. Check your email or ClassDojo for the conference sign-up link. If you haven't received it, please contact your child's teacher immediately to schedule your meeting.
Scholastic Book Fair (October 7 - 14)
Get ready for a literary adventure! Our much-anticipated Scholastic Book Fair is just around the corner, transforming our Media/Library room into a book lover's paradise from October 7 - 14, 2024. This is a CASHLESS event, so students need an eWallet to make purchases. It's quick to set up – just 5 minutes!
Set up an eWallet and preview items at: www.scholastic.com/bf/cmitsouthes Don't miss this opportunity to ignite your child's imagination and support their reading journey. Remember, today's readers are tomorrow's leaders!
Progress Reports (October 8)
Progress Reports will be released online in Synergy ParentVue on October 8, 2024. Please take time to review your child's progress report with them.
World Mental Health Day (October 10)
Join us in recognizing World Mental Health Day on October 10, 2024. We're inviting all students and staff to wear green, symbolizing mental health awareness and growth. This day is about more than just wearing a color – it's an opportunity to:
Start conversations about mental health.
Learn about emotional well-being.
Support each other and reduce the stigma.
Remember, mental health is just as important as physical health. Let's work together to create a supportive, understanding community for all.
Safety Update
As a follow-up to the letter sent out on October 1, 2024, regarding the recent incident at our school, I want to take this opportunity to reaffirm our unwavering commitment to the safety and well-being of our students and staff. Please be assured that:
We are collaborating with law enforcement and district officials to thoroughly investigate the incident.
We've reviewed and reinforced our safety protocols, increasing staff presence in hallways and common areas.
A comprehensive threat assessment has been conducted.
Counseling services are available to any students who may feel anxious or need support. Students can visit Ms. Chandler, our professional school counselor, at any time.
While we believe we've effectively addressed the immediate concerns, our vigilance remains high. Safety is an ongoing process, and we continue to monitor our school environment closely and encourage students and staff to report any concerns Your trust in us is paramount, and we are dedicated to maintaining a secure and nurturing learning environment.
As always, remember that the STEM Journey Begins Here at CMIT South Elementary! We're looking forward to a year filled with exciting learning opportunities, personal growth, and impressive achievements for all our scholars. Your support and partnership in this journey are invaluable. Remember, we can't continue this STEM journey without you!
Let's make this year a roaring success! 🦁📚
Wishing you all a 🐾 PawwRific 🐾 day and see you all Tuesday, October 8, 2024!
Dates to Remember
Please take a look at these October calendar reminders:
- October 1-31 - Breast Cancer Awareness Month
- October 1- 31 - National Bullying Prevention Month
- October 1 -31- National Principal Month
- October 1 -31- National ADHD Awareness Month
- October 4 -21- Read-a-Thon Fundraiser
- October 7 Parent-Teacher Conferences – Schools Closed for Students
- October 7 - October 14, 2024- CMIT South ES Book Fair
- October 8 - Progress Reports Released (online)
- October 10 - World Mental Health Day - All students and Staff will wear Green
- October 12 Yom Kippur* (starts at sunset 10/11)
- October 14 -17 - Anti-Bullying Spirit Week
- October 14 - Club Showcase 5 p.m.- 6 p.m.
- October 14 - Parent University STEM Night 6 p.m. - 7 p.m.
- October 16 - PTO Meeting 6 p.m.
- October 18 Professional Development – Schools Closed for Students
- October 23 -31 - Red Ribbon Week
- October 25 PTO Presents: Movie Night: Inside Out 2
- October 28 - Parent University - Data Night 6:30 p.m. - 7:30 p.m.
- October 31 End of First Quarter
CMIT South ES Bucket Fillers!
Congratulations to Ms. Johnson's 5th-grade class for being the first to fill their Kindness bucket! They enjoyed their Tiger Surprise with the GameRoom Club, hosted by Tiger parent Mr. Bridgeman. Students had a fantastic time with team-building activities and games. As an extra treat, the team that achieved the top score in the GameRoom Club activities was rewarded with Chick-fil-A gift cards. This bonus prize added another layer of excitement to the day's events.
