Erickson Express
Family Newsletter
November 7, 2024
You can still sign up for the FUN RUN...
Preschool Service Project: Pajama Drive November 11-15
Consider donating NEW pajamas for the preschool service project next week. See flyer below. The class that donates the most PJ's earns a donut party!
Dear Erickson Families,
Students should wear red, white and blue for our Veterans Day celebration on Monday, November 11th. Thank you to the third grade team for planning an assembly for students. Third grade students will be singing, with the direction of Mr. Lebowa, our music teacher. Third grade students will also be the hosts and announcers during the assembly. Due to space, this is a student only assembly (plus invited Veterans). At Erickson, we value providing students with leadership and performing opportunities throughout the school year. We will have about 15 Veterans in attendance to honor.
Parent Teacher Conferences are around the corner...please make sure you sign up for a conference with your child's classroom teacher. Other specialists are also available to meet with! Check out the conference sign up . Parent Teacher Conference Sign-Up Link. All families should find a time to connect with the classroom teachers.
Wounded Warrior Fun Run is tomorrow, Friday, November 8th from 3:30-4:15. Last chance to sign up! Sign up closes tonight!
If you need to report an absence, please call the school 630-529-2223 or email the teacher and the attendance line: erattendance@sd13.org
Have a wonderful day!
Stacy Johnston
Important Dates
- November 7: Picture retake day, Fall Fundraiser delivery,
November 8: Hot Lunch, Wounded Warrior Fun Run
November 11: Wear Red, White and Blue, Veterans Day Assembly
November 13: Wacky Wednesday Theme-Old"er" Person
November 15: Hot Lunch, Eagle's Nest- Wear Pillar Shirts or a colored shirt / School Improvement day 1:40 early dismissal - see note below
November 16 (Saturday): Girls on the Run 5K
November 18: Hot Lunch, PTO Meeting 5:30
November 19: School Store during lunch
November 20: Trivia 3rd-5th Grade after school (sign-up required)
November 22: Hot Lunch
November 25 & 26: Parent Teacher Conferences: No School
November 27 - November 29: Fall Break, No School
**Please note: 1:40 Early Dismissal Days/School Improvement are on FRIDAY. Early Dismissal/School Improvement days are one Friday per month and FULL DAY students are dismissed at 1:40 while teachers are involved in professional development activities. Half-Day PM Kindergarten will attend school at their normal PM times. AM & PM Preschool students do not attend school on early dismissal days.
November Trivia - 3rd-5th Grade - Sign-up!
Character Counts! Family Connection
Each month we will post a video to watch as a family, discussion questions to discuss together, and a quick form to fill out to be entered into an eagle ticket raffle. Please consider completing the Character Counts Family Connection together!
Parent-Teacher Conference Sign-Up
Student Spotlight
This section will feature students who excel!
Please send in pictures and information to sjohnston@sd13.org if you would like your child featured in a future Express.
Brian Shaver
Brian is a 5th grade student at Erickson and he has done some amazing things on and off the baseball field. He is an Student ambassador, a leader, and a role model for students at Erickson. When he's not doing those things he is on the baseball field playing the sport he is most passionate about... BASEBALL. Brian is a social media influencer. He's won numerous baseball awards and trophies. Brian continues to put in the work to better himself on the baseball field every single day.
School Hours / Lunch Hours
School Hours:
Grades 1st-5th: 8:40-3:30
Kindergarten AM: 8:40-11:30
Kindergarten PM: 12:40-3:30
Preschool AM: 8:50-11:20
Preschool PM: 12:50-3:20
Student Arrival:
Kindergarten-5 grade students can begin arriving at 8:25. Students should gather in the front of the building. Doors open at 8:30. Students should arrive by 8:40
Lunch Hours:
1st, 2nd & 3rd Grade Lunch: 12:00-12:25
4th-5th Grade Lunch: 12:25-12:50
Dropping off lunches from restaurants (ie- McDonald's, Wendy's, Panera, etc.) as well as using food delivery services to drop off food (ie -GrubHub, Door Dash) is not allowed. Students should bring their lunch in the morning to school each day. Safety is our number one priority and we would like to limit visitors.
Erickson Elementary School
Email: sjohnston@sd13.org
Website: sd13.org
Location: 277 Springfield Drive, Bloomingdale, IL, USA
Phone: 630-529-2223
Fax: 630-893-9849