ACSD Newsletter ~ Fall 2024

Shoreham Principal, Lashawn Whitmore-Sells, reads "I promise" to Shoreham classes. Later, each student made their own "I promise" statement to their community.
In this issue: Share your priorities as we build the FY 26 Budget; highlights form student learning in and out of the classroom; celebrating staff; welcoming new staff and administrators; a look into our new teacher mentoring program, and more!
A message from Superintendent Baker ~ Budget Season
[This is an abridged version of a letter to the ACSD Community from Superintendent Wendy Baker that will appear in the Thursday 10/17/24 edition of Addison Independent]
Dear ACSD Community,
As budget development season approaches, I have been reflecting on what the school budget represents to the members of our ACSD community. Most importantly, our Budget represents the mission and vision of the District, which reflect the values of our member towns and serves as the School Board’s commitment to uphold those values. Operationally, the budget is the financial pathway to achieving equitable educational outcomes, a critical strategic blueprint for our professional teams who guide the learning of our 1650 PreK-12 students. Currently, the budget also represents the primary economic driver of property tax rates, an important variable to control for the sake of affordable residency. Each of us likely views our school budget in a unique combination of these perspectives. Our development process needs to honor them all.
This budget season, ACSD will be working to create a spending plan for FY 26 that protects and preserves the trust of our voters, advances the work of our strategic plan, and honors the values that have led to widespread and historic support of public education within our ACSD community. In that spirit, we invite community input as we develop the first draft of next year’s spending plan. It would help us to know the educational priorities we should hold in the highest regard, the constraints we should pay the greatest attention to, and the new work we should protect most carefully. We invite you to participate:
On October 22nd at 6:00pm, we will host community conversation and listening sessions to inform the first draft of our budget. These meetings will be held simultaneously in the MUHS library and at Bridport, Cornwall, Ripton, Salisbury, Shoreham, and Weybridge schools.
If you can’t attend, you can still share your thoughts using this survey. Please complete the survey by 9pm on October 22nd.
Thank you in advance for your partnership; we look forward to receiving your guidance.
Wendy Baker, Ed.D
Bridport Students
created 3-D models of molecules, launched rockets and practiced teamwork at Starbase!
Salisbury students
learned about bird banding, visited the museum and explored Dead Creek together!
Ripton students
learned how to pan for gold as part of their Place & Time unit,
Shoreham students
read "I promise" with Principal Sells and each wrote their own "I promise" statement for their community.
Weybridge students
learned about similarities and differences in their community by creating surveys for each other and collecting data.
Mary Hogan students
created "kindness" rocks with messages to share throughout the community.
MUMS Students
displayed some epic team work and school spirit during their first all school assembly!
Cornwall students
harvested pumpkins that had been planted by last year's class!
MUHS students
create community and explore many interests beyond the classroom in their clubs and activities!
Preston Bergeron ~ ACSD Whittemore Staff of the Year
Congratulations to Preston Bergeron, MUMS custodian who received the Barbara Whittemore Outstanding Staff Award. Preston was recognized for being warm, engaging and the face of positivity at MUMS for staff and students. He transformed the hallways by keeping them pristine and also has done an incredible job bringing the building to life by tirelessly hanging student work around the building so their work can be admired. He goes out of his way to make sure each student feels seen and heard, all while making sure that they are held accountable for learning the skills that they need to be their best selves.
Liza Raymond ~ ACSD Outstanding Elementary Teacher
Congratulations to Mary Hogan second grade teacher, Liza Raymond, who was recognized for being a compassionate listener who supports everyone in her school to be their very best. Two years ago she helped lead and create the first Addison Central Wellness & Learning Center. She advocates for and believes in all students and knows that with instruction, practice, and support they can do hard things. She keeps students and their families at the center of her work, constantly models how to be a reflective, open-minded learner, and brings incredible energy to all school activities!
Steve Colangeli ~ ACSD Outstanding Secondary Teacher
Congratulations to MUHS science teacher, Steve Colangeli, who was appreciated for epitomizing the development of community as the basis for education. From beekeeping, to coffee roasting, to gardening, he brings the outside world into class for scientific investigations. Students demonstrate their knowledge with hands-on projects that they often share with younger classes. He creates classes full of inquiry, curiosity, and joy and shows care and respect for his students with phone calls home about their successes and personalized notes that they often keep for years.
Both Steve and Liza will be recognized at the annual UVM Outstanding Teachers celebration in November.
