IHS Shark News
August 11, 2024
Bell Schedule for Week of 8/12/2024
Tuesday, August 13th-A Day Bell Schedule
Wednesday, August 14th-B Day Bell Schedule
Thursday, August 15th-A Day Bell Schedule
Friday, August 16th-B Day Bell Schedule
Student Chromebooks
Students will receive Chromebooks during the first full week of school. To get a device, parents need to complete a device loan form, which can be accessed either through the PowerSchool Parent Portal or by getting a hard copy from the Learning Commons. Instructions for completing the form online are below. It’s also recommended that families purchase the Family Protection Plan via School Cash Online. Please contact the Islands High School Learning Commons with any questions at 912-395-2000.
Faculty/Staff Spotlight
Who's got spirit? SHARKS DO! Use the link below to access Islands HS Gear. This gear can be worn on SPIRIT FRIDAYS and a portion of your purchase goes back to our FINS Athletic Booster Club. https://bit.ly/IHS_Spirit_Store
Show Your IHS Spirit on Fridays!
Students are able to wear IHS shirts, IHS t-shirts, IHS jackets, and IHS hoodies with uniform bottoms on Fridays this school year. Tops must be Islands High School gear and uniform bottoms must be worn.
Important Read: Dress Code
All students are required to adhere to dress code expectations every day. As a reminder, students are not to wear leggings as uniform pant bottoms. Slippers, crocs, and slides are not allowed at anytime. Shorts and skirts cannot be shorter than three inches above the knee. Hats, caps, and hoods are not to be worn on the head while in the building. Bookbags must be clear or mesh.
Tops must be solid white, teal, or black. Tops may be polo-style shirts, collared blouses or turtlenecks.
Bottoms must be solid black or khaki shorts, skirts, skorts, jumpers, capri pants or pants/slacks
Every parent/guardian should monitor his/her child's grades at least once a week. Parents can have direct access to each teacher's gradebook. Grades will begin posting after the 10th day of school and will be updated at least once per week. Student report cards will be viewable online at the end of each quarter via Power School Parent Access.
If you had access last year at any SCCPSS school, your login information and access code remain the same. If you have never had access before, please use this link for accessing the Request for a PowerSchool Parent Access account: https://www.sccpss.com/district/data-and-accountability/sis
Students should have access so they may monitor their own grades as well.
Shark Senate wants to hear from you! We are actively seeking new members to join our student leadership group. Join us for our first meeting in Room 502 on Thursday, August 8! Sign up for updates here: https://band.us/n/a9a1Afd1a4GeH
Grad Bash Planning and Information, August 19th during all lunches in College & Career Room.
IHS School Counseling Department
Mrs. Vesna Avramovski-Lead Counselor: serving students with last names (P-Z)
Mrs. Lauren Shuman-School Counselor: serving students with last names (H-O)
Ms. Taylor Higginbotham-School Counselor: serving students with last names (A-G)
Mrs. Tisinger-Counselor Clerk
To visit our page, either click on the “IHS Counseling Page” school resource on the bottom of the IHS homepage or use the following link: IHS School Counseling Department Webpage
VPA News
Join the Islands HS Athletic Booster Club, FINS!
FINS is back and ready to support our Student Athletes in 2024-25. To help that effort, we need team families to join FINS. Below is a flyer and link to join. We really look forward to helping our Sharks this year. FINS UP! Jason Tripp FINS President
Flag Football Interest Meeting on 8/16 during 4B at 2:10; room 103
Second Volleyball Tryouts
Second Volleyball Tryouts will be on Monday, Aug 12, from 2:45-4:30. Anyone trying out must have a current physical. Please contact Coach Decker at Jessica.decker@sccpss.com with any questions.
Check out our IHS Facebook Page for the latest on IHS Athletics
Join Islands High School PTSA
Visit us online at
School website http://islands.sccpss.com.
Follow us on Facebook: Islands High School Sharks
Principal at Islands High School Savannah, GA