Kindergarten Readiness Tip 9

Social/Emotional Tips for Families to Prepare Your Child for Kindergarten
Welcome aboard! Each week you will receive tips to help your child prepare for this amazing journey. We are honored to partner with you and your child as they begin this school adventure at North Penn!
Save the Dates!
Please save the dates for the following exciting opportunities to help with the journey into kindergarten:
- August 8, 13, 15: K-Day
- Enjoy a ride on the school bus with your child
- Meet at North Penn High School
- 2 sessions each date, 8:30 AM and 10 AM
- Kindergarten Orientation
- Wednesday, August 28 at an assigned time
- Families will be given additional information in an invitation from the school
Helpful Resources
Start Adjusting Bedtime and Reducing and Eliminating Naptime!
To reduce stress and help your kindergartener get used to new routines, it's important to start adjusting to new bedtimes, wake up times, and reducing or eliminating daily naps a few weeks before school begins. Routines are very comforting for us and for children. Here's what you can do:
- Read a soothing bedtime story every night to help your child fall asleep with comforting thoughts
- Do not watch the news or violent programs in the evening
- Keep in mind that experts suggest 5 year olds get between 9 and 10 hours of sleep each night
Where the Wild Things Are
By Maurice Sendak
Sugar Cookies, Sweet Little Lessons on Love
By Amy Krouse Rosenthal
Goodnight Moon
By Margaret Wise Brown
Goodnight Goodnight Construction Site
By Sherri Duskey Rinker
How Do Dinosaurs Say Goodnight
By Jane Yolen and Mark Teague
Goodnight Philadelphia
By Adam Gamble and Cooper Kelly
North Penn School District