NorthStar Lights
North Syracuse Central School District's Electronic News

May 3, 2024
Hello North Syracuse Central School District parents, guardians, teachers, and staff,
The photo I'm sharing this week is of Cicero-North Syracuse High School Junior Mallory Wessels with an award she received this week through the Cicero-Plank Road Chamber of Commerce. Mallory is a student in the NSCSD and is also enrolled in a Career and Technical Education (CTE) Program through OCM BOCES.
I first met Mallory several weeks ago at an event hosted by OCM BOCES. BOCES District Superintendent Dr. Matt Cook had invited local school superintendents to their Thompson Road Campus to get a first-hand look at their exceptional student programs. After touring the school, we were treated to a luncheon at which BOCES Culinary and Pastry Arts students had prepared an amazing, five-star restaurant quality meal. The students were at the event to greet and serve guests.
Mallory happened to be the server for my table and introduced herself to me and the other superintendents. Mallory is an outgoing and personable young lady and we talked easily about her interest in culinary arts and her passion for baking in particular. Mallory mentioned that she is in the process of looking for an internship with a bakery but has had a hard time finding just the right fit.
One of the superintendents at our table, Chittenango Central School District Superintendent Mike Eiffe, coincidentally happens to have a valuable connection to a local bakery and because we were both so impressed with Mallory, we decided to team up to help her get that internship. Through a series of conversations and networking efforts, including discussions with Mallory's supportive mother, the pieces began to fall into place.
Fast forward to a few weeks later when I was at another event where Mallory's talent had caught the attention of those around her. Mallory was receiving the Chamber of Commerce 2024 “BOCES” award. It was during the ceremony that I, through a series of text messages, made the final connections to establish Mallory’s internship. It was a fortuitous alignment of timing and connections, culminating in Mallory securing the internship she had been diligently seeking. At the ceremony, after all students had received their awards, I was asked to draw the name of one student who would receive an additional cash award beyond what already comes with the award. The name I drew was Mallory Wessels.
And so I end this week with a sense of pride for playing a small role in helping a talented young student make a well-deserved connection. As always, I encourage others to reach out and make connections and I wish Mallory the best as she starts her new endeavor at the bakery, which I think is aptly named - Serendipity.
Warm regards,
Daniel D. Bowles, Superintendent of Schools
CNS Talent Show on Friday May 10
The Third Annual CNS Late Show is one week away! Come on out to enjoy a live show on Friday, May 10th at 7pm at the North Syracuse Junior High School Auditorium.
Tickets are on sale now at my.hometown ticketing.com. General Admission tickets are $8 and Reserve seating is $12. Reserve seating enables patrons to pick their exact seat and skip any lines. Door tickets will be available for $12.
School budget vote May 21 - Learn about budget proposal
On Tuesday, May 21, North Syracuse Central School District residents will vote on the district’s $212,196,591 budget proposal for the 2024-25 school year. The proposed budget reflects the district’s commitment to providing an exceptional education and honors its strategic mission, vision, and goals. Despite being faced with fiscal challenges, including overcoming inflation and the loss of federal funding, the district is pleased to present a proposal that prioritizes student success.
The district is working hard to ensure residents have all the information needed when they head to the polls on May 21. District residents are currently receiving the budget newsletter in their mailboxes. The newsletter is also available online by clicking here.
The district is also hosting a series of public meetings to include the following in-person and virtual events:
- May 7 Public Hearing In-Person Meeting at 6 PM Jerome F. Melvin Admin. Office (5355 West Taft Road, N. Syracuse)
- May 7 VIRTUAL MEETING at 7 PM - Click here for meeting link
- May 9 In-Person Meeting at 6 PM North Syracuse Junior High School (5353 West Taft Road, N. Syracuse)
- May 14 VIRTUAL MEETING at 7 PM - Click here for meeting link
Additional budget information is available online at www.nscsd.org/budget.
CNS students receive Cicero-Plank Road Chamber of Commerce awards
Congratulations to the 15 Cicero-North Syracuse High School students who received awards from the Cicero-Plank Road Chamber of Commerce at their April 30 awards ceremony. The awards are sponsored by various Chamber members, who provide certificates and cash awards for the students. The following students received 2024 Chamber awards:
- Academic Award to Junior Zachary Hoffman (Presented by AmeriCU Credit Union)
- Art Award to Junior Giavanna Salvatore (Presented by Ardent Homes)
- BOCES Award to Junior Mallory Wessels (Presented by European Motor Club of CNY)
- Business Career Pathway Award to Junior Dylan Laurin (Presented by CORE FCU)
- Community Service Award to Junior Addison Wilk (Presented by NAVAC)
- Diversity Award to Junior Azariyah Fernandez (Presented by Kruger Funeral Home Inc.)
