The Weekly Roar
Hanna Woods Elementary - April 21st, 2024
Hanna Woods's Mission and Vision
Our Mission:
To ensure all students are capable, curious, caring, and confident learners who understand and respond to the challenges of an ever-changing world.
Our Vision:
We succeed when all members are leaders who demonstrate core values, problem-solve, and work to achieve our goals.
American Heart Association Wellness Week
Our students will be learning all about how to keep their hearts healthy this week, what to expect:
- Each day has a dress up theme:
- Monday – Team jersey or hat day
- Tuesday – Tie dye or wear blue
- Wednesday – WEAR RED
- Thursday – Dress like your future self or wear purple
- Friday – Wear pajamas or wear green
- See the flyer sent home with your student for the heart healthy links for home.
- Your whole family can learn the life-saving skill of HANDS ONLY CPR – click on Finn’s Mission link to watch the video.
- Students can earn the HEART HEROES that will be teaching them about heart health when they raise donations.
- If you would like to help the American Heart Association save lives, click on our school link: http://www2.heart.org/goto/HannaWoodsElementary
5th Grade Talent Show Highlights
Our very talented 5th graders put on a fantastic performance on Thursday!
A Message from the Art Room
Mental Health Tip
Sleep is an essential part of our wellness - when your child isn’t getting a good night’s sleep, chances are that it’s impacting everyone at home. If you’d like to learn more about good sleep hygiene habits for kids, watch this video on How to Encourage Good Sleep Habits in Kids.
Save The Date - MAP Testing
Upcoming Events
22 -26: Hanna Woods American Heart Association Fundraising Week
23: Sing a Song of Aesop (2nd Grade), 5:45 pm, Hanna Woods Gym
25: Kindergarten Field Trip, Zoo, 9:15 am - 1:30 pm
24: 3rd Grade Field Trip, Busch Stadium, 9:15 am - 2 pm
29: Fourth Grade Strings Concert, 5:30 pm, Hanna Woods Gym
29: Fifth Grade Strings Concert, 6:30 pm, Hanna Woods Gym
7-17: Map Testing, Grades 3-5
Contact Information
Email: mschewe@parkwayschools.net
Website: https://www.parkwayschools.net/Domain/14
Location: 720 Hanna Road, Ballwin, MO, USA
Phone: 314-415-6300
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/HannaWoods72
Twitter: @HannaWoods72