The Bear Bulletin
The Bear Bulletin
Elizabethtown Area High School
Week of October 21, 2024
Every student graduates ready to live, learn, and thrive in a global community
Thursday, October 31 is the end of Marking Period 1. Please remind your child to connect with teachers about grades, as needed, and to be aware of their academic standing. In addition, students should be using FLEX time wisely to get ahead with classwork and study in advance for tests.
Many of our sports teams are entering district play - good luck to those involved. Go Bears!!
We have a few arts and musical events coming soon
Our Marching Band only has a few more performances left this season. Be sure to catch them before it is too late!
Our fall play will be held November 7 & 9. Look for an upcoming announcement for play and ticket sales information
Our Orchestra Pops Concert will be held November 14
Last but not least, The Elizabethtown Area School District will hold its Veterans Day ceremony on Monday, November 11 to honor our community’s military veterans. Stay tuned for more about this annual event.
Have a great week!
Jason D’Amico
Highlights from last week
- We had approximately 135 students take PSAT’s on Thursday with some still scheduled to test on the alternate day.
- 65+ students participate in CTC tours this week at all three campuses. See below for Open House dates in November
Looking ahead to this week
Monday Day A - 1
- 9th Grade Class Meeting - HS Auditorium - FLEX
- 10th Grade Class Meeting - MS Auditorium - FLEX
Tuesday Day B - 2
- Picture Retake Day
Wednesday Day A - 3
Thursday Day B - 4
- PSAT - 2nd Administration - 7:45-10:30 AM LGI
- Parent Conferences 12:15 - 7:15 PM
Friday - Parent Conferences - 7:30 AM - 3:30 PM
General Announcements
- Check out our district website and Twitter feed to obtain updates on our school district and upcoming events.
Our Counseling Department page has all all their resources in one place
Welcome to the High School Class of 2025 Information Page
Athletic Announcements
Athletic Announcements & Twitter
- Winter Athletes: Registration is now open. If you are planning to participate in a Winter sport-sign up NOW! All registrations are due no later than 11/8. Try Outs begin on 11/15/24.
- Athletes - AD office checks athletic eligibility each week. Don't forget to make sure your grades are accurate.
Mini-THON Update
The HS Mini-THON currently has a merch store open where you can buy T-shirts, sweatshirts, coffee mugs, and so much more! A portion of the proceeds for each item goes to the Four Diamonds Fund. The store will close at the end of the day on Monday October 21.
Thank you for your continued support of Mini-THON!
Picture Retake Day
- Tuesday, October 22 - 7:15 - 11:45 AMHS auditorium
- 9, 10, & 11 graders who either missed having their photo taken or would like their photo retaken.
If having photos retaken, just bring your photo packet from September and hand directly to photographer on October 22. Students will be called down by homeroom to report to HS auditorium.
Scholarships for Juniors
Attention College/Trade School-Bound Juniors! There are scholarships that you can apply for now for college!! Check out our Scholarships for Juniors page on our Scholarship Website. Check back regularly since scholarships are added throughout the year.
Class of 2028 Fundraiser
For those who bought eggrolls, pick up is October 23. If you have any questions please email Lacie Meyer at
Class of 2027 Fundraiser Update
The 10th grade will have a class meeting on Monday October 21st. Students will receive information about our Shady Maple Baked Goods Fundraisers. Students are encouraged to sell at least 5 items. All orders are due to the IMC on Tuesday November 5.
Please send in the order form and one check made payable to the EAHS Class of 2027. Donations are accepted as well! Order pick up will be Monday November 25 from 3-5 PM in the HS bus lobby just in time for Thanksgiving! Please note this is a day students do not have school. If you have any questions please email Christa
Volunteers needed - Bigs and Littles
Are you looking for experience working with kids or need volunteer hours?
Bigs and Littles is an after-school program that pairs a high school student, called a "Big," with an elementary school student, called a "Little." The group meets once a week, other than holiday breaks, and discusses important topics such as self-esteem, feelings, healthy friendships, drug and alcohol prevention, and more! The facilitator leads the topics and activities and the Bigs' role is to support the Littles. Open to all genders! Groups will be after school. Interested Bigs must complete the attached application forms. The tentative start date is the end of October/beginning of November. Return your application to Mrs. Gunn in the Counseling Office.
Please Plan to attend this Zoom informational session if interested: Oct 23 at 4 PM
Meeting ID: 738 1633 1331
Passcode: Bigs
CTC Open House
- Brownstown – November 19
- Mount Joy – November 20
- Willow Street – November 21
Any questions, please reach out to Mrs. Robinson
Donations needed
Our high school parent group, Gratitude and Goodies Crew, is planning to put together a meal for high school teachers on Thursday, October 24. We need your help! Please take a look at our sign up and donate a food item if you can. Donations drop off will be October 23 from 7 AM-3 PM or October 24 from 7 AM-10AM in the high school office.
We appreciate your help! HS Teacher Conference Meal
AP Exams Payments
Payment for AP Exams through Schoolpay is due November 1. The cost per exam is $103. Any AP Exam requested after this time will be charged a $40 late registration fee. Please see Mr. Gibbs if there is financial need. (Note: AP Physics 2 payment will be due Feb 28 since it is a semester 2 course)
Upcoming Events
October 31 - End of 1st MP
October 31 - Blood Drive
November 7 - Fall Play - Arsenic and Old Lace
November 8 - NO SCHOOL - Staff professional development
November 8 - Last day to sign up for winter sports
November 9 - Fall Play - Arsenic and Old Lace
November 11 - EAHS Veterans Day Program
November 14 - HS Orchestra Pops Concert
November 15 - Winter sports tryouts begin
November 19 - Brownstown CTC Open House 6-8 PM
November 20 - Mount Joy CTC Open House 6-8 PM
November 21 - Willow Street CTC Open House 6-8 PM
November 25 - December 2 - NO SCHOOL Thanksgiving Break