MLE's School Counseling Corner
January 15, 2024
School Counseling Updates
Small Group and Lunch Bunches: Last semester's small groups and Lunch Bunches were a success and every group ended with a celebration! We had a wonderful time celebrating all the hard work your students put into group and developing their coping skills! Thank you to those who donated snacks and treats for our celebrations!
This month I am focusing on getting new groups and lunch bunches together.
Small Group Counseling is an excellent way to learn needed skills alongside peers. Each group focuses on one skill for 8-10 weeks, learning and practicing that important life skill. Groups may focus on coping skills, emotion regulation skills, social/friendship skills, self-management skills, coping with divorce, deployments, or long absences, or coping with grief and loss.
Lunch Bunches . Every Monday and Friday any student who wants to can come eat lunch with me and their peers. It is a fun time for students to eat, play, and socialize together. However, on Tuesdays, Wednesdays and Thursdays lunch with me will be for only selected students who may benefit from a smaller group working on connecting with others. It may not focus on one specific topic like small group counseling, but rather focuses on connecting with others and practicing social skills in real time.
If you are interested in your student participating in a small group or lunch bunch please call or email me at the information below. Teachers may also recommend students to small group or lunch bunch (students can also recommend themselves), in which case I will reach out to you with a phone call or a letter home
Classroom Lessons The month of January will be starting Bully Blockers curriculum for select classes. The Tough Kid Bully Blockers Book by Julie Bowen, Ph.D., Paula Ashcraft, M.S., William Jenson, Ph.D., and Ginger Rhode, Ph.D focuses on 6 skills for identifying and dealing with bullying. Those skills include: friendship builders, problem solvers, respecting differences, confidence boosters, and bully blocker tools.
Community Resources
United Wat Mat-Su Valley Resource Guide A packet with a wide range of community resources
Connect Matsu A searchable site to look for specific resources
A Quick Note About Confidentiality
School Counselors:
recognize their primary obligation regarding confidentiality is to the student, but balance that obligation with an understanding of the family or guardians' legal and inherent rights to be the guiding voice in their children's lives.
(MSBSD Elementary School Counseling Handbook)
Ms. Toni's Contact information:
If you have any questions, concerns, or would like your student to receive counseling services please reach out:
Direct Office: (907)352-6130
Front Office: (907) 352-6100
Email: toni.elmer@matsuk12.us