I hope all of you are having a wonderful summer break! Enjoy the remainder of the summer with your family and friends because school is right around the corner. We will resume school on Tuesday, August 20, 2024 at 8:00 AM.
The biggest fear our incoming 7th grade students and their parents have is about lockers. Therefore, August 14th will be our 7th grade locker/schedule days, where students will be able to pick up their schedules, walk the building, and learn to use their locker. In order to ensure that the teachers and 8th grade student volunteers are able to help, please follow the set schedule. If you are unable to attend these days, your student’s schedule will be distributed in homeroom on the first day of school.
August 14th
8:30-11:00 AM (last names A-L). 11:30-2:00 PM (last names M-Z)
Our 8th grade students will pick up their schedules on locker/schedule on August 15th, so they too can view their schedules, walk the building, and practice their locker combination.
August 15th
8:30-11:00 AM (last names A-L). 11:30-2:00 PM (last names M-Z)
August 16th
This day is for students new to the district for the 2024-2025 school year, and not for incoming 7th grade students from Troy. This will start at 9:15 AM and will run for an hour.
Open House will be on August 29th. Grade 8 parents are invited to attend from 6:00-6:45 PM. Our 7th grade parents are invited from 7:15-8:15 PM. The Open House is for parents only.
You will be able to access your student's schedule through PowerSchool. Staff members will be on hand in the hallways and near our school office to answer your questions. Parents will meet in large groups in the Auditorium, Cafeteria, and Main Gym, depending on which Team your child is on, so make sure to ask you child either their team name or one of their core teacher's name. Foreign Language teachers will meet with all 8th grade parents. The other Essentials Teachers will meet with all 7th grade parents.
Please review the information in this newsletter as you prepare to return to school for the 2024-2025 school year.
We continue to promote the procedure for dropping off lunches and/or materials for your students. All items that are dropped off for a student will be labeled and placed on the shelf outside the main office. Students will need to stop in the main office during the Lunch/Support period or after school to pick up their materials. Please share this process with your student. As a reminder no outside delivery or drop off (ex. McDonald’s, Subway, Taco Bell, pop, Uber Eats, Grub Hub, etc.) is permitted.
Please pay close attention to the monthly events, and encourage your student to participate in Learwood activities to get the most out of their school career. You can find monthly information through my newsletter at www.avonlakecityschools.org/Learwood. To learn about what is happening at Learwood and the ALCS District, please follow me on Twitter @V_Nuggud.
If you need to meet with me, your guidance counselor, or the assistant principal please do not hesitate to contact us. We suggest you call the main office at (440) 933-8142, to request a meeting with our staff. This way we can better prepare a time to meet. We look forward to this year being an excellent one for both students and parents alike.
Dr. Vishtasp Nuggud
14 7th Grade Locker/Schedule Day 8:30-11:00 (A-L)
14 7th Grade Locker/Schedule Day 11:30-2:00 (M-Z)
15 8th Grade Locker/Schedule Day 8:30-11:00 (A-L)
15 8th Grade Locker/Schedule Day 11:30-2:00 (M-Z)
16 Locker/Schedule Day for students new to Avon Lake 9:15-10:15
20 First Day of School
28 Washington DC Parent/Student Mtg. PAC 7:00 PM
29 Open House: Grade 8: 6:15 PM. Grade 7: 7:15 PM
2 Labor Day - No School
12 PTA Meeting 9:00 AM (AL Library)
19 School Picture Day
20 Homecoming Game vs Midview
25 Early Release - 11:35 AM
26 All Pro Parent Kick-Off 7:15-7:45 AM
9 PSAT Test 8th grade only
9 Parent Conferences 3:30-7:00 PM
10 PTA Meeting 9:00 AM (AL Library)
10 Parent Conferences 7:00 AM–3:00 PM No School
11 NEOEA Day - No School
23-25 Washington DC Trip
25 SouperBowl vs Avon
25 End of 1st Quarter
30 Orchestra Fall Festival 6:00 PM @ HS Commons
31 All Pro Parent meeting 7:15-7:45 AM
1 PD Day No School
6 Picture Retake/Make-up Day
11 Veterans Day Breakfast Program
14 PTA Meeting 9:00 AM (AL Library)
21 All Pro Parent meeting 7:15-7:45 AM
27-29 Thanksgiving Break - No School
10 ALHS/Learwood Band Holiday Concert 7 PM PAC
11 ALHS/Learwood Orchestra Concert 7 PM PAC
18 Grade 7 Choir Winter Concert 6:00 PM @ PAC
18 Grade 8 Choir Winter Concert 7:30 PM @ PAC
23 Winter Break (School Resumes 1/6/25)
6 Return to School
9 PTA Meeting 9:00 AM (AL Library)
17 End of 2nd Quarter
17 Early Release - 11:35 AM
20 Martin Luther King Jr. Day (No School)
30 All Pro Parent meeting 7:15-7:45 AM
12 Parent Teacher Conferences 3:30-7:00 PM
13 PTA Meeting 9:00 AM (AL Library)
14 Teacher In Service Day - No School
17 Washington’s Birthday - No School
20 Orchestra Winter Concert 7 PM @ PAC
27 All Pro Parent meeting 7:15-7:45 AM
6 Early release - 11:35 AM
7 Parent Conferences - No School
10 Conference Comp Day - No School
13 PTA Meeting 9:00 AM (AL Library)
27 All Pro Parent meeting 7:15-7:45 AM
28 End of 3rd Quarter
10 PTA Meeting 9:00 AM (AL Library)
17 Spring Break (School Resumes 4/28/25)
30 All Pro Parent meeting 7:15-7:45 AM
6 Early Release - 11:35 AM
7 Band Spring Concert 7 PM @ PAC
8 PTA Meeting 9:00 AM (AL Library)
14 Orchestra Spring Concert 7 PM @ PAC
26 Memorial Day - No School
28 Grade 7 Choir Spring Concert 6:00 PM @ PAC
28 Grade 8 Choir Spring Concert 7:30 PM @ PAC
4 Last Day of School. 11:30 AM
Staff members will be outside to assist during the drop-off times. They are there to help the process so please make sure to follow their directives. The idea is for cars to move all the up to the band doors, and for all students in cars between the band doors and the MPR entrance to get out of the car and enter the building. We appreciate your efforts and understanding.
