Mustang News
November 2024
Upcoming Events
4th Grade Visual & Performing Arts Show
Thursday, Nov 7, 2024, 05:00 PM
Pima Butte MPR
PTO Donuts with Dad
Pima Butte Elementary PTO will serve donuts, milk, and juice in the cafe until 7:45am. Students cannot be left unattended before 8:00am. Sign up sheet for Watch Dogs will be up! Dads must leave by 8:05 when the doors open for all students.
Friday, Nov 8, 2024, 07:15 AM
Pima Butte MPR
Veteran's Day
There will be No School in observance of Veteran's Day.
Monday, Nov 11, 2024, 08:30 AM
Site Council
Join us in the library to hear monthly updates from school administration on school wide goals, upcoming activities, and budget reports. PTO will also provide updated information about upcoming fundraisers and events. Grade level teams or special areas may also be invited to present information.
Thursday, Nov 21, 2024, 05:00 PM
Pima Butte Library
Spirit Day - Western Day
Yee Haw! Partners, pull on your boots and straighten your hats to join us for our Western Spirit Day. Remember that all outfits must be school appropriate- no bare shoulders or midriffs, no toy guns. The student and the staff member with the most spirit will be recognized.
Friday, Nov 22, 2024, 08:30 AM
There will be No School 11/27-11/29.
Wednesday, Nov 27, 2024, 08:30 AM
November is Native American Heritage Month
Early Literacy
Early literacy skills lay the foundation for a child's ability to learn to read. Many of these skills begin to develop before schooling even begins.
Tools for helping support your child in developing their early literacy skills:
- Lexia: research-proven program that accelerates the development of literacy skills for students of all abilities, helping them make the critical shift from learning to read to reading to learn. Lexia provides explicit, systematic, personalized learning on critical reading and language skills to accelerate development and provide data-driven plans to differentiate instruction for each student.
- Epic: digital reading platform with selected content tailored to a child’s age and reading level
Suggestions for ways you can support at home:
Here are brief descriptions of some of the curriculum we are currently using:
- Spalding: used in K-3rd to explicitly teach phonemic awareness, systematic phonics, and spelling. It is a multisensory, interactive, sequential, and integrated program that is centered on high expectations for each child.
- Thinking Maps: visual patterns used to guide students in processing and organizing their thoughts using 8 specific cognitive, or “thinking” processes. It is student-centered and based on foundational brain and educational research about how humans naturally learn and process information.
- Write From the Beginning and Beyond: developmental writing program that uses Thinking Maps. It is vertically aligned to teach K-8 students the knowledge and skills necessary for age-appropriate writing.
- Wonders: research-based comprehensive language arts curriculum used to teach K-5 students vocabulary skills, reading foundations, reading comprehension, and grammar skills. Students are exposed to a wide variety of fiction and non-fiction text sources.
- Math and You curriculum is used in K-8. It is grounded in helping students develop deep conceptual understanding as well as procedural fluency in mathematics while thinking mathematically, and using solution-based problem solving.
- IMPACT Social Studies teaches the art and strategy of inquiry as teachers model how to ask questions and do research. Students learn how to analyze sources and consider multiple perspectives as they think critically about problems, events, places, and people.
- Elevate Science is a K-5 phenomena-based science curriculum immersing students in the inquiry process. This is science elevated for problem solving, critical thinking, and the Arizona science standards performance expectations.
Veteran's Day Tributes
As Veteran's Day approaches, we want to honor our veterans by creating a Wall of Remembrance and Appreciation in the main hallway. We recently sent home copies of the Veteran's Day tribute for our wall. If you would like to contribute, please complete the form, firmly attach any pictures, and return it to school no later than Tuesday, November 5th.
Please only include pictures that fit within the boundaries of the form. Please do not use pencil to fill out your tribute. The tributes will be mounted on red or blue construction paper and then laminated before adding to our Wall of Remembrance and Appreciation. Tributes will be returned at the end of November.
Additional forms are available in the front office or attached below.
Counselor Corner
Parent University Survey
Cell Phone Policy
At the first infraction, items will be confiscated by an administrator and will have to get it from the front office prior to dismissal.
At the second infraction, items will be confiscated by an administrator and parents will be notified to come get items at the end of the instructional day.
Important Note: Students bring these devices to school at their own risk. If a student has a cell phone or other electronic device on campus or the bus and it is damaged or stolen, the school will not utilize resources to investigate the incident nor will MUSD take any financial responsibility for the cell phone or cell phone charges or for any other electronic device.
Congratulations October Students of the Month!
Ms. Khaaliq - Lily
Mrs. Denton - Scarlett, Ms. McMurtrey - Arabella, Mrs. Seamons - Orion
First Grade
Ms. Basilone - Averi, Mrs. Fuentes - Hensleigh, Mr. Pascador - Ian
Second Grade
Mrs. Graham - Camden, Ms. Hamili - Jackson, Ms. Swanno - Sione
Third Grade
Ms. Isenberg - Madison, Ms. Palmer - Emma, Ms. Perio - Cali
Fourth Grade
Ms. Jacobs - Penny, Ms. Lee - Ivy, Mrs. Sentell - Willow
Fifth Grade
Mrs. Ansley - Ian, Mrs. Buechner - Joselyn, Mrs. Gomez - Nikson
Thanks to all who joined us for our first ever Trunk or Treat!
We look forward to seeing students with their fathers and father-figures on Friday, November 8th for Donuts with Dad.
Important Links
Contact Us
Front Office: 520-568-7150
Attendance: 520-568-7154
Health Office: 520-568-7153
Front Office Email: PBESrecords@musd20.org
42202 W. Rancho El Dorado Parkway, Maricopa AZ 85138