The Royals Report
October 2024

We are the Royals!
MVRHS Homecoming 2024
The Mascoma Royals celebrated their school pride with an amazing Spirit Week leading up to Homecoming weekend. Students did an excellent job decorating their floats, the lighting ceremony went well, the bonfire lit up the night sky, and to top it off, our athletic teams had a very successful weekend.
The bonfire roaring to life.
Homecoming 2024
Floats all lined up at the conclussion of the parade.
The mascots of EVS, CES, and IRS us joined the parade along with our very own MVRHS Panther.
The bonfire was ready to go with senior boards.
Art classes added some Mascoma pride to the campus.
Live Stream of the Vape 101 Event
If you missed the Vape 101 event. Here is the link to the live stream https://www.youtube.com/live/M2vFMcAM-G0?si=Kpm--t-_mO8AN2jz. We want to thank our community partners- All Together, Dartmouth Health, Valley Court Diversion, and the Canaan Police Department- for providing this informational event.
Science News
The honors physics class has been busy learning about vectors. They began with a hands-on vector treasure hunt activity which required small groups of students to create a set of 15 measurements to a mystery object located somewhere in the school. Students then wrote each measurement on separate index cards and the cards were shuffled. The groups traded cards and were challenged to locate their new treasure. Every group was successful in finding the mystery object despite not knowing the original order of the measurements. After they located their treasure, they plotted their vectors to scale on a school map and learned to perform vector addition graphically. This activity was a great introduction to vector addition and helped emphasize the concepts of displacement, magnitude, and direction. Currently, they are modeling vector addition using mathematical models.
The honors chemistry class completed their lab safety unit by modeling the Claim, Evidence, Reasoning process that is part of the backbone of the Next Generation Science Standards. Small groups of students were presented with a scenario from the journal entry of a chemistry lab manager whose employees were not following the lab safety guidelines. Students were tasked with evaluating the data from the journal entry and deciding which employee must be fired in order to make the lab a safe place to work. This was a difficult decision considering that all of the employees were guilty of violating one or more policies. Students shared their data with other groups using whiteboards and had to justify their decision of who should be permanently removed from the lab.
Volunteer Information
Volunteers are important to MVRHS. Here is the link for the volunteer forms. They can be returned to the MVRHS office. https://www.mascomaschools.org/career/volunteer_information
Principal's Message
Dear Parents and Guardians,
October marks the start of a season of new beginnings. As the leaves begin to turn and we head into the second half of our first quarter, I'm excited to share what's happening at MVRHS.
Upcoming Events:
- Drama rehearsals continue for our production of "Arsenic and Old Lace," opening November 8th
- National Honor Society Induction Ceremony is Oct 10th at 6:00 p.m.
- Picture retake day is October 22nd
- Fall athletics continue until playoffs in November
Academic Focus: Our WIN periods are in full swing. Every Tuesday and Thursday, thirty minutes are set aside for students to connect with their teachers, learn about career opportunities in "Flex your Future," or catch up on any outstanding assignments. Soon, we will start devoting one WIN period each week for PSAT/SAT practice--testing takes place in April.
Community Involvement: Students recently collected food for NH Tackles Hunger. National Honor Society members will be visiting EVS and CES to read with preschool students this month.
Lastly, I wanted to thank the MVRHS community for your support at Homecoming. This is a special event for students and the community, and it's only possible thanks to the support of the families, businesses, and emergency service organizations that make this annual tradition so amazing. We appreciate your continued support of MVRHS. We look forward to a wonderful October filled with learning, growth, and community.
Tina Fleming
MVRHS Principal
How to reach us:
Email: tfleming@mvrsd.org
Website: https://mvrhs.mascomaschools.org/home
Location: 27 Royal Road, Canaan, NH, USA
Phone: 603-632-4308
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/MascomaSAU62/?ti=as
Twitter: @MascomaRoyalsAD