- FACS Award to Senior Madelina Casanova (Presented by Seneca Savings)
- Leadership Award to Senior Jonathan Bitner (Presented by Coast Guard Auxiliary)
- Outstanding Personal Achievement Award to Senior Blake Terry (Presented by State Farm)
- Performing Arts Award to Junior Andrea Iqbal (Presented by North Syracuse Education Association)
- Physical Education (Boys) Award to Junior Landon Cook (Presented by NBT Bank)
- Physical Education (Girls) Award to Junior Avery Carinci (Presented by Vision FCU)
- School Spirit Award to Senior Aaron Tarquinio (Presented by Volunteers in Police Services)
- Technology Award to Junior Brady Gwilt (Pathfinder Bank)
Two students, Landon Cook and Avery Carinci, could not be present to accept their awards.
Unified Basketball program celebrated
Many thanks to News Channel 9/Local Syr for coming to North Syracuse Junior High School on May 1 to cover the wonderful Unified Basketball Program home-opener vs. Liverpool. The station's reporter, Kendra Broddus, interview students and the coach and put together a wonderful story highlighting the importance of Unified Sports.
CNS Optimist Club Oratorical Contest winners
The Optimist Club of Cicero-North Syracuse has announced the winners of this year’s Oratorical Contest. Six contestants entered this year’s competition with and gave speeches on “How to Change the World with Optimism.”
With a top award of a $2,500 college scholarship, all students under the age of 19 who live within the boundaries of the North Syracuse Central School District were eligible to participate. Contestants were asked to speak on the official topic for four to five minutes with timing beginning at the first spoken word.
Calendar Update - No School May 24
At their April 17 meeting, the North Syracuse Central School District Board of Education approved an updated 2023-2024 district calendar making Friday, May 24, 2024 a day off due to unused snow days. Click here to view the updated calendar.
Operation Safe Stop event provides reminders to drivers
Did you know?
Surveys show as many as 50,000 motor vehicles illegally pass New York State school buses every day.
Passing motorists are the second leading cause of school transportation student fatalities.
The North Syracuse Central School District's Transportation Department recently held an "Operation Safe Stop" media event in conjunction with the Onondaga County Traffic Safety Advisory Board and numerous law enforcement agencies, This state-supported effort aims to remind drivers about driving safely around school buses.
- Remember buses make frequent stops. Be prepared to stop for them.
- Never pass a stopped school bus with its red lights flashing on the right or left.
- Watch for children who cross in front of the bus when the bus is stopped.
- Look for children at bus stops and those running to bus stops.
- By law school buses are required to stop at railroad crossings.
- First Conviction: $250 - $400/5 points/Up to 30 days imprisonment
- Second Conviction (within 3 Years): $600 - $750/5 points/Up to 180 days Imprisonment
- Third or subsequent Convictions (within 3 Years): $750 - $1,000/5 points/Up to 180 days Imprisonment
CNS celebrates the TOP TEN percent of the Class of 2024
On Thursday, April 18, the top ten percent of students in the Cicero-North Syracuse Class of 2024 was recognized at a special ceremony. The students were treated to a celebratory breakfast in the school’s library and were presented with certificates by Executive Principal Kristen Hill in front of their peers. North Syracuse Central School District’s Superintendent of Schools Dan Bowles took time to speak to the group and praise them for their efforts over the years. Congratulations to these outstanding scholars!
The 59 students making up the Class of 2024 Top Ten Percent are: Kamdin Bembry, Julissa Blakes, Aiden Bland, Connor Boyle, Madison Brefka, Ella Cassel, Aidan Chabot, Jacob Chiem, Arabella Cusumano, Andrew Davis, Kaylee Eck, Ryan Fehrman, Hannah Forsyth, Nicole Fratianni, Corynn Frysinger, Kevin Gonci, Nadia Greco, Caden Griffin, Rylan Hall, Madelynn Hilt, Amanda Johnson, Cooper Judge, Joseph Kawola Jr., Landon Kozdemba, Hunter Lawless, Yujin Lee, Shannon Loughlin, Joshua Luce, JoAnna Manning, Andrew Matyasik, Meghan McGrath, Natalie Miles, Mason Mingle, Lily Misco, Helaina Morgan, Suryansh Mulukuri, Ashton Murdock, Gavin Nichols, Taylor Patti, Gabriella Pauline, Brian Pham, Ngoc Phan, Mackenzie Prentice, Zachary Purcell, Emilee Rio, Braden Santaguida, Joseph Seidman, Alexa Snyder, Haley Swenton, Aria VanDreason, Maria Vastakis, Brenna Villnave, Haneefa Wahab, Liam Waterman, Keira Weber, Allison Wicks, Thomas Wills II, Duncan Yates and Helen Zhang.
Spaces still open for Universal Prekindergarten
The North Syracuse Central School District still has open spaces for its free Universal Prekindergarten Program. Applications for the 2024-2025 school year are available by clicking here and can be picked up and/or completed in person at the Jerome F. Melvin Administrative Office Building (5355 West Taft Rd.) in North Syracuse.