Great job, class! We're excited to see which class will be next to fill their Kindness bucket. What Tiger Surprise will they receive? Keep up the good work, Tigers - your kindness makes our school shine!
Read -A - Thon Donation Fundraiser
Our AWESOME READATHON Donation Fundraiser kicked off Friday, October 4, 2024, and we are super excited!! Our students will be doing some extra reading and using teamwork to unlock incentives and rewards! We have created a special donation page for your student. Check it out:
Click on this link and type in your student's name! à https://app.pledge-drive.net/Campaign/cmits24
The student Donation website and email correspondence will be the primary method of communication throughout the program. We hope we can count on your generous support. With 100% participation, we will be able to reach our donation goal!
Click on the Video Button to watch the Daily Reading Challenge and read more about what we are raising money for on your student's page!
WE NEED YOUR HELP! Here are some tips:
Make your donation now to set a good example for other potential donors to follow.
SHARE your donation page with at least 10 family and friends with the email function on your donation page.
Forward this email and the link to family and friends.
From your donation page you can easily post on FACEBOOK, send TEXTS, and post to SOCIAL MEDIA!
Can’t find your student by name? Click HERE to register your studentà https://app.pledge-drive.net/Campaign/cmits24/register
Thank you for your generous support!
The countdown is on! Prepare your scholar to explore the Scholastic Book Fair at our school, CMITSES, October 7 - October 14, 2024.
The book fair is a CASHLESS event. Your student(s) require an eWallet to purchase items at the book fair. Setting up an eWallet is super easy and takes less than 5 minutes to complete.
With the school’s Read-A-Thon kicking off tomorrow, the Scholastic Book fair is an EXCELLENT opportunity to purchase new and exciting reads for your student(s)!
Click the link below to set up the eWallet and view items that will be available at our book fair. 📚 ⬇️
Anti Bullying Spirit Week
Celebrate Anti-Bullying Spirit Week with us on October 14th-October 17th!
CMIT Club Showcase
"Men Make a Difference: The Power of Presence" (POPs) Conference
Maryland Senator Nick Charles, former NFL player Kyle Arrington, and nationally acclaimed author and psychotherapist Paul Bashea Williams are among headliners for the inaugural "Men Make a Difference: The Power of Presence" (POPs) Conference on Saturday, October 12, 2024.
Designed to equip fathers and father-like figures with tools to support their student’s academic journey, the conference will offer workshops focused on parent advocacy, academic success, mental health support, community partnerships, and more.
"Fathers play an undeniable role in the success of our students, and engaging them early in the school year is critical to building strong, supportive communities,” said Superintendent Millard House II. “When fathers and father figures are actively involved, it creates a lasting impact that strengthens not only their child's academic journey but our entire school community."
In addition to engaging workshops, the event will include a dynamic panel and an awards showcase honoring remarkable leaders in education. Other featured speakers include educator Marvin Burton as well as pastor and inspirational speaker Randall Pike.
"Growing up in Prince George’s County, graduating from the public school system, and now having two future scholars, I know just how much the presence of my role models impacted my educational journey," said PGCPS Board of Education Vice Chair Dr. Kenneth Harris II. "Attending this event is not just about gathering information; it's about building a community of support for our children."
Attendees can also enjoy a “Cars and Coffee” event from 12:30 to 2 pm, featuring exotic, classic, and electric vehicles.
Make your presence count! Register today to secure your space at this transformative event.
Does your child still need immunizations? Make a FREE appointment now at Cheverly Health Clinic. There are no income requirements to qualify.
Mondays, Tuesdays and Fridays
September 16 through October 31, 2024
9 a.m. – 3 p.m.
PGCPS Kidz News
Climate and Culture Survey
We invite you to participate in the PGCPS Climate and Culture Survey. Your feedback is invaluable in helping us create a positive and supportive school environment.
Students in Grades 4 - 12, families, and staff are encouraged to share their school experiences, perceptions, and ideas through the survey. This survey is in partnership with Hanover Research to help us learn more about our schools and plan for the future. The survey is anonymous; your responses will not be connected to you in any way.
The survey will be open from Oct 1 - 31. After completing the survey, you can enter a contest to win a prize. One winner will be chosen randomly.
We look forward to hearing from you!
