Twin Oak Tribune
Your #1 Source for Information (August)
Principal's Message
Twin Oak Elementary Families,
Greetings and I hope this newsletter finds you and your families happy and healthy!
What a wonderful start to the new school year! It has been wonderful seeing so many smiling faces upon the return to school.
I want to thank our amazing custodial crew for all of their hard work over the summer. As you enter our building and look around it is clear that a lot of time and energy went into ensuring our environment was safe, clean, and beautiful. Thank you!
In addition, I would like to thank our partners at New Life Nazarene for all of their volunteer work at Twin Oak Elementary. Their volunteers weeded our front entrance and mulched, they power-washed sections of the retaining walls, repainted our playground, and stained our picnic tables. The place looks great!
Don't forget to return the "I Scream, You Scream, We All Scream for Ice Cream" reading challenge by Friday, September 1st. We want to honor those students who read over the summer! Please help us by promoting reading at home every day. Reading for 20 minutes each day can expose a child to 1.8 million words each year. Reading daily can increase vocabulary acquisition, fluency, expression, and comprehension.
Also, a reminder that school fees are due. They can be paid either online or in person (cash or check accepted). In addition, transportation changes should be communicated with the building prior to 3:00pm.
Safety Update: For those of you dropping a child or children off in the morning, please make sure to use the upper loop. The front entrance of the building is used for those students that are exiting buses in the morning. With buses and other vehicles coming to the front entrance, dropping students off at this location is a safety concern. If you arrive after morning drop-off has occurred in the upper loop, please escort your child(ren) to the front office. Thank you for your help in this matter.
Please take a moment to review the list of important upcoming dates below. Thank you for all that you do!
As you continue to follow all of the wonderful things that are happening at Twin Oak Elementary, please feel free to follow us on Twitter at @TOSocialMVCSD.
A few important upcoming dates:
9/4 Labor Day: No School
9/22 Fit-A-Thon Kickoff
9/29 Fit-A-Thon
10/9 Book Fair Begins
10/13 Book Fair Ends
10/19 End of the 1st 9 Weeks
10/20 Teacher In-Service: No School for Students
Thank you!
Adam Mowery
Principal, Twin Oak Elementary
Title I School
Storm Snyder (2nd Shift Custodian)
Meet Storm! He is our 2nd shift custodian at Twin Oak and is a great team player. Although he has been working in the school setting for 6 years, he has been at Twin Oak for over a year now and has been a tremendous asset to the building!
When families walk in the doors of our building, we usually hear many positive comments about how clean, nice and welcoming our building looks from the outside to the inside! Storm is a huge reason why! Storm works hard to keep our building looking so good and takes pride in his work!
Outside of Twin Oak, he enjoys a good game of golf and riding his motorcycle! Someday, he would like to visit Hawaii or Europe! He keeps the office staff laughing with his good sense of humor and we are so grateful to have such a dependable custodian who goes above and beyond!
Nancy Sponseller (5th Grade Reading Teacher)
Nancy Sponseller is new to us this year and will be teaching 5th grade. Mrs. Sponseller taught kindergarten for 11 years and 4th grade for 6 years. She is now expanding her experience to 5th grade! She loves helping students reach their full potential and watching them connect their learning to everyday life.
Mrs. Sponseller lives with her husband and two children. Someday, she hopes to take her family to Disney World! Until then, they enjoy the beach when they can. She enjoys crafting, cooking, and hopes to meet a famous chef someday, such as Rachael Ray, Bobby Flay or Paula Deen. She loves the color yellow and enjoys her favorite treats - coffee and chocolate!
We are so excited that Mrs. Sponseller has joined the Twin Oak team this year. This is an exciting time in 5th grade!
Annie Johnson (3rd Grade Math, Science, and Social Studies Teacher)
Annie Johnson is another new member of our Twin Oak team! She will be teaching 3rd grade and although she’s new to us, she’s not new to education. This is her 12th year in a school setting and has taught kindergarten, 1st grade, 3rd grade and has also been an intervention specialist.
Mrs. Johnson loves getting to know her students, their interests and personalities. She loves seeing students apply what they learn in their own unique way. When she’s not teaching, you might find her reading, taking walks in nature, bird watching, riding bikes, camping, eating good food and spending time with my family and friends. She also loves singing and playing guitar!
Maddie (Intern)
Maddie may not be an elementary student, but she is a student earning her Master’s of Social Work at Arizona State University. She will be joining us a couple of days a week as an intern, working with Mrs. Burke! A fun fact about Maddie is that she attended Twin Oak when the doors were first opened! Maddie wants to be a social worker because she has seen the benefits of having someone who supports and loves you no matter what. She wants to commit her career to that care.
She is most excited to be at Twin Oak to get to hang out with and learn from our amazing students. She has already learned so much about gaga ball! When Maddie isn’t at Twin Oak, she is hanging out with her dog, Millie! Maddie is super energetic and is already known by so many of our students. We are lucky to have her this year!
Dhrumi (2nd Grade)
Brock (5th Grade)
Counselor's Corner
Counselor’s Corner
We are beginning our new school year with lots of excitement at Twin Oak! With the start of the school year, I’d like to welcome new students and families as well as existing students and families! The beginning of the school year can be fun and exciting but it can also bring stress with new friends, routines and change.
Here are some great tips to help you and your student manage the stress of the beginning of the school year and get it going as smoothly as possible!
Back-to-school Mental Health Tips
Back to School Lunch and Learn
I am happy to connect with you and I am here to help with any difficulties that pop up at the beginning of the school year. Please feel free to reach out and say hi! I can be reached at the contact information below. I can also be contacted via Class Dojo.
I’m looking forward to a wonderful school year!
Sara Burke
Social Worker
Twin Oak Elementary
Phone: (740) 393.5970 ext. 6533
Text: (740) 324-5017
Twin Oak Elementary School
Email: amowery@mvcsd.us
Website: https://www.mt-vernon.k12.oh.us/twinoakelementary_home.aspx
Location: 8888 Martinsburg Road, Mount Vernon, OH 43050, USA
Phone: (740) 393-5970
Twitter: @TOSocialMVCSD