Erickson Express
Family Newsletter
October 3, 2024
Dear Erickson Families,
Each year schools in Bloomingdale nominate one student from the 5th grade class to win the Youth Character Counts Award. This year's recipient, Jillian Lehman, is a student who consistently shows the six pillars of character and SOARS each day at Erickson. Congratulations to Jillian. During the event the Erickson's 2nd grade students performed the song I Am A Citizen led by Mr. Lebowa, our music teacher. It was nice to see Erickson students performing in front of the community.
Last year, Erickson focused on students' school attendance as we noticed a decline in attendance, especially after the pandemic (this was also a nationwide trend). Erickson will continue to monitor student school attendance and inform parents if their child(ren) have been absent more than 10% of the school year. Being in attendance daily contributes to students' overall academic success in school. Attendance updates will be emailed home tomorrow to the families of students who have been absent for 10% or more of the school year. As of September 30th, students have been in school for 27 days. Missing 3 out of 27 days is ~10% of the school year thus far. We know some of these absences are due to illness or family emergencies/obligations. All families can check their child(ren)'s attendance record by going to ALMA and clicking on attendance. We miss your kids when they are not in school!
School arrival for students is between 8:25-8:40. Students should be in school by 8:40. Students are considered tardy if they arrive to school after 8:45. When students are tardy, they are missing the classroom morning routine including the morning announcements and classroom instruction. If a child is late due to the bus, they are not marked tardy.
If you need to report an absence, please call the school 630-529-2223 or email the teacher and the attendance line: erattendance@sd13.org
Have a wonderful day!
Stacy Johnston
Character Counts Night
Youth Character Award Winner: Jillian Lehman
Cal's Angels Fundraiser
Thank you to the families that joined us at the Cal's Angels Fundraiser honoring Michael Carr, former Erikson student. Together we raised $3,085 toward pediatric cancer. Congratulations to:
1 Mile Run Winners
Elementary: Noah Schoppa
Middle School: Maximos Panagiotopoulos (Mrs. P's son)
Adult: Mr. Manning (Jackson's Dad)
Gaga Ball Winners
1st-3rd Grade: Angelo Ventrella
4th-Middle School: Dominic Sanabria
Important Dates
- October 4: Hot Lunch, Spirit Day, wear blue and gold
- October 7: Hot Lunch, Bullying Prevention Day - Wear Blue
- October 8: School store begins at lunch 12:00-12:50
- October 9: Wacky Wednesday: Theme: Twin Day
- October 11: Institute Day, No School for Students
- October 14: No School: Columbus/Indigenous Peoples' Day
- October 15: Global Handwashing Day (Nurse Kassy will be talking to the students about appropriate handwashing - this prevents sharing germs)
- October 17: Family Pumpkin Night 5:00-7:00pm (see flyer )
- October 18: Hot Lunch
- October 21: Hot Lunch
- October 22: School Store
- October 25: Hot Lunch, Eagle's Nest- Wear Pillar Shirts or a colored shirt / School Improvement day 1:40 early dismissal - see note below
- October 28: Hot Lunch, PTO Meeting 5:30-6:30
- October 31: Halloween Classroom Parties
- 10:00: Kinder/Preschool Halloween Parade (outside)
- 10:20-11:20: Kinder/Preschool Halloween Party
- 1:30-2:00: Preschool-5th Grade Halloween Parade (outside)
- 2:00-3:00: Preschool-5th Grade Halloween Party
**Please note: 1:40 Early Dismissal Days/School Improvement are on FRIDAY. Early Dismissal/School Improvement days are one Friday per month and FULL DAY students are dismissed at 1:40 while teachers are involved in professional development activities. Half-Day PM Kindergarten will attend school at their normal PM times. AM & PM Preschool students do not attend school on early dismissal days.
Writer's Cafe in 4th Grade
Eagle Book Bonanza Prizes
School Wide Reading Fun led by Mrs. Grover and Mrs. Barnett
This year we have chosen 20 excellent books to be our Eagle Books! All students in grades 1-5 can participate in our Eagle Book Bonanza. We are hoping to give different prizes for every 5 books that the kids read. We are asking for your support in donating prizes to promote this activity! Please review the available slots below and click on the button in order to donate if you can. Thank you!
ALMA & OTUS: Student Information Websites
ALMA: is used to register students, contains attendance information, grades and progress reports. ALL families should have login information for ALMA. Please utilize this site to view grades, attendance information, and the trimester progress reports.
OTUS: is our District's Data Warehouse (https://my.otus.com/login).This site contains historical (K-8) data and current student assessment data: MAP data, IAR data and CoGat data. Please review this OTUS PARENT LETTER to learn more about accessing your child's information in OTUS. If you are a returning student, you created an OTUS account last year and should be able to view the assessment data. If not, individual log-in codes will be sent home with your child on FRIDAY, September 20th, so you can have access to view all of this information.
Student Spotlight
This section will feature students who excel!
Please send in pictures to sjohnston@sd13.org if you would like your child featured in a future Express.
School Hours / Lunch Hours
School Hours:
Grades 1st-5th: 8:40-3:30
Kindergarten AM: 8:40-11:30
Kindergarten PM: 12:40-3:30
Preschool AM: 8:50-11:20
Preschool PM: 12:50-3:20
Student Arrival:
Kindergarten-5 grade students can begin arriving at 8:25. Students should gather in the front of the building. Doors open at 8:30. Students should arrive by 8:40
Lunch Hours:
1st, 2nd & 3rd Grade Lunch: 12:00-12:25
4th-5th Grade Lunch: 12:25-12:50
Dropping off lunches from restaurants (ie- McDonald's, Wendy's, Panera, etc.) as well as using food delivery services to drop off food (ie -GrubHub, Door Dash) is not allowed. Students should bring their lunch in the morning to school each day. Safety is our number one priority and we would like to limit visitors.
Erickson Elementary School
Email: sjohnston@sd13.org
Website: sd13.org
Location: 277 Springfield Drive, Bloomingdale, IL, USA
Phone: 630-529-2223
Fax: 630-893-9849