For questions, please contact strategicplanning@pgcps.org.
Thank you for your participation!
Birthday Celebrations
Birthdays are so much fun to celebrate with classmates. However, during the school day, the health and safety of each student are important, especially students with food allergies. Students are ONLY permitted to bring in NON-FOOD items to distribute to classmates at the end of the school day. Thank you for your cooperation in keeping all of our students safe at CMIT South ES.
Additionally, please note that teachers and staff are unable to participate in distributing communications/invitations or email addresses related to birthday celebrations. All planning for birthdays needs to happen outside of school so that it does not take away from the purpose of instruction.
As we get into testing season, here are some excellent resources to help you understand the data coming home and also how to best support your scholar with the resources we have available!
CMIT South ES Uniform
KVS is our school's dismissal tool for car riders. All parents MUST fill out their KVS number when picking up their scholar. It is imperative that numbers are entered once you reach the car line. If your scholar is a car rider, please take time to help him or her practice memorizing his or her number as this will make the dismissal process much quicker!
Morning Arrival and Dismissal Instructions
Sign Up to Volunteer
In November 2020, PGCPS launched an online volunteer application and approval process. Click here for more information on becoming a volunteer and to access the application.
Important Forms to Complete
We are going digital!!! Don't forget to complete your Emergency Contact and Pick List, Student Publicity Release Form, and Parent Compact form for each of your scholars.
Attendance in school each day is important. Let’s stay in school.
In order for an absence to be considered excused, a written note must accompany the student no later than three (3) days after return to school. The note should include:
- date(s) of absence
- scholar’s name
- Reason for absence
Late or make-up work will not be accepted unless the absence is an excused absence. Please review Administrative Procedure 5113 AP 5113 - Student Attendance, Absence and Truancy for further information.
Students who are absent for ten consecutive days will be withdrawn on the 11th day and will need to re-enroll.
Lawful Absences
Students enrolled in public schools are considered lawfully absent from school for any portion of the day, only under the following conditions:
- Death of a family member
- Illness of the student
- Court appearance
- Work approved or sponsored by a school
- Observance of a religious holiday
- State of emergency
- Suspension from school
- Mental Health (Students may receive as an excused absence one (1) day of absence
- in each semester of each school year for a student’s mental health needs.
- Other emergencies
- Deployment-related absences
Unlawful Absences
Unlawful absence – any time a student does not attend school that does not qualify as the above-listed reasons for a lawful absence.
Scholars will be officially tardy if they are not in the building at 8:05 a.m.
If your scholar enters the building after the 8:05 a.m. bell, a parent must escort them into the building and electronically sign them in the late arrival portal. Scholars will be given an orange tardy slip to be permitted to class.
Parents of students who have 10 or more tardies in a semester will be required to meet with the principal/designee to discuss the reasons for the tardies and to develop a plan for improvement.
Cafeteria Updates
School Meals
2024-25 School Year Meal Prices
Elementary (Pre-K through Grade 5)
Breakfast: $1.60/day
Lunch: $2.75/day
How to Pay
MySchoolBucks, owned and operated by Heartland Payment Systems, is an online payment service that provides parents the ability to securely pay for meals, monitor student cafeteria purchases, make tuition payments for Before and After School Extended Learning programs, and receive email notifications for low-account balances. With MySchoolBucks, payments can be made 24/7 using a Visa, MasterCard, Discover, credit or debit card, and mobile app.
Principal Lunch Account
ALL breakfast,lunch, and Principal lunch payments should be made via www.myschoolbucks.com.
All money comes/goes to 1 account (child's). All that is needed to set up account (if not done) is
students lunch pin or student id.
Free and Reduced-Price Meals
We encourage all families to consider applying for free and reduced-price meals! Visit www.myschoolapps.com/Home/PickDistrict to apply online today!
To apply, you will need:
- The name, school, and grade of your school-age children
- The name of all adults living in the home
- Income information for all adults living in the home
- Student ID Numbers for your school-age children
Applications will also be sent home with students the first week of school. Applications are available at all PGCPS schools and can be submitted at any time.
