A Message from the Principal!

Students, parents, and families,
Last week, several students made poor choices in their words and actions. The first week of school, faculty spent a great deal of time talking to students about the HMS way of doing things. Expectations of good citizenship were reviewed and consequences were discussed.
School safety is our highest priority. If students do not feel safe, it is difficult to focus on learning. It is never ok to make statements as a joke or in moments of anger that are threatening to others or to the school. Every comment, action, and social media post will be taken seriously and students who choose to disrupt our school will face consequences for their actions.
Please talk to your students about their conduct and your expectations for their social media use. What is put out on social media cannot be taken back and will live forever.
On Mondays during 5th period, students will participate in a program called Second Step®. Second Step® is a program to help students build social-emotional skills—like nurturing positive relationships, managing emotions, and meeting goals—so they can thrive in school and in life. Please talk to your students about these lessons and be involved in your child's social media presence. If students or parents have a concern, it should be reported to an adult at school immediately.
Thank you for partnering with HMS to help all of our students achieve their maximum potential. Mrs. Adams
Boys Basketball
Upcoming Boys basketball introductory FLEX days for 6th and 7th graders will be held on September 3,4,5, and 6 from 3-4:30 pm. Please join our SportsYou app, access code is G283-HDTJ.
8th grade boys basketball dates will be posted next week.
...to our new LSIC (Local School Improvement Council) parent representatives -
Jessica Anderson, Sarah Barnett, and Danielle Graff!
The Week Ahead:
Monday, September 2nd - No School - Labor Day
Upcoming dates:
Monday, September 9th - Schoolwide Fundraiser Kickoff - more information to come
Wednesday, September 11th - Cross Country Scrimmage at Spring Mills Middle School @ 5:30 p.m.
Friday, September 13th - Cross Country Meet for 7th/8th graders at Greencastle, PA @ 4:45 p.m.