Middle School LC Newsletter
August 2024
August has arrived and it is time to start thinking about school while you continue to enjoy all that summer brings. Check out this newsletter so you and your student are ready for school.
We've been busy this summer getting ready to ensure our programming meets needs of all students! A survey was sent out to ensure that we have your correct information and can meet any other needs that have come up. If we haven't heard back yet, you can expect a call. We can't wait to see you!
School Starts on Tuesday, September 3rd, 2024
Join MS for Open House: Wednesday, August 28, 3:30 - 4:30 p.m. OR Thursday, August 29, 11:00 a.m.- noon. Students will see this listed in their CCs prior the the event. Check out our Back to School Flyer for important scheduling information in getting started.
We will do our best to have students schedules set prior to open house so they know which teachers they will have. Since we have on going enrollment we will do our best to balance loads and ensure students are in a place that best meets their needs.
The rest of this newsletter contains great information about getting ready for the school year. I will be sending a monthly newsletters to LCs to keep everyone up to date with both key information and some behind the scenes goodies.
What will we be focused on this year? See the video below:
Limited English Proficient Parents
Notification of Language Assistance Services: Any parent who is limited in speaking, writing, or reading English may request the school to provide access to services such as interpreters and/or translated documents. To request services please email Miriam Mueller-Owens at mmowens@wivcs.org. Prompt access to the appropriate services and/or translator will be coordinated.
Asistencia de idioma: Cualquier padre que se limita al hablar, escribir o leer Inglés podrá solicitar a la escuela para proporcionar acceso a servicios tales como intérprete y / o documentos traducidos. Para solicitar los servicios envÃe un correo electrónico o llamar al Coordinador de ELL. Se coordinará el pronto acceso a los servicios apropiados y / o al traductor.
Courses, Courses, Read All About It
What courses will my student be taking?
6th - English, Math, Earth Science, US History, and 1 semester of Health
7th - English, Math, Life Science, Global Studies, and 1 semester of Career Explorations 1
8th - English, Math, Physical Science, and Civics and Economics
Additionally all students will have Physical Education and Art that will be completely asynchronous.
All new students and incoming 6th grade students will also be working through an Online Learning course.
Additional Options:
Foreign Language sign up will begin early October and be sent to students who are showing they can handle their current course load as determined by no missing assignments and grades in the 3-4 range across the board. These classes are asynchronous and students can move at their own pace.
Career Explorations opportunities will be available as well. A separate email will go out that outlines the options and how this can impact their jump start to high school.
More to come on career elective options, high school courses, and FLEX programming via email to those that qualify.
MS Schedule
Below is a sample schedule. Depending on student's grade level, courses, and academic needs it may look different for your student. In general students will have their core subjects taught live up to 4 times a week and homeroom on Wednesdays at 9am. Other asynchronous time should be used for lesson/work completion, meeting with teachers if necessary, or working on asynchronous courses. As you can see below we do a 15 minute break between our morning and afternoon classes because we know that those middle school bodies need to move. As an LC you can help by ensuring they are up, moving, and away from their screens for a bit. This also help them focus more in their next class.
At the end of last year I hosted a session all about middle school programming for incoming 6th graders. If you are returning and already viewed this, then no need to view it again. If you are new, check it out: https://youtu.be/6hUbxGLMUio
What do we need to do to be ready for school?
Back to School Supply List
Essential Information Form
Link to form: https://forms.gle/crJJ4JtLmpqfTpw28
How do we grade?
If you are new to our standards based grading system check out this video: https://youtu.be/FlI_EzG2tGk
Click here for a step by step guide to checking grades
Celebrating Our Students!
We are thrilled to announce that our very own Andrew E. in 7th grade was selected as one of six finalists for the 2024 K12 Cook-Off Competition! 🎉
He traveled to Arlington, VA to compete live in-person in a commercial kitchen on July 13th. David Ho, winner of Food Network’s Chopped, was one of the judges! While he did not take first place he had an amazing experience and I am so proud that he represented WIVA so well! Way to go Andy!
Need tech support?
Call: 866-512-2273
Online: https://www.help.k12.com/s/ and you will see on the bottom right a "chat with us" option
If your student will be absent for a partial day, you can let the teacher know and then make sure to view recordings or complete missing work when your student returns. If your student will be out an entire day call the attendance line or email to let them know. When students are absent 3 or more consecutive days a doctor note is required. If you are planning a vacation please complete the pre-planned absence form linked below.
Attendance Line: 608-838-9482 ext 0
Or Email: Wiattendance@wivcs.org
Important Upcoming Dates
8/28, 3:30 - 4:30 p.m. OR 8/29, 11:00 a.m.- noon- Middle School Open House
September 3, 2024 will be the first day of school for the 2024-2025 school year.
Do you want to see the whole calendar? Check it out: https://wiva.k12.com/academic-calendar.html
Upcoming outings: https://www.smore.com/p5ryf-upcoming-gatherings-23-24
(You can bookmark this link as it gets updated as new events are added throughout the year, it can also be found at the bottom of each monthly newsletter.)
Stride National Newsletter: Here is the link
Learning Coach mental health series:https://stride.widen.net/s/9fxkxglmkt/webinar-mental-health-series-cook-center-sessions
Carrie Cherney
Middle School Principal
Quote of the month
"You don't have to be great to get started, but you have to get started to be great." ~ Les Brown
What is Ms. Cherney reading?
The Hawthorne Legacy by Jennifer Lynn Barnes
As we are coming to the end of summer I am trying to finish the 2nd book in this series so that my daughter and I can do the 3rd one at the same time. She read the first last year, while it took her a while to talk me into it, I am loving this series! While I think later Middle School students will like this book, LCs, you will too!
Email: ccherney@wivcs.org
Website: wiva.k12.com
Location: 4721 Dale Curtin Drive, McFarland, WI, USA
Phone: 608-838-9482