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Belmont Elementary: A PAWSitive Place to Learn!
Executive Functioning Skills at Work
Executive Function Skill of the Week: Task Initiation
Task Initiation seems pretty simple, but if you are a child or adult with limited executive function skills, it may be the gate that holds you out of Successland. Lack of task initiation is literally the definition of being stuck. A person just doesn't know what to do first, so they appear to not be able to complete any task. In reality, if they can get started, they will most likely be super successful. So how do we make that happen? Does it sound like task initiation is closely tied to planning? Yep. True that. Let's dig in.
Let's say that you just asked your child to pick up their room before they get ready for bed. Seems reasonable. Most of us could knock that out in about 5-10 minutes and be under the covers on time. A kiddo who cannot yet make a plan for how to get those tasks completed, will be stuck and unable to even begin the job. It's sort of a processing paralysis, if you will. ALL of the things are swirling through his or her brain and NONE of the things are settling into a 1. 2. 3. to-do list so that all of the things can get done in an efficient manner. This child runs the risk of picking the wrong place to begin, getting distracted or frustrated in the chaos and losing their focus or cool right before they should be relaxing into a great night of restorative sleep.
What to do? Help them get started until they can do it on their own by teaching them how to use process lists for common tasks.
1. Put dirty clothes in the laundry basket.
2. Put away toys left on the floor.
3. Take dirty dishes to the kitchen.
4. Straighten up the bed.
5. Look around and take care of what doesn't look right to you.
GREAT! Now you're ready to prep for bed!
1. Put on jammies.
2. Brush teeth.
3. Go potty.
4. Wash hands.
5. Pick a book to read.
6. Jump into bed and wait for mom or dad to pop in to read for a bit and tuck you in.
But wait!! My kid can't read yet! Great, because pictures are awesome and your child will learn to make their own lists with simple visuals before you know it! Lists are a great strategy to help a person get started and stay focused until routines become routine and they won't need them anymore. Back in the day, we used mini whiteboards or wrote right on the bathroom mirror in Expo marker. Worked every time!
Here's a task tip for homework.
1. Pick up pencil.
2. Write name on paper.
3. READ the directions.
4. Do what it says, starting with number one (or at the top if questions don't have numbers).
P.S. NEVER skip number 3 on this list. READING the DIRECTIONS solves so many problems. Really.
Other ideas to help at home:
- Talk about the steps you take to get regular tasks completed.
- Speak out loud the self-talk you use when you need to get started on something...even when you don't really want to do the thing.
- Set a timer to get started, to finish up, to enjoy a break...or race your child through the tasks.
- Practice this affirmation together daily, "I can do hard things!"
Task analysis is a major aspect of so many careers and organizations. Maybe it's what YOU do in your job. That means that you probably have highly developed task initiation skills. Thanks for helping your child learn how to get unstuck and started down the path to Successland.
Oooooooh!! Fall Fun to End the Month!
PTO (that's you) sponsors three classroom parties for our students: Fall, Winter and Valentines Day. First up is our Fall Party Day, scheduled for Thursday, October 31st! Last year's format brought all the fun with zero fright so we're sticking with the plan and doing it all again! Start crossing your fingers for BEautiful weather for our parade!
Here's the plan:
- Costumes!
- Party!
- Parade!
Details, details, details....
- Costumes are encouraged for students during the party and parade time, but of course, they are not required. Experience has taught us that it's really not as easy as you'd think for students to manage a costume all day, so costumes should be brought to school in a bag or backpack and should be fairly easy for your kiddo to put on by themselves with minimal assistance. Costumes should be elementary appropriate and not too scary. Please do not include blood, guts, gore or weapons of any kind. Accessories (think..projectiles and things to trip over) should stay at home and be saved for Halloween night trick-or-treating. Masks are fine as long as vision is not impaired for walking in the parade!
