The Generals' Update
Your Guide to DDE Events & Announcements 9/15/2024

A Peek into the Life of a General
- Wednesday, September 18th: PTO Meeting, 6:30 pm
For a comprehensive view of all sports, activities, and events use the DDE Calendar of Events.
Respectfully, we ask that parents/guardians do not ring the bell, or call the school to advise an item has been dropped off. Per security protocols, the office staff will not come to the door on demand. Students will not be called out of class to retrieve items. Students have been directed to check the following areas where their item will be located between classes, or with a teacher's permission.
- Lunches and water bottles are brought to the cafeteria, ready for the student when they attend their lunch period.
- All binders, clothing, sports equipment, instruments, personal items, are placed in cubbies in the benches in the foyer of the main entrance.
- Students will be called to the office to retrieve their Chromebook. Keep in mind all classrooms are supplied with loaner Chromebooks for students to use.
Looking for a way to give an Eisenhower Staff Member a quick note of appreciation?
If there is a staff member at DDE you'd like to acknowledge - and it can be anyone, from teacher, coach, or lunch assistant to custodial staff, teacher assistant, interventionist, guidance, Child Study Team, bus driver, or front office staff - please complete this STAFF SHOUT OUT form. We would love the opportunity to celebrate them!
Mrs. Gambino & Mr. McManus
Summer Reading is due 9/20.
Math packets for Accelerated and Honors math are due 9/23.
REQUIRED SUMMER MATH-Accelerated/Honors Math
Information regarding high school opportunities for rising freshmen can be found here as it is shared with the Guidance Office.
Kids At Heart Photography will be taking DDE School Pictures on Tuesday, September 24th. Order forms were distributed in homeroom last week.
You may pre-order photos online using the following link:
DDE PRE-ORDER LINK. Preorder Code: DDES 2024
A make-up day has not yet been secured. Once we have that information it will be shared with all parents/guardians.
Don't forget to join our PTO!
All members will be entered in a raffle to win an extra graduation ticket for their son/daughter's graduation.
The winners will be drawn at
our first PTO meeting 9/18.
Members also receive
our weekly emails!!
Please keep in mind, the PTO helps fund activities for the students! There are over 550 students in the school,
but only 103 families are members of the PTO!
The success of our PTO depends on you!
Please visit the PTO website to connect with them!
See what is going on!
Get the most up to date information!
Available all 1/2 days September through May.
All sales are presale.
The BEST deal
is available right now.
Buy 10, get 1 FREE.
Don't wait, buy those bagels/waters now to be
worry free the whole year!
Buy them HERE.
Nurse's Corner
Ms. Anastassia Yaccarino, School Nurse
732-431-3910 x4108 - ayaccarino@freeholdtwp.k12.nj.us
If you have not dropped off your child's medication and completed paperwork, please email Ms. Yaccarino for an appointment to do so.
***Medication cannot be left with anyone other than the nurse***
***ALL medication requires completed orders from your physician each school year***
Please download all medication forms from the Freehold District Health Office Webpage.
- Your child needs a NOTE if they are to be excused from gym.
- A parent note is required for 1 day. A physician's note is required for more than 1 day.
- Please ask your child to drop off all gym notes to the office first thing in the morning. (Do not hand it in to the homeroom teacher.) Gym teachers/coaches will be notified.
- If your child is excused from GYM, they are excused from SPORTS.
- IF YOUR CHILD IS INJURED and is using crutches, a brace, splint, tape, etc., they will be excused from PE and sports until a doctor clears them to return to activity in writing. Please do not apply “assistive devices,” such as these, at home.
- A doctor needs to write a note if a student requires crutches. Please instruct your child to stop by the nurse’s office when they arrive at school if they have an injury.
From the Office
Mrs. Linda DiStasi, Principal's Secretary (ldistasi@freeholdtwp.k12.nj.us)
Ms. Danielle Wright, Guidance Secretary (dwright@freeholdtwp.k12.nj.us)
Mrs. Karen Loges, Office Assistant (kloges@freeholdtwp.k12.nj.us)
If your child is going to be absent or late to school, report the absence via your parent portal.
Reporting an Absence Instruction Sheet
Clarification on attendance:
Attendance is taken after the 7:25am bell/start of homeroom.
If you have not reported the absence/tardy by 8:00am, you will receive an automated phone call reminding you to do so.
If you’ve already reported the absence/tardy, disregard the automated call.
Please refer to Mr. Dickstein’s August 2024-District Attendance Letter outlining the district’s attendance policy and procedures.
Please direct all questions relating to attendance to Ms. Wright, guidance secretary, dwright@freeholdtwp.k12.nj.us
Please DO NOT ring the bell or call ahead. The bins are monitored and out all day, for your convenience.
All items should be labeled with your child’s name & grade. Pens & Post-its are available in the bins.
Place the item(s) in the appropriate grade level bin.
The lunchroom and office staff collect items throughout the day.
If the item is for an after school sport/activity, instrument, binder, chromebook, it will be placed in cubbies located in the main lobby. Students should come check bins at an appropriate time for their items.
Due to security protocols, office staff will not come to the door to retrieve items on demand.
- Clubs/Activities-Sign up information, upcoming meetings, advisor contact information
- Sports-Tryouts, Practices, Games/Meets
- Special school events and announcements
- We appreciate prior notification of early pick ups. You may report the early pick up through your parent portal. Please refer to these Daily Pickup Release Instructions.
- Have your license ready to scan upon your arrival.
- Students will be called out of class once the parent/guardian has arrived and your ID has been scanned.
- Please complete the early pick up form located outside the main entrance. It will be collected when a staff member walks your son/daughter out of the building.
- Students are not permitted to leave the building on their own.
If you have technology issues, please email Mr. Goldstein at sgoldstein@freeholdtwp.k12.nj.us.
- Tuesday, September 24th: School Pictures
- Tuesday, September 24th: Board of Education Meeting, 7:00pm
- Thursday, September 26th: Early Dismissal, Staff Development
- Thursday, October 3rd: No School, Rosh Hashanah
- Thursday, October 4th: No School, Rosh Hashanah
- Monday, October 14th: No School, Staff in Service
Need to translate the Genesis Parent Portal into another language?
To see your child's Genesis Parent Portal in another language:
- Sign into Genesis.
- Scroll down to the bottom of the page.
- Look in the bottom left corner where you will see the prompt to select the language, as pictured here.
No habla inglés?
Puede traducir este boletín a otro idioma. Haga clic en el boletín y haga clic en el botón de traducción que se parece a la imagen aquí.
Dwight D. Eisenhower Middle School
The mission statement of the Eisenhower Middle School is to encourage children to reach their unique potential and to empower them to become lifelong learners.
Website: http://dde.freeholdtwp.k12.nj.us/
Location: 279 Burlington Road, Freehold, NJ 07728
Phone: 732-431-3910
Twitter: @ftsdde