Knightly News
October 4-11, 2024
Week at a Glance
Student Council 8:05
Cheer Club 3:50
Band Concert 7:00
Tuesday, 10/08:
Cheer Club 3:50
Orchestra Concert 6:30
Wednesday, 10/09:
Wear Pink Challenge
Junior Board 7:45
Team 7-2 Celebration 8:45
Art Club 3:50
Board Game Club 3:50
Cheer Club 3:50
XC Carl O Invitational 4:00
Volleyball Tournament TBD
Thursday, 10/10:
Late Start
Knights’ Walk Special Schedule
Jazz Band 3:50
Volleyball Tournament 5:00
Friday, 10/11:
No School/Teacher Workday
IHMS Week Recap
We had another great week at Hills! Students made gluten-free banana bread in Foods, played games to explore child development, & some went on a field trip to Advent Health to learn about health careers.
Artists of the Week
Anti Bullying Pink Challenge
Next week is Anti Bullying week across the state of Kansas! We encourage all our students to wear pink on Wednesday 10/9 as pink is the international color for bully prevention.
Next week is the Knights’ Walk!
The Knights’ Walk is our only fundraiser for the year, and it takes place during the school day, so all students can participate. With the money donated we are able to provide instructional resources, field trips, school leadership opportunities, and much more!
If you’ve already donated, THANK YOU! - you too will be entered in the drawing.
Sign-up is easy. Just click the link below to register and choose your donation level:
Fall Parent Teacher Conferences
Wednesday, October 16th:
5:00- 8:00 PM- Open conferences (no parent sign-ups necessary)
Friday, October 18th:
8:15 AM- 12:00 PM- Individual teacher conferences by appointment through Skyward (closed conferences)
1:00- 4:05 PM- Teacher Team conferences by appointment through Teacher Teams (closed conferences)
Open Conferences (Oct. 16)
- Teachers will be located in the Main Gym and Cafeteria for open conferences on Wednesday evening.
- Generally, open conferences should last for a maximum of 10 minutes. If a conference needs to be longer than 10 minutes, an alternate time will need to be scheduled.
- WebEx conferences will not be hosted during open conference times on Wednesday.
Individual Teacher Conferences (Oct. 18 A.M.)
- Friday morning is reserved for individual teacher conferences to be scheduled between teacher and family on Skyward.
Teacher Team Conferences (Oct. 18 P.M.)
- Friday afternoon is reserved for team conferences that are scheduled and directed by teacher teams. These 25 minute conference times will be by appointment only from 1:00- 4:00 PM (Last scheduled conference is 3:30).
- WebEx can be utilized for scheduled conferences on Friday.
If you are in need of an interpreter for conferences, please reach out to Jennifer Gorniak,, 913-993-0421.
Chrome Extensions
Extensions added to the Chrome browser are a headache for multiple reasons. They often times cause issues with the loading speed of websites as well as blocking sites that should not be. They sometimes cause a testing app to not open or work properly. But most notably, they are a constant distraction for students that have added games to their Chrome browser.
There are very few Extensions that a student will need to be successful at school, so please take the time to sit with your student and remove unnecessary ones. This is by no means an exhaustive list, just some of the ones seen most often.
Congrats to our September Students of the Month
- David Chavez Tapia
- Sloane Clark
- Eli Henry
- Claire Knudson
- Naomi Oliver
- Sam Rosen
Fall Mixer - October 25
The Indian Hills Fall Mixer is October 25th, from 3:45-6pm.
Please encourage your student to attend and have FUN with their 7th & 8th grade peers!
We will have a live DJ, ping-pong, basketball, board games, snacks, AND MORE!!
Volunteer opportunities are listed in the link below:
GiveMe20 Rescheduling
The GiveMe20 organization unfortunately had to cancel our presentation that was scheduled for September 30. We will be rescheduling and let you know the new date when we have it. To opt your student out of participating, please email
See local news article about #GiveMe20 here: KSHB41 news coverage
See #GiveMe20 trailer here: Trailer video
School Custodian Appreciation Day
This week we celebrated School Custodian Appreciation Day! We are so grateful for Ms. Jackson and Mr. Kameri and all they do for our school and community!
2024 IHMS Wrestling
Indian Hills Wrestling is open to all 7th and 8th grade boys and girls.
Practice will begin on October 17th. (Football players start 10/22)
All athletes must complete their athletic paperwork, physical, and concussion forms before our first practice. These documents can be found here. Make sure they are turned in at the front office before 10/17.
Sign up for more information: Parent Contact Form.
Check out our website for more information: IHMS Wrestling Website
CharacterStrong Session 4: From Bystander to Advocate
The goal of this session is to identify ways we can support others who are experiencing disrespect or bullying. We will learn about the role power plays in bullying behavior and how to shift that power to the person experiencing bullying. We will discuss what it means to move from being a bystander to an effective advocate for others, equipped with strategies to stop bullying, support those experiencing it, and report bullying incidents, thus fostering a safer and more supportive environment.
Emergency Preparedness
In 2019, the State of Kansas and State Fire Marshal modified the number of Fire, Tornado, and Crisis drills that schools are required to conduct throughout the school year ( four fire drills, two tornado drills and three crisis drills). Students and staff will be trained periodically throughout the year on various emergency preparedness protocols.
The safety of students and staff at Indian Hills is of utmost importance. Drills are an important step in the process to test system communication and ensure everyone knows what to do in case of fire, tornado or other unpredictable emergency situations.This week, IHMS conducted a crisis drill and a tornado drill. We appreciate the seriousness that our staff and students approach emergency preparedness with. Thanks for helping make Indian Hills a safe place for our students to learn and our staff to work!
Career Fair
We are seeking presenters for our upcoming Career Fair!
The IHMS Career Fair is November 6th 8:45-11:30 am.
If interested, please fill out the following form: