Husky Pup Press
August 2024 Vol. 1#mtcstrongertogether #buildingourfuture

Important Reminders
We would like to remind you of a few important procedures for drop-off and arrival times:
Check-In After 8:30 AM: If you arrive at 8:30 AM or later, please bring your student to the office. Staff members head inside at this time to attend to their responsibilities with students.
Drop-Off Times: Vehicles are not permitted in the driveway until 7:45 AM for morning drop-off and 2:45 PM for afternoon pick-up. This is in place for the safety of all our students.
We appreciate everyone’s cooperation in helping us maintain a safe environment for our school community.
Important Dates
October 1st- K-2 students begin taking the iReady Diagnostic for Reading and Math
October 9-11- Parent/Teacher Conferences
October 10th- Photo Makeup Day
October 16th- Fire Prevention Day @ MTC
NO SCHOOL - October 11th, October 14th, November 5th and November 11th
Message from the Principal
As the leaves turn vibrant shades of red and gold, October brings a perfect opportunity to enjoy the beauty of fall. This month, we have some exciting activities to look forward to, including Fire Prevention Week and the Keene Pumpkin Festival!
1. Fire Prevention Week
During the third week of October, we will celebrate Fire Prevention Week. This is a great time to learn about fire safety and how to protect our homes and families. The Swanzey Fire Department will visit MTC on October 16th. Be sure to discuss fire safety plans with your family and practice safe habits!
2. Pumpkin Carving for the Keene Pumpkin Festival
Our students will be carving pumpkins the week of October 7th. Because of the construction, we can not invite all families to attend. If your child's teacher has asked for a few volunteers, please park in the front parking lot. All pumpkins will be on display down at the festival on Saturday.
3. Conferences
Parent-teacher conferences are just around the corner, happening next week! This is a wonderful opportunity to connect with your child's teacher and discuss their progress since we have transitioned back to school. If you haven't scheduled your appointment yet, please reach out to your child's teacher as soon as possible to secure a time. We encourage all parents to participate, as your involvement is key to your child's success.
*The book fair will be going on Thursday after school and Friday morning. Check this link for more details about the MTC book fair.
4. Halloween
Due to the construction we will not be able to invite families for the Halloween parade. To ensure a fun and safe environment for all, we ask that you please adhere to the following guidelines when selecting costumes:
Appropriateness: Costumes should be suitable for a school setting. Please avoid any outfits that may be considered offensive or inappropriate.
Safety First: Costumes should allow for easy movement and visibility. Please avoid long capes or oversized accessories that may pose a tripping hazard.
Avoid Realistic Weapons: Props or costumes that resemble weapons (including toy guns, swords, etc.) are not permitted. We want to maintain a safe and comfortable atmosphere for all students.
Label- Please label all parts of your child's costume with their name. This will help to ensure that costumes make it home with all of the parts and pieces.
We appreciate your cooperation in making this Halloween a fun and positive experience for our school community. If you have any questions or concerns, please feel free to reach out.
5. Construction
We are excited to share that the construction project is moving forward! Today, the crane and steel arrived on-site, marking a significant step in our progress.
Thank you for your continued support and patience as we enhance our school facilities.
We’ll keep you updated on further developments!
6. iReady
As we embark on a new academic year, we want to inform you that iReady assessments will be conducted in October for our K-2 students.
The iReady assessment is designed to help classroom teachers tailor the curriculum to meet each student's needs. Additionally, the assessment is also used as a mean of "flagging" students who may exhibit characteristics of dyslexia.
Once the assessments are complete, we will share the results with families. Thank you for your support as we work together to ensure the best learning experience for our students!
~Mrs. Suarez
Nurse's Nook
It’s hard to believe that we are already rolling into October! The weather is changing quickly and the cold season has begun. If your child will not be attending school for any reason, please notify the school of the reason for their absence. This helps us to keep track of illnesses among our students. It also helps us be assured that your child is safe at home.
Illness Guidelines:
Students should stay home if they have had any of the following symptoms:
Fever of 100 or higher in the past 24 hours
Undiagnosed rash that is accompanied by fever or itching
Bad cough or difficulty breathing
Vomiting or diarrhea within the past 24 hours
Sore Throat, with fever or swollen glands in the neck
If your child has strep throat or another bacterial infection, he/she should stay home until the antibiotic has been given for at least 24 hours, and your healthcare provider has given permission for your child to return to school.
Care for Sick or Injured Children at School
If your child becomes sick after arriving at school, the school nurse will call the parent or emergency contact person to come pick up your child. Please consider carefully how you will handle the possibility of your child needing to come home unexpectedly. In an emergency, the school nurse will call EMS to transport the child to the hospital. It is very important to keep accurate and current phone numbers on file. In addition, if your child sustains an injury; it is important to provide a doctor’s note that specifies restrictions for activities at school.
We just completed our Flu Shot Clinic on September 24th. Nurses from Cheshire Medical Center came to Mount Caesar and provided flu shots for 50 students. In a few weeks, the Lions Club will be coming to provide a vision screening program called KidSight. The screening consists of a nearly instant scan of your child’s eye to determine the possible presence of eye disorders. No physical contact is made with your child and eye drops are never administered. Please contact the health office if you have any questions or still wish to sign up.
It has been a pleasure meeting all the new students at MTC! If you have any concerns about your child’s health, please call me at 603-903-6508.
Nurse Lindsey
Counselor's Corner
Hello Families!
It has been an exciting first month of the new school year! I have enjoyed teaching Wellness classes for the past couple of weeks while Mr. Raymond was out. Our lessons focused on identifying/naming emotions in Kindergarten/1st grade and the Zones of Regulation for 2nd grade.
To start off the year in Wellness, Mr. Raymond helped students recognize multiple intelligences and what helps us to learn. Are we artists? Do we like to move? Are we hands-on? Do we like card games with numbers, shapes, or colors? Students also practiced "Name it to Tame it" - checking in with ourselves and saying how we feel. We have/will be looking into how the brain functions and the modes of freeze, fight, or flight. Next up, growth mindset vs. having a fixed mindset will be looked at with the topic of Safety by the end of October.
Please check out the new SEL section of the newsletter to read more about the social-emotional vocabulary and activities that take place throughout Mt. Caesar each month!
Please feel free to reach out at any time at mrokes@mrsd.org.
Ms. Rokes
SEL Spotlight
Vocabulary Words:
Weekly Challenges:
Week 1 (10/1): Give your friends a compliment. Find something you like, or that you notice about your friend, and let them know.
Week 2 (10/8): Continue to be a good friend, and invite some of your new friends to play a common game or do a common activity.
Week 3 (10/15): Think about all of your friends, especially any new friends you have made since the beginning of the school year. What are the things you like best, how have they made you happy. Next...let them know. You can tell them, write them a note or draw them a picture.
Week 4 (10/22): Continue to be a good friend, and ask for help from a trusted adult if you need help with a friendship.
Week 5 (10/29): Practice being a good friend. Try to find at least 5 ways to show friendship and practice it with your classmates.
-SEL Team
Picture Retakes
New England Studio will be returning to MTC on October 10th for retakes for students who were absent. For those who are requesting a full retake photo, remember you MUST first contact Tom at New England Studio (603) 499-1136. Do NOT simply have your child show up.
Swanzey PTO
A Note from the Lunch Room
We are a nut free cafeteria
We run on a prepayment system. All payments are due on Monday for the coming week. Credit cards payments are available on our web page or send a check with your child.
Please make checks payable to MNS.
Please note prices below.
We offer grab and go breakfast bags that your child can get for breakfast or snack time.
It consists of 14 different entrees
Juice, fresh or cupped fruit
and Milk.
Your child has 5 entrée options at lunch
Hot choice of the day, Yogurt meal,
Sunbutter and jelly, Protein Bowl, or
Chef Salad meal.
All choices come with a vegetable and fresh or cupped fruit.
Free Lunch for qualified students
Free and Reduced student receive free breakfast or bag
Full pay Breakfast or Bag 5 days @ 1.95 per day = 9.75
Reduced Lunch 5 days @ .40 per day = 2.00
Full pay Lunch 5 days @3.05 per day = 15.25
Daily Milk not accompanied by a meal
For all paid, reduced or free
5 days @ .50 per day = 2.50
Questions feel free to call Linda Ouellette
Between 6am and 2pm