Paw Prints
Westridge Elementary
From the Office
We would like to express our sincere gratitude for taking the time to attend our recent parent-teacher conferences. Your involvement in your child's education is invaluable, and we appreciate your commitment to their success. We hope that the conferences were informative and provided you with a clear understanding of your child's progress. Thank you again for your partnership and support.
As the mornings are turning colder, please be aware of the times that students are getting dropped off in the mornings at school. Breakfast starts at 7:35 AM and walking club starts at 7:55. Students should not be arriving to school before those times. If you do need to drop students off prior to 7:35, Elkhorn Kids Campus (EKC) is available. You can contact the Elkhorn Foundation by visiting their website at https://www.elkhornfoundation.org/.
We have kicked-off our Westridge Walk-a-thon fundraiser. All students were sent home with a flier about the fundraiser. If you did not see this flier, you can find more information below. The Walk-a-thon is our major fundraiser for the school. We appreciate your support in making the 24-25 Westridge Walk-a-thon a huge success!
Thank you,
Ryan Broshar
Principal- Westridge Elementary
402-289-2559, rbroshar@epsne.org
Important Events
October 1st- PTO Meeting @ 6:30 PM- Westridge Library
October 11th- Westridge Walk-a-thon
October 18th- No School, Teacher In-service
October 22nd- Fall Picture Retakes
October 31st- Westridge Fall Parties
Subscribe to our calendar at- WR Calendar
Dear Westridge Families,
Our focus in guidance this month was Respect. One way to think about Respect is “seeing value in all people and things & treating them with care.” Many people feel Respected in different ways. We hope this month inspires discussions with your family about what Respect means to you and how you can practice it together! Respect is 1 of 3 traits we will focus on throughout the year that helps students Be Kind. Across grade levels, students will be developing skills like perspective-taking, conflict resolution, and leadership. Check out specific skills for your child(ren) on their grade level newsletter.
Have a wonderful day!
Mrs. Woodson
EPS Text Messages
EPS utilizes text messaging to communicate with families to ensure timely communication of important information, including inclement weather and bus delay announcements. As part of this process, EPS families interested in receiving text messages must opt-in by texting “Yes” to 67587. Doing so will provide the permission we are required to secure in order to send text messages to your mobile device. Once you have sent “Yes” to 67587, you will receive a text confirming your participation.
Now Hiring
Are you interested in driving EPS athletics and activities participants to their events? Please contact Ryan Lindquist at rlindquist@epsne.org for additional information, including training requirements.
Tech Tip: Modeling Expectations
Modeling a healthy relationship with technology is one of the best ways to ensure youth have healthy tech relationships too. Muting notifications and creating device-free zones at home is a great starting point!
Upcoming District Events
ENHS Fall Craft Fair -- Saturday, November 23, 2024, from 9:00 - 3:00 at Elkhorn North High School. Click here to view additional details.
Attendance Matters!
As a school community, we know that instructional time is of great importance, and nearly impossible to replicate outside of the classroom. In general, we see a dip in achievement from students who miss class time. Research shows that attending school regularly has a direct correlation to higher achievement. All instances of chronic absenteeism will be communicated to families and we will work with you to improve attendance rates. A chronically absent student is defined as any student absent for 10% or more of the days they were enrolled. EPS has 180 student contact days; therefore, any student who misses more than 18 days in the school year is considered chronically absent unless there are chronic health problems or special circumstances. We want our students in attendance, but not if they have a fever or if they are sick with an illness.
In the best interest of students' educational achievement, please plan vacations and family trips around the school calendar whenever possible. Just a quick reminder that the District Calendar for the 2024- 2025 school year is already available for those who plan vacations in advance. You can find the updated version on the district website at elkhornweb.org and click on Calendar at the top right of your screen.
Westridge PTO Information
Hello Westridge Families!
Our next PTO meeting will be next Tuesday, October 1st at 6:30pm in the Westridge Library, childcare will be provided. Mr. Broshar will be sharing data regarding student achievements, we hope to see you there!
Yesterday, we kicked off our annual Westridge Walk-a-thon! The Walk-a-thon is a main fundraiser for the year. Students can raise money for the school, and as they raise money, they can earn different prizes. We will have the actual Walk-a-thon for students on October 11th. This event is done during the school day, and all students get to participate in the event. Students brought home fliers with additional information on the event and how to get registered. Registration is free and easy, we ask all students to register on the website-prizes are given for registration! The flier with information is attached.
Thank you for your support and participation in this awesome fundraising event! Please let me know if you have any questions-Megan Cain, 402-686-0618, mlhedberg2@gmail.com.
The Westridge Directory is available to use for the year! It is important to update your information if you are returning family and register for an account.
Again, everyone is considered outdated until they go into update their information and publish their directory preferences. We’ve attached some tip sheets to help you get started. Contact Andrea Bakenhus at bakenhusa@gmail.com if you need assistance or have any questions.
*Please see attached documents*
How can you stay in the know? Follow us on Facebook at
For Reminders and updates that come straight to your phone, please TEXT @wewildcat to 81010
Megan Cain, PharmD
New Directory Users
Returning Parent Users
September Minutes
All About Westridge...
Email: rbroshar@epsne.org
Website: https://www.elkhornweb.org/westridge/
Location: 3100 North 206th Street, Elkhorn, NE, USA
Phone: 402-289-2559
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/ElkhornPSWR/
Twitter: @ElkhornPS_WR