Weekly Update
October 10, 2024

Today was the first time our multi-age families met. Multi-age families consist of your child and his/her buddy meeting with other students and adult facilitators. The focus of their time together is on relationship building, learning about how to show character aligned with our core values and participating in service learning opportunities. Many parents have asked for an opportunity to meet your child's buddy. While we considered adding an after-school event, we would not be able to guarantee all families would be there. With that taken into consideration, our PTO has supported moving our February Friendship Party to a Family Party. This will give parents who would like to meet their child's buddy the opportunity to do so at our party in February.
Just a reminder, Fall Break begins tomorrow. We will not have school tomorrow and Monday. School will resume on Tuesday, October 15.
We hope you and your family have a great weekend!
Katie & Chris
Dropping Items Off at School
We will be changing procedures when you need to drop something off at school. Beginning next week, if you bring something to school for your child, we will ask that you put a sticky note with your child's name and teacher's name on it and leave it in the entryway on the table. Office staff will then call your child to come get it. We appreciate your help with this.
PTO Staff Appreciation
On Monday October 28, the Oak Brook PTO will be ordering box lunches for the staff from UKraft. We invite you to participate by sponsoring a teacher or staff member for lunch. Staff will be able to choose from a menu and the PTO will place the order. Just sign up below and send in your $12 (cash or check made out to Oak Brook PTO) to school in an envelope marked Oak Brook PTO by October 18. Venmo is also available @Tina-Haker
If you have any questions email Angela Bauer at Abauer98@att.net or Tina Haker at tmhaker@yahoo.com.
Thank you!
Under Construction
Cyberbullying Presentation
Nationwide, cyberbullying and teen self harm/suicide are on the rise. The increased access that today's youth have to technology and social media opens the door to this behavior as both the victim and the cause. As parents, it is admittedly difficult to navigate this topic with your child(ren). To help you learn more about this topic and receive tips that can support you at home, the Parkway School District has established a parent event to address this topic. Tina Meier, of the Megan Meier Foundation, will be conducting a presentation at West Middle School on October 29th at 6:30pm. Mrs. Meier will share the the story of her daughter, Megan, along with the devastating effects of bullying, cyberbullying, and suicide. This powerful message will be followed by an audience Q&A that will allow the participants to seek advice and ask questions that could prove to be a powerful experience for all in attendance. For more information, please check out the attached flyer and, if interested in attending, please click here to kindly RSVP.
Picture Retake Day
Focus on Character-Integrity
We will focus on integrity this week. Integrity is one of our core values, and we define it as doing the right thing even when no one is looking. It is our goal that as students learn about and demonstrate integrity, they learn to use their leadership capabilities to stand up for what is fair and right.
There are numerous ways you can help teach and reinforce integrity at home.
- The first way is by defining integrity so there is a common understanding.
- After defining integrity, modeling is the next logical step because children learn by example.
- Teach children the importance of accountability and apologizing when they make a mistake that affects others.
- Set clear expectations, explain the reasons behind them and hold children accountable. When children understand the why behind the rules and they are enforced consistently, they are more likely to act with integrity.
Parkway Nutrition Services
Attached below is the first Quarterly Nutrition Services newsletter of the 2024-2025 school year, which includes a survey for staff & parents to complete.
The Nutrition Services is currently undergoing an evaluation, and they would greatly appreciate if you would take time to provide feedback.
There is also a flyer for our upcoming Painting for Parkway event on Thursday, October 10th!
Upcoming Events
Friday, October 11 - Fall Break - No School
Monday, October 14 - Fall Break - No School
Thursday, October 17 - Let Me Run & Read, Right & Run
Friday, October 18 - Oak Brook Spirit Day - Wear your new Oak Brook Character Shirt
Monday, October 21 - Let Me Run, Singing Eagles & Garden Club
Tuesday, October 22 - Picture Retakes
Thursday, October 24 - Let Me Run, All District Choir Concert and Read, Right & Run
Friday, October 25 - 1/2 day - school dismisses at 11:35
Saturday, October 26 - Trunk or Treat
Parkway Nutrition Services
Includes Menus, Free/Reduced Lunch Application and other items
Contact Us
Mrs. Terbrock - kterbrock@parkwayschools.net
Dr. Shirley - cshirley@parkwayschools.net