Portable Electronic Policy
(Administrative Procedure 5132)
Parent Handbook
As we get ready to embark on the new school year, please take some time to review the parent handbook as a family. Learn more about policies and procedures at CMIT South ES and contribute to, and promote a positive school culture.
Counselor's Corner
Week at a Glance
This week, I visited the 5th-grade classrooms and gave a brief overview of the school counselor's role. I reminded the students about how the school counselor can assist the students throughout the year. We then transitioned to a lesson centered on respect and kindness, not only with their peers but also with teachers and staff. The goal of this lesson is to foster a positive and inclusive school environment where everyone feels valued and supported. By promoting kindness, students learn empathy, compassion, and the importance of helping others, while respect helps them understand the value of diversity, different perspectives, and setting boundaries. I will meet with our kindergarten scholars next week.
This week has evoked strong emotions for staff, families, and students. As your school counselor, my top priority is the safety and well-being of every student, and I want to reassure you that we are taking all necessary measures to ensure our school remains a safe space for learning. If you notice changes in your child's behavior or if they express concerns, I encourage you to reach out. I am here to provide a listening ear and offer any resources or guidance that may help. Together, as a school community, we can navigate through challenging situations with understanding and care. I appreciate your partnership in helping our children feel safe and supported. To bring more awareness to emotional regulation and wellness we are celebrating World Mental Health Day on Thursday, October 10th. We encourage all students to wear green as the international symbol of mental health.
Warm regards
Ms. Chandler
Math Department Updates
Grade Level Updates
Grade Level Blurb:
Hello Families,
Kindergarten students have been completing testing this past week and will continue this upcoming week. Please ensure that students are at school on time and are well rested. As we approach the chiller weather please keep in mind if students are feeling unwell please keep them home and work with your scholar about covering their mouths, as they cough and sneeze.
Also, please make sure that your scholar's shoes are tied when they come to school. We are more than happy to assist students with tying their shoes but please have them double knotted to start the day. We will begin to focus on using Lexia Core5 and iXL within the classroom. Please practice logging into Clever with your students. Friendly reminder that CLEVER can be found on the PGCPS website. Within CLEVER, you can search for both Lexia and iXL to access the sites.
Independent activities (homework) have been issued to all scholars. Packets are given bi-weekly and will include all work that should be completed and a list of supplemental websites that students can explore at home. Please support students in completing the activities.
Book Fair is next week. Please make sure to add money to your scholar’s e-wallet for the book fair. Each class has a scheduled time to go to the book fair, but you are welcome to come to the bookfair after school with your scholar. No paper money will be accepted. You can ask your scholar’s teacher for the date of their classes visit.
CALLING ALL VOLUNTEERS!!!! Please visit Volunteer with PGCPS in order to register. Please follow all of the required steps and contact your scholar’s teacher with any questions. Inform the teacher when you are approved and ready to support. Thank you for your assistance!
OCTOBER 7- Parent-Teacher Conferences – Schools Closed for Students
October 8-14 - Book Fair Open
OCTOBER 11- Sight word Practice Test
OCTOBER 25- Pumpkin Project due
UNIT 1 WEEK 5- Going Places
Essential Question- How can we describe special places?
Phonological awareness: Phonological Awareness: Middle Sounds; Initial Sounds
Blend and Segment: Onset and Rime
Phonics: Consonants Bb and Rr
High-Frequency Words: for, me, with
Spelling words found in weekly readings: markers, brushes, tools, pencils
Unit Vocabulary: map, move, land, special
Learning Goals:
Learn words that can tell about art stores
Make connections between author’s purpose and society
Orally respond to informational text
TOPIC 3- Numbers 6 to 10
Essential Understanding- Good math thinkers use math they know to show and solve problemsThere is more than one way to show a number
Counting tells how many are in a set or a group, no matter which order the objects are counted
The last number said when counting a group is the total number
Use objects, drawings, and numbers to compare numbers
Students will create a sail car and demonstrate how the wind can move a sail car
Students will test their sailboat design to see what changes they can make in order for the car to move faster and farther
Quest Findings: Wind makes things go
How can we use the wind to move something fast?
Assessment and Remediation- Students will show what they have learned in Topic 1
Social Studies:
CHAPTER 1 LESSON 4- Leaders Make Rules
Essential Question- How do leaders make rules and laws?