Vermont Middle School Principal of the Year
Congratulations to our MUMS Principal, Michaela Wisell, who was recognized as the 2024 Vermont John Winston Middle Level Principal of the Year! As a school leader she works every day to know and notice kids: from learning each of their names to discovering what lights them up in and outside of school. She is quick to laugh with colleagues and make everyone feel heard and included. We are so lucky to have her and celebrate this statewide recognition!
Welcome new administrators and new staff!
Welcome to our new district staff and administrators who are joining us across our ACSD schools this year!
Welcome new Staff!
Jenny Urban, Bridport Principal
Lashawn Whitmore-Sells, Shoreham Principal
Nadya Bech-Conger, Cornwall Principal
Roxanne Greene, Ripton Associate Principal
Julie Pettis, Director of Special Education
New ACSD Mentor Program
This year also marks the beginning of our new Teacher Mentoring program. Designed by Elizabeth Placencia through her Rowland Fellowship, the new program is designed to help teachers develop responsive and research-based instructional practices to ensure student learning build productive relationships with colleagues, students, and families. All new teachers will be supported by experienced and highly effective colleagues (pictured here!) who value curiosity, continual growth, and reflection. Read more about this new program in this Addison Independent article.
School Safety at ACSD
Our students' sense of connection and belonging is essential to the safety of our school communities. In concert with our safety preparedness, it is a priority at our schools to build a culture where each student is seen, safe, and understood. In addition to the proactive work we do as a community to build cultures that support safety, ACSD has both district and school-specific teams dedicated to ensuring that each of our schools are vibrant, safe, and prepared for emergencies of many kinds. Our safety practices are designed to help students and staff feel secure, calm, and empowered. As a community, our best safety prevention is to build relationships, increase communication, and support our students every day. We will work to keep you informed and to build a caring community for your child. We invite you to share your thoughts and resources as we work together.
Family’s Role in School Safety
- As caregivers, the most important thing you can do is to connect with your child. Support them to seek out a trusted adult if they need support or have concerns about another student’s safety.
- If you or your child are wondering about something related to school safety, say something. Our principals and counselors are always available to connect with you or your child. You can also submit a concern anonymously by using the VT School Safety Tip Line online, or by calling 844-723-3488 or by texting Safe4VT to 274637.
- It is essential that we have updated contact information for you. Please ensure you returned your school forms with updated contact information and dismissal plans.
Text Messaging System
In addition to our phone/email communication, ACSD has a text messaging system. Families must opt-in to receive texts. ACSD will only use text messaging for short, time-sensitive messages (like early dismissal and snow days). To receive texts, you must opt-in. You can sign up by Texting “yes” to 67587. You will get a reply confirming your registration. (If you ever want to stop receiving texts, just text STOP.) The district and school will only use text messages for important, time sensitive communication.
School Directory Change
Due to growing instances of phishing scams and concern for potential hacks of our computer networks, we will be removing all staff email addresses from our website directory. This change comes at the direction of our Technology Dept and we join many K-12 schools, colleges, and businesses in making this change. Staff phone numbers will still be available in our staff directory. You may also request a teacher’s email by phone or by calling our front office 802.382.1412. Thank you for your understanding as we balance family communication needs with tech privacy and safety.
2024-2025 Calendar
November 1st ~ No School/Parent Conferences
November 13 ~ Early Release
November 25-19 ~ Thanksgiving Break
December 11 ~ Early Release
December 23-January 1 ~ No School
Work With Us!
There are so many ways to support our schools!
VOLUNTEER: If you think you might want to volunteer at your child's school, please fill out the Volunteer Application to begin the process to ensure you've had your background check before you hope to volunteer:
SUBSTITUTE: Substitutes are instrumental in supporting our students and schools when staff are absent. If you are looking for a job, have flexibility with your schedule, or are home from college for a break, we always need subs in our buildings. Now is a great time to apply!
OPEN JOBS: We also have several positions at our school and the district. A fully staffed school, helps our students thrive. Find the jobs here. We hope you'll consider applying or sharing ACSD's open positions.
District and School Newsletters
Your principal will send school newsletters by email most weeks to help you stay informed about school specific news. ACSD will send a seasonal newsletter by email to remind you of district information. If you miss the emails, you can find the district newsletters here and the school newsletters are under the "Our School" tab of your school's website or with direct links here:
- Look for a Board Fall 2024-25 Update in your email soon!
- Find Board updates, details about the Strategic Plan, Board committee updates, and details to attend or watch board meetings: www.acsdvt.org/school-board
Stay Connected!
We use our newsletter and social media to stay connected and give you a peek into our classrooms. For more regular connection and lots of photos, follow us: Insta: @acsdvtschools FB: @acsdvt