Eagle Weekly
January 17, 2025
Principal's Message
Dear Families,
We enjoyed the winter weather this week! We had a snowy morning mile on Tuesday, enjoyed sliding on the hill at the recess and grades 3-4-5 went to the Edge center in Cherryfield to go ice skating!
RSU 24 school PBIS teams went to Bangor Cross Center for training this week. We worked on more of our systems to improve behavior and school climate at our schools!
A big congratulations to Mrs. Grant who got a Kindergarten Dramatic Play grant funded through DonorsChoose. She got all these fantastic items for our kindergartners through this project! Thank you to donors and to Mrs. Grant for providing our students with this enrichment!!!
- Melissa And Doug Melissa & Doug Star Diner Restaurant Play Set, 41 Pieces
- Melissa And Doug Melissa & Doug Let's Play House Grocery Cans with Lids
- Melissa And Doug Melissa & Doug Frozen Treats Play Set
- 20 Pcs Wooden Dollhouse Family Set of 16 Mini People Figures and 4 Pets, Dollhouse Dolls Wooden Doll Family Cosplay Figures Accessories for Pretend Dollhouse Toy (Cute Style)
- MITCIEN Kids Camping Set with Campfire, Play Tent , Binoculars, Oil Lantern, Toddlers Pretend Cutting Fruits, Marshmallow, Camping Toys Play Sets
- Learning Resources Large Calculator Pretend and Play Cash Register
- Small Foot Wooden Vegetable Garden Playset with Realistic Tools
A reminder that Sunrise Little League sign ups are available for ages 4-12! sunriselittleleaguemaine.com.
We are extending our snack drive for one more week, thank you so much for all the donations we've already received!
Have a great week!
Hayley Fenton, principal
A Look at Next Week
Monday 1/20 No School
Tuesday 1/21 PE-Bring Sneakers
Lunch: Fish Sticks
Lego Robotics Club 3-4pm
Wednesday 1/22 School Counseling Grades K-2, Art Grades K-1, 3-5
Lunch: Chicken Ramen
Thursday 1/23 -School Counseling Grades 3-5, Art Grades K-2
Lunch: Beef Chili
Friday 1/24 Library, Art Grades 2-5
Lunch: Pizza Day
Sandwich choice for January is Ham and Cheese.
Winter Fun
Grade 1
Wow! Can you believe we are half-way through January? Our 1st Grade Eagles have been extremely busy since returning from winter break!
In Handwriting they have been practicing printing. They have been working hard on letter placement and correct formation. They have been practicing f, h, and q, as well as writing words and sentences. Handwriting is an important skill because it improves memory, boosts comprehension, and increases overall learning.
In Math, they are just beginning to subtract! They are solving word problems with subtraction from 9 and 10. They will be working towards subtraction within 20 over the next few weeks. They are drawing pictures and using number bonds to help facilitate this skill. Continued practice of addition facts remains important, as they are also learning how to use addition to help check their subtraction work!
In FUNdations, they have been learning about base words and the letter s as a suffix. They have been identifying words with the suffix s as plurals or actions. These skills help them understand how words work and help them grow as readers and writers.
In Wit & Wisdom, the focus continues to be main idea and details. They have been listening to and discussing books each and every day! They have recently been exploring a story called, Never Smile at a Monkey. They identified the essential meaning of the text, the author’s points and reasons, how the illustrations help support the author’s point, and are now working on a writing piece. Their writing will include a topic sentence, two details, and a conclusion.
Thank you for your support with reading at home! I am very excited to see so much participation with the At-Home Practice! I hope you are enjoying the stories your 1st Grader is reading to you!
As always…we are so PROUD of our 1st Grade Eagles!
Grade 2
Greetings from Grade 2!
Second grade is off to a fabulous fresh start and already SOAR-ing into 2025!
This fantastic group of students has had some exciting growth, progress, maturity, and knowledge!
For ELA we have been working on elements of reading such as Main Ideas, Characters, Setting, and Topic Statements in addition to expanding our writing! This group is making great gains with handwriting and vocabulary comprehension!
We love books and learning about Fiction, Non-Fiction, and Biography. There have been a lot of engaging conversations around themes and questioning!
In Math, we have been working hard on Time, money, and place value! This group loves Math and has made some nice gains with Math skills!
We have started Maine Outdoor School again and love being back in Nature and doing hands-on Learning! For science, we are exploring winter and animal adaptations. There have been nice connections students are making with understanding migration, hibernation, and animals that are active in the winter.
Second Grade has come a long way with the SOAR expectations and we love all the fun things winter has to offer! Keep SOARing Second grade!
We have a goal of 10% or less chronic absenteeism this year! Chronic Absenteeism is defined as missing 10% or more of the school year (17+days). The more regularly your child attends school, the more successful they will be!
Our chronic absenteeism is at 20%.
Parent Teacher Organization
Our next Meeting is Thursday, January 30 @ 3:00pm!
Adult Ed
Check out this great offering from RSU 24 Adult Ed!
with Shannon Lindsay
Join ADHD coach, Shannon Lindsay, for a 4-week Zoom class to talk about ways to support children with ADHD, whether they are medicated or not. During these 1.5 hour classes, we will talk about a number of ways to help make your and the child's life feel easier and more managable.
This class is for parents, teachers, guardians, and any adult who cares about a child with ADHD. This is not a class for children themselves.
Session topics include:
1. What's happening to this child?
We'll talk about the ADHD Garden of symptoms, the 8 ways that Executive Dysfunction affects behavior, and what it means to have an interest based nervous system.
2. Routines and strategies
Even though your ADHDer might seem to revolt against rules, routines and strategies will make life easier for both of you. During this session, we'll talk about systems and routines you can put in place to provide your kid with a sense of predictability and structure.
3. Gadgets and gizmos
Remember the fidget spinner? Though a nightmare for teachers, there is a scientific explanation for why our ADHD minds crave gadgets and doodads to keep us focused. I'll give you some justification for why these are worth trying, and give some examples of some of my favorites.
4. Setting expectations
This, actually, is for the Guardians. For the most part, kids with ADHD are all too aware of what's expected of them and not being able to meet these expectations can lead to anxiety, depression, and more. We'll use this class to work on what we can reasonably expect from our kids, and how to help keep them on track when it seems like they're losing focus.
Rec Sports
Grades 3-4-5 Practices Tues/Thurs 5:30-7:00
Grades 1-2 Practice Tuesday 4-5 and Friday 1:30-2:30
PK/K Practice Wednesdays 4-5
After School Program News
Mark Your Calendar
Jan 13-24-Winter Fastbridge Testing K-5
Jan 20-No School
Feb 4-Family Game Night
Feb 7- Breakfast Buddies
Feb 17-21 February Break