Identify leaders who make rules and laws
Describe the leaders at my home
Explain how the government keeps communities safe
Vocabulary: leader, government
OCTOBER TOPIC- The Five Senses
Essential Question- What are the five senses?
Identify the five senses and the body parts they are associated with
Respect what your senses can do for you
Practice routines for healthful care of sense organs
Vocabulary: hear, touch, sight, smell, see, senses
1st Grade
Grade Level Blurb:
We are officially halfway through first quarter! Can you believe it?!
1. We have wrapped up topic 1 in math--understanding addition and subtraction. This week, we will begin topic 2-- fluently adding and subtracting within 10. Please continue to check your scholar's digital agenda for important updates, due dates, and reminders.
Ms. Brown-Taylor's Digital Agenda
2. Testing is finished! Our next test will be TAG testing, which is tentatively scheduled for the end of this month!
1. Students should be completing one spelling homework assignment per night for a total of 4 by Friday, unless otherwise noted. Please ensure all homework is labeled with a title and date so it can be easily checked and graded.
2. Please be sure to check Synergy regularly for up-to-date grades. To access your parent portal account, please click here! For assistance with logging in, please find additional support and information here!
3. Please check green folders nightly and sign behavior calendars to acknowledge daily behavior. Please also be sure to empty and review all papers on the "Keep at Home" side.
4. Please send a healthful, DRY snack for your scholar to enjoy at the end of the day.
5. As we head into cold and flu season, please be sure to listen to your scholar when they say they do not feel well. Students should be symptom and fever free for 24 hours, without medication, before returning to school. We are doing our best to keep our classroom safe and healthy, but we need your help! Please refer to the PGCPS sick policy for additional information:
Unit 1 Week 4
This week in reading, we will focus on the question, "How can I get to know my neighbors?" Students will revisit realistic fiction text as they read two stories this week, "Garden Party" and "Click, Clack, Click." Students will evaluate, describe, and compare characters from two different texts by their words and actions.
Heart Words
have, that, they, two, up
Topic 2
Students are beginning topic 2! In this topic, they will work on becoming fluent with adding and subtracting within 10. They will focus on Counting on to add, doubles facts, near doubles facts, facts with 5 on a ten frame, and adding in any order. They will also learn to count back to subtract, use addition to subtract, and solve word problems! Topic 2 homework will begin this week!
Topic 1
Students will describe sound, make sound, and explain the uses of sound.
Social Studies:
Topic 1
Students will focus on what their rights and responsibilities are as citizens.
Students will begin learning about different body parts, the functions, and how each contributes to keeping us safe and healthy.
2nd Grade
Grade Level Blurb:
Hello Tiger family, Thank you for another great week. Please make sure you sign up for Parent Teacher Conferences if you have not already done so!
This week in reading your students will learn about Poetry. They will be introduced to stanzas, imagery, and repetition.
Students will learn about equal groups. They will be learning how to determine if a number is even or odd.
Students will continue to learn about the properties of matter and ways to use them.
Social Studies:
Scholars will be learning about family history as they wrap up this topic.
Students will be finishing their topic on Safety. The next topic that will be covered is the Brain. Scholars will learn how the brain works.
3rd Grade
Grade Level Blurb:
Conferences are on Monday! If you would like to meet with a member of the third grade team on a day other than Monday, please contact them as soon as possible. Please be sure to read any announcements regarding the PTO’s Book Fair and any payment plans relating to it. It starts on Tuesday!
Students are reviewing concepts such as plural nouns, as well as the use of suffixes. Students have also been introduced to the use of imagery in writing! We are continuing to go over other concepts from the last few weeks.
Students have been working on Topic 2, specifically using repeated subtraction to understand the relationship between subtraction and division!
Students are continuing to identify the forces acting on an object, as well as balanced and unbalanced forces!
Social Studies:
Students are continuing to learn about how we interact with our planet, specifically through physical and cultural geography of the U.S.!
Students are learning about how the human eye functions!