In addition to having open spaces for the 2024-2025 school year, the district still has openings for the current school year. If you would like to register your child for a current UPK program, please contact Julia Shannon at (315) 218-2147.
Additional UPK information is available by clicking here.
Subscribe to budget news
Leading up to the annual school budget vote and board of education member election in May, the district will present important updates and information to the board of education. To receive copies of the presentations and other budget-related news, subscribe to ParentSquare to receive notifications in this category.
Send us your photos and videos!
Serving breakfast and building community at Roxboro Road Elementary School
Breakfast Club at Roxboro Road Elementary School...have you heard about it? The school is holding their annual Breakfast Clubs this spring for all grade levels. Families are invited to have a pancake breakfast with their child, listen to a story by a community guest reader, and take home a free book.
Kerry Delduchetto shares: On May 1st, we were privileged to have Mr. David Fitch, former Chief of the Mattydale Fire Department, read to our 1st graders. He was also provided plastic fire hats, erasers, and pencils for each of the students, along with safety information for the parents. It was a great event!
Sandi Thorne shared pictures from the school's April event and said, "Our kindergarteners and their parents, had breakfast and then listened to 'Wemberly Worried' by Kevin Henkes, read by our guest reader, retired North Syracuse teacher and current Board of Education member, Mr. Crabtree. Each student then received a copy of the book to take home."
Thank you for sharing your great news Roxboro Road Elementary and for inviting these fantastic collaborations into your school community! You truly make #NSBrighterTogether!
Pizza with the Police Program at elementary schools
How lucky are we??? In April, the Cicero Police Department began a Pizza with the Police Program at three of our elementary schools.
This past week Special Patrol Officer Rood and SPO Hiltbrand held pizza parties at Smith Road Elementary and Cicero Elementary schools. Needless to say, the pizza was a hit!!
The Cicero Police Department would like to thank Sardo’s Pizza & Fish Fry Cicero for supplying the pizzas on Monday and Paladino's Cicero Pizza for supplying the Pizzas for Tuesday’s pizza parties.
We are so grateful for our wonderful community partners! #NSBrighterTogether
NSCSD students and staff in the news
Mrs. Nuzzo's Kindergarten Class at Roxboro Road Elementary School was recently featured on News Channel 9/Local Syr's "The Daily Pledge" segment. Click here to watch the adorable video online.
OCM BOCES highlights food service program
Ever wonder what a day in the life of a school cafeteria worker is like? Watch as our OCM BOCES partners go behind the scenes to chat with North Syracuse Central School District staff, students, and faculty on this video collaboration.
Lakeshore Elementary Principal shares fun photos!
Lakeshore Road Elementary School Principal Tina Chmielewski recently took time to share photos of some of the school's recent fun events. So many great things are happening in our schools every day (and in the evenings too) that we don't always take time to appreciate the fun times. Principal Chmielewski sent from the school's Bingo Night and Family Carnival. It is so nice to see so many staff, students and families having fun in their school community! Thank you for sharing!
District Reminders!
MAY 3: It's OK Friday - Wear Green or positive messaging
MAY 6: Board of Education meeting at 6 PM at the Jerome F. Melvin Administrative Office Building (5355 West Taft Rd.) in North Syracuse
MAY 7: Teacher Appreciation Day
MAY 7: Public Hearing at 6 PM at the Jerome F. Melvin Administrative Office Building (5355 West Taft Rd.) in North Syracuse
MAY 7: Virtual budget presentation at 7 PM Click here for meeting link
MAY 8: School Nurse Appreciation Day
MAY 9: Transportation Personnel Appreciation Day
MAY 9: Budget presentation at 6 PM at North Syracuse Junior High School (5353 West Taft Rd.) in North Syracuse
MAY 10: Speech Therapist Appreciation Day
MAY 10: Cicero-North Syracuse High School Talent Show at the North Syracuse Junior High School Auditorium (5353 West Taft Rd.) in North Syracuse
MAY 13: Board of Education meeting at 6 PM at the Jerome F. Melvin Administrative Office Building (5355 West Taft Rd.) in North Syracuse
MAY 14: Teaching Assistant Appreciation Day
MAY 14: Virtual budget presentation at 7 PM Click here for meeting link
MAY 16: Special Olympics at Cicero-North Syracuse High School (Rain date is May 23)
MAY 21: Teacher Aide Appreciation Day
MAY 21: School Budget Vote and Board of Education Member Election from 6 AM to 9 PM
MAY 24: No School for Students/Staff due to unused snow days
MAY 26: No School for Students/Staff for Memorial Day
North Syracuse Central School District
Email: webmaster@nscsd.org
Website: www.nscsd.org
Location: 5355 West Taft Road, Syracuse, NY, USA
Phone: (315) 218-2100
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/NSyracuseCSD/