Spartan News
February 2025
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Spartan families,
We made it to February!! We are officially moving into the second semester and there are a lot of things coming our way. Please keep your eyes on the calendar so you are aware of all of the great things happening at Lagos!
If you haven't noticed, our enrollment keeps growing. We are welcoming many new families into our learning community and have officially broken the 650 student mark. That is exciting! As we grow, we need to keep student safety as our focus. One simple thing parents can do to help us is to bring ID to gain access to the campus and to use the yellow pick up cards for dismissal. This will allow our practices to remain consistent. Even though some of the office staff may already know many of you, there are lots of new parents and even some new faces in the office. Please remember that everyone needs to show their current ID to enter the school or to pick up a student from school.
Another safety concern is we still have some families trying to unload students on the traffic side of the drop off lane and some adults getting out of the driver seat to walk around to unload. Please remember that the drop off lane is for students who can independently get in and out of the car, using the passenger side of the vehicle. Please help us keep everyone safe and walk your students from the parking lot if they can not independently enter and exit from the passenger side. Safety first.
Remember that we welcome parents who may want to volunteer to assist with morning arrival. Of course if you saw us getting drenched in the monsoon Friday morning, you may change your mind 😂 but it really can be a great way to start your day!
For parents of students in 3rd-5th grades, please be aware that we have middle of the year Interim assessments this week and next. This is really important because this data will guide teachers with how to prepare your student for STAAR in April. As a result of the assessments, our campus will be closed to visitors on Feb 5 and Feb 11. Please see the calendar below for date reminders. If you have questions about the Interims, you may reach out to your child's teacher or Ms Thorn, our Assistant Principal.
Wishing everyone a fabulous February,
Ms Parker
Let's go Spartan parents!
Take a moment to fill out this form and tell us who you want to thank or give a shout out. We will take your comments and turn them into a nice certificate to post on the teacher's door! What a nice surprise for a teacher!
We only had 1 for the entire month of January!
Let's spread some love and positivity!
Zoo Crew Fundraiser on February 18!
Help us find success as we host our first ever fundraiser for the year! The funds earned will support items and activities for students and staff. This is a voluntary fundraiser and only students who have purchased a zoo animal will be released to enter the zoo trailer to make their new furry friend!
There are only two ways to pay:
- Cash: Send the order form and your cash on the day of the fundraiser, Feb 18, not before. Teachers can not hold money.
- Credit Card: Use the QR code or link on the flyer to pay.
I sent the information out a couple of weeks ago, but here it is again...
Thank you for supporting our school!
News from our Lagos ES PTA
Our board is working to plan some exciting things for our students. If you have ideas or you want to help, please reach out! For now, you can contact our parent liaison, Ms Steele, at Ernesta.steele@manorisd.net
Here is your PTA board:
- President: Ms. Domeshia Dickson
- Vice President: Mr. Vicente Colunga
- Treasurer: Ms Monet McMorris
- Secretary: Ms Charlotte Nelson
They are still looking for parents to join PTA and to help lead committees for things like fundraisers and special events. Stay tuned for more information on how you can participate!
Need Volunteers!
Please consider supporting our students and staff! Connect with Ms Steele, our parent liaison, to hear about how you can volunteer on campus!
Opportunities to help:
- be a crossing guard at arrival and dismissal
- unload cars and greet students in the morning
- with supervision in the cafeteria
- with game time on the stage in the cafeteria
- tutor students in basic math, reading and learning letters /sounds
- teachers during science lab times
- in the office to greet and check in parents on awards days
- in our library
- help with our garden
- facilitate games at recess
We need you!!!
Spartan Events
- Feb 3-7: Counselor's Week!! Ms Ward is an AMAZING counselor! Encourage your student to tell her how much they appreciate her!
- Feb 4: Celebrating the 100th Day of School!!
- Feb 5: Reading Interim 3-5 graders, campus closed to all visitors
- Feb 7: Class and Spring Photos. Dress for success! Picture order forms were sent home on Friday of last week.
- Feb 11: Math Interim 3-5 Graders, campus closed to all visitors
- Feb 12: Science interim 5th Graders
- Feb 14: Party Day, 2:00-Teachers will send out more information
- Feb 17: No School
- Feb 18:
- TELPAS Testing begins for all Emergent Bilingual Students
- Fundraiser: Zoo Crew visits the school!
- Feb 22: MISD Elementary All District Choir Concert / MISD Performing Arts Center
- Feb 26: Parent training on understanding iStation and iReady reports, 3:15 after school
- March 14: Spartan Fun Run
- March 17-21: Spring Break
Want to have a little fun and get some exercise at the same time? Join us for Zumba at 3:30 on Wednesday's! We have a parent leading the sessions for only $8 / session. Join us!
Attached is the Student Calendar for February.
Monthly Fire Drill
Dear Manor ISD Caregiver,
The week of Feb 3-7, we will participate in a safety drill. In the event of an actual emergency situation, caregivers will be notified. Please ensure that your contact information is updated in Skyward Family Access.
Manor ISD participates in the following drills throughout the year as part of our ongoing student safety initiatives.
Fire drill/evacuation
If you have any questions, contact the Manor ISD Police Department via phone at 512-278-4398 or email at misdpd@manorisd.net.
This month we will practice a fire drill.
Stay Connected to the great things happening at Lagos!
Call the office & leave a message, 512-278-4360
Email: carolyn.parker@manorisd.net
Use your Talking Points App
Location: 11817 Murchison Street Manor, TX 78653
Phone: (512) 278-4360
Lagos Calendar
MISD Calendar