- Classroom Party help is encouraged, but will be limited to best accommodate student needs! We would like to invite 3-4 parents from each classroom to plan and lead a craft, game or both for the 2:45-3:15 party in their child's class. These parents will be welcomed into the classroom at 2:30 to set up as well as assist younger students with their costumes if needed. We will NOT be serving food at parties. This helps us to both enjoy more time playing, and alleviate allergy concerns for every child. They'll get PLENTY of candy and treats during trick or treating with your family- and you'll be able to best monitor their safety! If you would like to volunteer to plan and lead your child's classroom party, please click the button below and sign up! Thank you so much for your time!
- Outdoor Parade at 3:!5! YOUR ENTIRE FAMILY is invited for a front row view of all of our little monsters, movie stars, scientists, musicians, scarecrows, animals, super heroes, creators, book characters, princesses, ..............oh, my goodness! I can hardly wait! Here's how we know we can best make this happen- when you arrive for the parade, you may either park in an open parking space and walk up to the front lawn (we'll provide guidance for the best view) or just pull right up in the regular pick up loops, turn off your car and leave it in line, then walk up to the viewing area. After the parade (about 3:32ish) just walk right back to your cars and get ready for the loops to move like normal at regular dismissal time. Please, do not come inside to check your kiddos out early- we'll need those precious minutes to make sure our Bulldogs are all packed up and ready to go with all costume parts intact for the big night. Genius!
It's going to BE Spooktacular!! We hope you can join us for the parade and appreciate the planners who volunteer to lead the crafts and activities!
Making A Difference Staff Recognition
We are blessed to have such an amazing team here at Belmont! Would you love an opportunity to formally show appreciation...without spending a dime? Through the generosity of the Great American Bank and the USD 232 Education Foundation, we have the opportunity to recognize staff members who go above and beyond in their daily interactions with students. All you need to do is click on the link below and fill out some general information about the deserving nominee. Thank you for helping our team know that their dedication is appreciated. I appreciate your time and gift of gratitude if you've recently nominated, or plan to nominate a Belmont team member for their service.
Coming Up at BE:
October 14 🌻 PTO Meeting, Cafeteria (enter on west side), 6:30pm
October 17 🌻 End of 1st Quarter; 1st Quarter Celebration of Learning, Gym, 9:00am
October 18 and 21 🌻 Professional Development Day
- No School for Students
October 24 🌻 3rd Grade Music Program, 9:00am and 6:30pm
November 7 🌻 4th Grade Music Program, 9:00am and 6:30pm
November 8 🌻 Picture Retake Day
November 18 🌻 PTO Meeting, Cafeteria (enter on west side), 6:30pm
November 25-29 🌻 Thanksgiving Break
- No School for Students
Visit the BE Online Calendar of Events (by clicking on the button below) for a more complete list of activities!
WatchDOGS Wednesdays!!
It's a WatchDOGS revival in the Belmont DogHouse! With at least a week's notice, we'll welcome a DAD (gotta be a significant adult guardian or relation) each Wednesday to work a day at BE. There will be a schedule provided that will include a variety of tasks including building safety, academic assistance in classrooms, and logistical support during lunch, and the reward...RECESS! We guarantee you'll have the opportunity to enjoy lunch and recess with your own child(ren) and around that, we'll put you to work in the classrooms where your extra hands will be the most helpful! Do YOU have the opportunity to take a day off to hang out with about 370 beautiful children and the adults who love learning with them?
Access the WatchDOGS Sign Up HERE.
Now Accepting Reservations for BE Family Luncheon Seating
11:00-11:30 1st Grade
11:20-11:50 Kindergarten
11:40-12:10 5th Grade
12:00-12:30 4th Grade
12:20-12:50 3rd Grade
12:40-1:10 2nd Grade
Reservations are required to join your child for lunch- when we are ready, you'll be able to CLICK HERE to reserve your family table!
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You'll find us at:
Email: phargrove@usd232.org
Website: be.usd232.org
Location: 5805 Belmont Drive, Shawnee, KS 66226, United States
Phone: (913)667-1810
Facebook: Belmont Elementary Bulldogs
Twitter: @BEBulldogs