4th Grade
Grade Level Blurb:
Greetings Tiger Family,
We are now in the second half of the first quarter! We have concluded all of our diagnostic testing for the beginning of the year and this data was given to scholars to take home. Please make sure your scholar has given you a copy of their diagnostic data. Students will use this data to create goals to make improvements this school year.
This month we celebrate Hispanic Heritage Month. Each class has been assigned a Spanish speaking country to learn about and participate in the door decorating contest. Students will also learn about people of Hispanic origin that made a difference in the lives of others here in America and around the world.
Crusoe- Cuba
Felton- Costa Rica
Holloway- Uruguay
Ramsey- Panama
Parent Teacher Conferences:
On Monday October 7, 2024 we will have parent teacher conferences. You will be able to meet with both of your scholar’s teachers. All conferences will be virtually using Zoom. Teachers will share their process for signing up for conferences within the next few weeks. We will prioritize students with the most need for conferences (failing grades, performing grade levels below on diagnostics, and behavior). But teachers are available for conferences throughout the year.
Important Upcoming Dates:
Monday October 7,2024- No School for Students: Parent Teacher Conferences
Friday October 18, 2024- No School for Students: Professional Development
We are a uniform school. Students must be in the proper uniform each and every day. Students are expected to have mostly black shoes. They may wear a navy blue or school logo jacket or pullover during class. Students will be asked to remove any jacket or sweater that is not following the uniform policy.
Important Information:
This is a friendly reminder that late work is only accepted if a student has an excused absence! If a scholar is absent and does not bring a note they will earn a 0 on the assignment that was missed. Please read the reminders to ensure that you are partnering with your scholars to make them successful for school.
Fourth Grade Reminders:
Students must bring their agenda book each day. Teachers will note the agenda book and it should be signed nightly by the adult at home.
Please check Synergy weekly to see scholar’s updated grades. Canvas is a Learning Management System in which scholars utilize to complete assignments and get access to materials.The grades provided in Synergy are those that will be used to calculate progress reports and report cards.
If your scholar is absent, please share a note with the homeroom teacher within 3 days of your scholar returning back to school. In order for students to receive make-up work you must provide a note stating; the student’s name, the date of absence, and reason for absence. Work is provided to students upon their return to school with an absence note.
Reading Updates:
Students have been given a copy of both Vol. 1 & Vol. 2 of their reading textbooks to be kept at home. They also received a pack of trade books that are to remain at home as well. Students should revisit the text of the week and can Please check your scholars backpack to ensure that they are not carrying these books back and forth to school.
This Week: Students finished reading the text “Rare Treasures” closely in order to complete a writing. Students were able to write about traits shown by Mary Anning throughout her life and how they traits helped her to be the scientist she was. Students also were able to complete a spelling quiz this week.
Next Week: Students will read closely the Magazine Article Twins in Space. In this article students will read about a NASA experiment that was conducted with twin astronauts brothers Mar4k and Scott Kelly. In this text students will work with the skill of text structure. Text structure is how the author organizes the information that is presented in the text.
Math Updates:
This week we are beginning Topic 2:Fluently Add and Subtract Multi-Digit Whole Numbers. Our Essential Question for this unit, “ How can sums and differences of whole numbers be estimated? What are standard procedures for adding and subtracting whole numbers?”. The focus standards for this topic are, 4.NBT.B.4 Use Place Value Understanding And Properties Of Operations To Perform Multi-Digit Arithmetic. 4.OA.A.3 Use The Four Operations With Whole Numbers To Solve Problems.
Please check Synergy ParentVue and Canvas with your scholar to ensure completion of assignments.
Science Updates:
This week we will spend some time focusing on the STEM process in preparation for STEM Fair. Scholars have been working on mini science labs, gaining practice using the scientific method. All scholars have received the 2024-2025 STEM FAIR Packet.
Please check Synergy ParentVue and Canvas with your scholar to ensure completion of assignments
Social Studies Updates:
This week: Students learned about the weather and climate that vary across the United States by exploring the following key areas:
Understanding Weather vs. Climate:
Defining weather (short-term atmospheric conditions) and climate (long-term weather patterns).