Below is the route for you to follow as you enter and exit Learwood's parking lot. The area in red is the drop off zone. Please make sure to utilize that area to drop off your child.
Dear Parents/Guardians/Students,
It’s hard to believe that we will be hosting our first home Varsity football game next Friday, August 30th, against Benedictine High School at 7:00 PM. We would like to take this opportunity to remind everyone of our student seating policies at Friday night home football games.
In order to enhance safety and spectator enjoyment, the following procedures have been implemented for all home football games:
- All elementary students (K-4) must be accompanied by a parent/adult in order to enter the stadium.
- All elementary students (K-4) will sit with their parents/adult in the home bleachers.
- Students (K-4) must remain in the bleachers during the game unless visiting the concession stand/restroom with their parent/adult.
- Students in grades 5-8 will sit in the bleachers (The Pier) in the west end zone. Students must remain in the bleachers during the game. The 5-8 student section will be dismissed to the concession areas by bleacher section near the end of the second quarter. Learwood will exit near the away team concession stands, Troy students will exit towards the home concession stands. Students will be permitted to re-enter The Pier anytime during halftime, as long as they are not interfering with band traffic.
- Supervision staff will be stationed near the concession stands and in the paved area in front of the concessions to monitor student behavior.
- Students are not permitted to leave their seats outside of the times mentioned above.
- Students in grades 9-12 will sit in the normal student section on the northeast side of the stadium.
- Please be reminded that backpacks, outside food/drinks, footballs, soccer balls, etc.…, are not allowed to be brought into the stadium. Also, noise makers are prohibited at games.
Students who fail to comply with these requests will be asked to return to their parent(s) and asked to remain under their parents’ supervision. If a parent is not in attendance, that parent will be contacted and asked to take the student home. Any violations of the rules and regulations as set forth by the district administration could result in being escorted from the stadium and possible forfeiture to attend future stadium events.
Student attendance at sporting events is an important element to promoting school spirit. It is our hope that students sitting in the bleachers will cheer and support the cheerleaders, band, and athletes on Friday nights. We appreciate your understanding and assistance as these actions are intended to ensure the safety and the enjoyment of the evening for all spectators.
Greetings LMS families,
We look forward to welcoming your students back for the start of the school year. PTA plays an important role at Learwood and supports all students, teachers and staff throughout the year. Our community relies on your support to fund programs and special events. We are in need of a treasurer and a vice president of membership for the 2024-25 school year. If you would like more information about these roles, contact Alessia Lloyd at 440-637-3399 or lloydmomof3@yahoo.com.
Please consider joining PTA online at Givebacks. (Givebacks was formerly MemberHub). There is a small convenience fee with this option. You may also join by printing a form and sending payment to the Learwood office. Parents, grandparents, teachers and staff can all become members. We would love to see a record number of members this year!
Alessia Lloyd
32743 Belmont Drive
Avon Lake, OH 44012
Aspire to inspire before you expire.
ANY medications your student needs to take during school hours MUST have a release form. These forms are located in the main office and can be downloaded from our website at: www.avonlakecityschools.org. The form and medication(s) will be kept in the clinic at all times. Please contact our school nurse with any medical questions/concerns.
No student is allowed to carry any medication on them. This includes all over the counter pain relievers like Tylenol, Advil, aspirin, etc.
Grade 7
Activity Fee $ 20.00
Art $ 10.00
ELA Resources $ 26.00
Instructional License $ 5.00
Planner $ 5.00
Science Lab $ 2.00
Technology Class $ 10.00
Technology Fee (New-All Students) $ 35.00
Total $ 113.00
Grade 8
Activity Fee $ 20.00
Art/Ceramics $ 10.00
ELA Resources $ 28.00
Instructional License $ 5.00
Planner $ 5.00
Science Lab $ 2.00
Technology Classes* $ 10.00
Technology Fee (New-All Students) $ 35.00
Total $ 115.00
Website: www.avonlakecityschools.org/Learwood
Location: 340 Lear Road, Avon Lake, OH, USA
Phone: (440) 933-8142
Twitter: @V_Nuggud