HMS Insider
October 18, 2024
Important Upcoming Dates
❤️Transportation and Crossing Guard Appreciation Week❤️
Saturday, October 19th--Volleyball 7th Grade B-Team District Tournament @ HMS
Monday, October 21st--HMS Volleyball vs. LMS(7th Home/8th Away)
Monday thru Friday, October 21st-25th--Book Fair (HMS Library)
Tuesday, October 22nd--HMS Football vs. WMS(7th Away/8th Home)
Wednesday, October 23rd--Theatre Arts: UIL One Act Play Clinic (Varsity Theatre) @ VRHS 12-4pm
Wednesday, October 23rd--Site Based Planning Committee Meeting @ HMS Cafeteria 6-7pm
Thursday, October 24th-School Picture Retakes
Thursday, October 24th--Red Ribbon Week Begins: Wear Red (Ready to Live Drug Free!)
Friday, October 25th--Wear Spirit Wear (HMS doesn't Hide: We say "No!" to Drugs!) *see below.
Saturday, October 26th--Choir: Region Auditions (Varsity and Select 7/8 grade only)
Saturday, October 26th--Band: Region Band Auditions @ HMS
Site-Based Committee Planning Meeting on October 23rd
If you are interested in being a part of the Henry Middle School improvement process, please plan to attend our first SBPC meeting on Wednesday, October 23, 2024 from 6:00pm–7:00 pm in the HMS cafeteria.
Red Ribbon Week Begins October 24th
Enrichment at HMS: Fridays from 2:00pm to 2:30pm
HMS has started Friday Enrichment Time during our Advisory period on Fridays. During Enrichment Time, students sign up for different clubs and activities located throughout the building. Some enrichment activities are outside like walking club and on the play fields like football and soccer.
If you need to check-out your student early from school for an appointment on Friday afternoon, we encourage you to do this before 2:00 PM or after 2:30 PM. Please be patient and allow extra time if you need us to bring your student to the office during Friday Enrichment time between 2:06-2:31 PM.
School Picture Retakes
Order Yearbooks Today!
We are excited to announce that the 2025 HMS Yearbook, The Talon, is on sale now. Order today for the best price available! STAY AHEAD OF THE GAME… ORDER YOUR YEARBOOK EARLY, THEN SIT BACK AND RELAX! Some things you just don't think twice about. Ordering your yearbook now is just one of them! Lock in the memories—purchase your yearbook today!
You can spread out the cost of your order with an interest-free Jostens Payment Plan.
Save the Date : Basketball Tryouts Coming Soon!
Attention All 7th & 8th Grade Boys interested in Participating in Boys Basketball:
Try-outs will be October 30th through November 1st.
7th Grade will begin at 7:00 a.m. and 8th Grade will start at 4:30 p.m.
In order to try-out you must have a 2024 Medical Physical.
Athletes that wish to participate will also need a workout shirt, shorts and basketball shoes.
Athletes must be present for ALL 3 dates in order to be considered for the team.
For questions regarding try-outs, please contact Coach Alvarado or Coach Taylor.
HMS Book Fair October 18th - 25th
Our HMS library book fair is coming up and we need your help to make it successful. We are looking for a few volunteers each day to cashier, stock books, and help students shop. Please review the available slots below and click on the button to sign up. Thank you!
**All volunteers must be approved through LISD**
To volunteer at the book fair please sign up here.
HMS Spelling Bee Competition
HMS All School Musical Auditions Coming Soon!
Hey Hawks! Are you ready to get serious? Seriously pink? Want a chance to shine on stage or work your technical magic backstage? Join the spring musical, Legally Blonde Jr.! Auditions and crew interviews begin December 9. Interested students should join the Google Classroom to get the latest information on our Spring Musical. Parents should plan to attend the parent meeting via Google Meets on Tuesday, November 19, at 6:00 pm. If you are unable to attend the Google Meeting, it will be recorded for future viewing.
Parent Meeting for Spring Musical
Tuesday, November 19 · 6:00 – 7:00pm
Google Meet joining info
Video call link: https://meet.google.com/zbr-oojx-anr
Or dial: (US) +1 609-467-4778 PIN: 693 230 829#
Please contact Theatre Arts Director Lorri Boyd at lorri.boyd@leanderisd.org with any questions you may have!
PTA Reflections Contest
Information regarding the PTA Reflections Contest has been share to the Google Classroom for each grade level. Please encourage your student to take a look at the information and determine if they would enjoy participating. Enter by October 30,2024.
Student Deliveries and Checkout Procedures
Website: hms.leanderisd.org
Location: 100 North Vista Ridge Boulevard, Cedar Park, TX, USA
Phone: 512-570-3400