Regional Climate Zones
Next week: Students will explore various regions of the United States, focusing on their unique characteristics and available resources. They will examine how geography influences the economy, culture, and environment of each region. Through interactive activities, discussions, and research, students will identify key resources—such as natural, human, and capital resources—and analyze their significance in regional development. By the end of the lesson, students will have a deeper understanding of how resources shape communities and contribute to global interdependence.
Health Updates:
In health we are learning about our Incredible Ears! How does the ear work? How do our ears and brain make connections to each other?
5th Grade
Grade Level Blurb:
Fifth Grade Update!
We’re back into our routine now that testing is behind us! The students have done an amazing job, and we’re ready to dive back into our regular learning activities. With testing complete, we can focus on building our skills, enjoying hands-on projects, and getting back into the groove of our daily schedule. Thank you for your support during the testing season—now it’s time to finish the first quarter strong!
We’re diving into informational texts, where students are learning how to find important details, understand main ideas, and explore the special features that make nonfiction reading so interesting. It’s been great to see their curiosity and engagement!
We’re starting our unit on adding and subtracting decimals. This will help students sharpen their skills in working with numbers they see in real life, like money.. I loved seeing all the creative “Pick a Project” submissions last week of all the amazing solar system projects!
We’re kicking off Topic 2: Changes in Matter. Students will get hands-on with experiments to see how matter changes through physical and chemical processes. It’s going to be a lot of fun exploring states of matter, mixtures, and more!
Social Studies:
To wrap up our unit on the Age of Exploration, students created “Help Wanted” ads for sailors. They did a fantastic job showing what it would take to be a successful sailor during this exciting time in history. Their creativity really shined through!
In health class, we’re focusing on First Aid and Internet Safety. Students are learning basic first aid skills, like handling minor injuries and staying calm in emergencies. We’re also discussing how to stay safe online, protect personal information, and make smart digital choices.
Here is a link to some useful videos for each grade level!
This week in PE we began our unit on pacing. Students learned why it is important to pace themselves when walking and jogging and were able to practice moving at various paces in a variety of virtual settings.We also learned a little bit about our respiratory systems and how our lungs function when we inhale and exhale.
This week all students have progressed in what they are working on in class. Third through fifth grade are submitting their first word document while getting ready to learn more skills that can help them better in their other classes. First and second grades are finishing up with their game building and will start sharing with other students so they can see what someone did that was different from them. Kindergarten while still getting used to using computers and making good progress to be able to use them on their own.
This week in Legos and Robotics, we completed our 2D and 3D builds. They sorted and arranged their food items to be displayed.
Maker’s Lab: In this week's Makers Lab class, we watched a video that explored the relationships between animals, plants, and the Earth. The video highlighted the balance of ecosystems, showcasing how each component plays a vital role in sustaining life. The students were particularly excited by the segments featuring whales and the anaconda snake, marveling at the sheer size and majesty of the whales, as well as the anaconda's incredible adaptations for survival in its rainforest habitat. These awe-inspiring creatures sparked lively discussions about their roles in the ecosystem and the importance of conserving their environments. Overall, the session not only educated but also inspired students to think creatively about how they can contribute to environmental stewardship through their projects.
Media: This week in library class, we explored the exciting world of graphic novels and comics. We started with a brief history of the genre, discussing its evolution and impact on storytelling. Then, students had the chance to browse a selection of popular titles, sharing their favorites and discovering new ones. We wrapped up with a creative activity where everyone designed their own comic strip, encouraging them to express their ideas visually. It was a fun and engaging way to appreciate the art of storytelling!
Grade Level Syllabus
This year, we have made it more convenient to see what your scholar will be learning at CMIT South ES. Please choose the appropriate grade level and scan the QR code for each subject to learn more!
• Hours: 8:00 a.m. to 2:25 p.m.
• Grades: K-5
• Uniform: Yes
• Before After School Enrichment: Yes
• School Colors: Hunter Green, Navy Blue
• School Mascot: "Roary" the Tiger
• School Website: http://www.cmitsouthes.org
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🐾October 6, 2024🐾
CMITs offer high tech, STEAM education to all our Prince George’s County students grades K-5!
In partnership with students, parents and the community, CMIT Elementary School will attain educational excellence by providing a rigorous and technology-integrated education for elementary school students with an emphasis on mathematics, science, and information technologies.