Sacred Heart School 🤍
September 13th, 2024
K-6th Grade Students Need a Snack Every Day! 🍇
Friday Uniform for Mass Reminder:
Pants for the boys and everyone should wear a white or light blue dress shirt
Mark Your Calendars
Walk of Faith- Thursday, September 26th
Parents/Grandparents are welcome to join us!
Students and Staff at Sacred Heart School will host the Walk-of-Faith to pray for our community and to raise awareness for the Hudson Food Pantry. Our older students walk for several hours as we pray for our community, the poor and the unborn. We ask the students to raise money or to bring in food or non-food items that will stock the Hudson Food Pantry for the winter.
The younger students also participate through walking and prayer (just not as strenuous).
Food or non-food items can be donated to the school office any time between now and September 26th.
Thank you so much for your help with this Sacred Heart School service project.
Pet Blessing- Friday, October 4th at 2:00pm
In honor of St. Francis of Assisi, Sacred Heart School invites all critters from the community to join us for a blessing. Father Todd blesses the pets in the church parking lot right outside of the church doors. The children have a special connection to their pets and it is a fun tradition to gather and pray for our furry friends together.
Be in Our Heart Gala Saturday, November 9th Save the Date
We are excited to announce that magician Stuart MacDonald will be performing at this year’s event. It is a privilege to support Sacred Heart School, eat a delicious meal and enjoy world class entertainment right here in our own community. We are looking helpers and fresh ideas! If you have ideas for new and exciting raffle items or if you are able to donate vacation time, event tickets or a luxury item, please call or email Anne @ aatkin@sacredhearthudson.org
God Bless,
Anne Atkin, principal
Picture Day is Wednesday, September 18th 📸
Preschool students who do not attend on Wednesdays can come for pictures between 8:00-9:30
- You have 72 hours after picture day to order pictures with free shipping to the school.
- Then you will have to pay a shipping fee to ship to home until the retake day.
- After the retake day, the order process reopens to view the original and retake photos and you have 10 days to place an order to ship to the school.
- After that, all orders will need to be done online and will require a fee to ship to home.
Walk of Faith Schedule- Please join us!
A permission slip was sent home today with your child
Walk-of-Faith Schedule
We will eat lunch at school and follow the normal lunch schedule.
Pre-School and Kindergarten– will depart at 10:00 am and will walk to Memorial Park to play. ½ day Preschoolers- pick up will be at 11:00 at Memorial Park.
First and Second Grade- will depart after lunch at 12:30 and walk to Memorial Park. We will play at the park and return to school by the end of the day.
Third thru Sixth Grade-will depart at 12:15 and walk to Will Carleton Park. We will return by the end of the day.
News From Sacred Heart Preschool 🍄
So far this year in preschool we have been busy working on getting to know one another and getting to know the school and the classroom rules. We have also been busy working on the different colors. So far we have worked on the colors Red, Green, Yellow, and Purple.
Just a quick reminder for morning drop off. Parents, please make sure you are coming in and signing the preschool students in everyday. Please don’t just drop off and go. The only exception for this is the two or three students who ride the bus in the morning.
If you have any questions please feel free to contact me any time.
I hope you all have a wonderful weekend!
Miss Jessica
Join Father Todd for A Walking Pilgrimage
Upcoming Events
Monday, September 16th- 5th/6th Grade students go to St. Mary Cathedral in Lansing
Wednesday, September 18th- School Picture Day
Wednesday, September 18th- Wine and Cheese (SHS Grey Room) for volunteers who want to help us raise money for NEW WINDOWS
Thursday, September 26th- Walk of Faith. More information sent home today!
Friday, October 4th- First Friday Eucharistic Procession after 9:00am Children's Mass
Friday, October 4th- Pet Blessing at 2:00
Happy Birthday🎂
You can have a jean/jersey day on or around your birthday!
Kailey Grey 2nd Grade~ Aug. 22nd
Miles Shaw Kindergarten~ Aug. 29th
Ysabella Barnett 4th Grade~ Aug. 30th
Leo Benschoter Preschool~ Aug. 30th
Shiloh Plant Preschool~ Sept. 1st
Kensington Henning 2nd Grade~ Sept. 6th
Winston Incorvaia 1st Grade~ Sept. 15th
Brynley Monahan 2nd Grade~ Sept. 16th
Cole Strong 2nd Grade~ Sept. 18th
Nora Hart Preschool~ Sept. 21st
Jayla Kimling 5th Grade~ Sept. 24th
Hudson, MI
Sacred Heart School provides a faith-filled education built upon Catholic virtues and the life of Jesus Christ. Our students are balanced: confident of mind, academics and Catholic faith.
Every child experiences the living body of Christ, serves their neighbor, prays for wisdom and can see through the lens of our gracious, merciful and loving God.