Copper Creek Weekly Update
November 1, 2024
Thank You!
To my amazing CC family,
I want to express my sincere gratitude for making Principal Appreciation Month so special. Your thoughtfulness, creativity, and hard work truly touched my heart. From the heartfelt messages, student work, and cards to the surprise treats and kind gestures, each act of kindness made a difference.
Your dedication to our school community is inspiring, and I feel incredibly fortunate to work alongside such an amazing team. Thank you for making this month so memorable. I am truly grateful for your support and friendship.
With much love and gratitude,
Christina 💗
Step it Up - We Need Volunteers!
Teachers, if you haven't already, please email your parents and ask for volunteers to sign up for this event! We are required to have a volunteer at every inflatable.
This is the link to send out:
Please tell your parents that PTSA is giving away raffle tickets to all volunteers!! If you volunteer for a whole shift you earn 5 raffle tickets. If you can't make it to a full shift, it is 1 ticket per hour. There's an attached flyer with all the information about the day including the schedule for each grade and the raffle prizes you can pick from.
Sonic Restaurant Night
3rd Annual Food Drive
Sunny Brew Coffee at CC on Tuesdays!
November Assessments - click on the picture below to access the entire document
K-5 i-Ready Math
This information was sent out in an email on Wed. 10/30 🙂
On Wednesday, November 6th, DVUSD is sending representatives from i-Ready to walk-through classrooms during math instruction. These will be 15 minute informal learning walks with admin and the i-Ready rep.
Please note that the purpose of this time will be to collect overall school-wide trend data, not to give individual teacher feedback and it is not evaluative in nature. We will for sure send an email at the end of day as a quick recap!
They will use the data gathered from our school and other DVUSD schools in order to plan for further training. Additionally, the walks will help the team see what implementation has already been going well after your recent i-Ready training from this school year.
We will not have time to visit all K-5 classrooms so please do not stress if we come in and please do not stress if we do not come in 😀
Behavior Team Update
October Precise Problem Statement:
Based on our September minor incident referral data disrespect/defiance, specifically in the area of not following directions had the highest number of FYI incident referrals. There are 11 incidents in all grade levels for not following directions.
October SMART Goal:
By December 3rd, we will decrease the number of referrals for disrespect/defiance, specifically in the area of not following directions, from 11 to 6 incidents per month. By December 3rd, all grade levels will teach a minimum of 2 Tier 1 lessons per month focused on following directions. Special area teachers will teach Tier 1 lessons on 10/17 & 10/18.
November is busy!
Friday, November 1 - 7:30 AM K - 3 SIT meeting in conference room
Monday, November 4 - Friday November 15 - Student Ambassador Sponsored Canned Food Drive
Tuesday, November 5 - 7:30 AM - Behavior Team meeting in conference room & K-6 Data meetings during preps
Thursday, November 7 - Step It Up Event Day! (schedule to follow in email)
Friday, November 8 - Veterans Day Ceremony in the courtyard PreK- 6th @ 9:15 AM
Monday, November 11 - NO SCHOOL
Wednesday, November 13 - Christina & Joelle off campus for required district meeting all day
Friday, November 15 - 7:30 AM - 4-6th SIT meeting in conference room
Tuesday, November 19 - 7:30 Guiding Coalition mtg in conference room
Wednesday, November 20 - Christina off campus for required district mtg 8 - 12:30
Thursday, November 21 - Staff Meeting - 7:30 AM & Thanksgiving Feast in Cafeteria
Friday, November 22 - Breakfast with Colleagues (Guy, Hill, Mansor, Cohon, Jamison, Landis, Roush, Marinka, Nisbett, Dudiak, Heath, Stylinski)
Quick Access to CC Documents
Happy Birthday!
4: Kristy Womack
6: Morgan Ambrose & Colleen Imdorf
7: Sara Mihaljevich
18: Sara Quinn
19: Kristy Guy & Dawn Jamison
26: Mary Jo Mihelic